Monday, September 30, 2019
Personal Philosophy Paper Assignment Essay
I think that individuals in a society should function in a way to help each other to sustain a community alive and well. In order to keep the flow within a society continuous, the individuals in the society should abide by the rules of their community, which are set to prevent disorder or avoid a halt a community’s progress, and in this way a society can go on with its processes. Individuals should respect each other, and the rest, within their community; it is on these bases that humans have evolved with the basic morals that we recognize today. However religions have improved and â€Å"streamlined†basic regulations of ancient communities, and those â€Å"dogmas†or rules, from whatever origin they’re from, are what influenced organizations to get to how they are today, like the Puritan, Anglican, and traditional British influences on the US Constitution. I believe that people should be educated especially if they are interested in receiving that knowled ge, preferably with vocational schooling or internships, just like the apprenticeships that were popular in Europe long ago, but as for less technical subjects or careers, the traditional lectures should be adequate, like it should be in a university. I think that schools should be free for those that would truly benefit and thrive in them, but they’re not. However some reasons why people do not support free college are not unjustified. Students who wouldn’t commit themselves to take advantage of that free education would be obviously wasting people’s tax money. But unfortunately I’m not sure that’s the only reason why college isn’t free, like it is in Europe and elsewhere. Along the lines of morals, I believe them to be as they are in the Christian tradition, but as for culture, since religion can’t explain that, I am left to decide myself what is better for me. I personally find the culture of 21st century America to be repulsive in some respects but worthy of credit in others, I find customs of other cultures to be interesting. Here in America, many are interested entirely in materialism in life and are often driven by greed and vain pleasure. There are too many that (specificall y and especially around the neighborhood and community where I live) steal, kill, fornicate, and commit all kinds of crimes and immoralities. One of the most heartrending things is the lack of spiritually zealous individuals, most are totally uninterested in what they participate in, and I think it has to do with the fact that they don’t know the history, the reason or rationality behind things. This is why I don’t have any close friends because none that I know of, or rather scarcely any fall into the categorizations that I respect. I have high regards for Sir Thomas More for keeping to his stand in the face of death and against the violation of what he held to be true and just. I also respect G F Handel for following through with his artistic passion, even when the situations where grim and difficult. There are several others, who I revere for their works and deeds, but I can’t make much use of these people’s legacies – I know I don’t have the capacity to accomplish feats at their level. I hardly have any skill, talent, or much else that is uniquely useful or applicable to anythi ng, and whatever qualities that I may genuinely have, they are of little use because I’m usually lacking in some other aspect that would otherwise allow me to accomplish a task effectively. I believe people in society do have responsibilities that are not written down, nor written out in some special contract, rather there are those responsibilities that are expected to be followed regardless of the circumstances. Raising a child to be compatible with social norms, communal requisites, and the law, is an example of these responsibilities, but of course there are other such responsibilities that are followed by people of all walks of life; but as everyone in this world had parents at one point in their life, the position as a parent is thus of upmost importance. Technically, as a parent or guardian you are required by the law to be the caretaker of your own son or daughter (i.e. not just expected), but the law doesn’t get too specific on other details, and as a result these seemingly minor but meaningful details often go unaccounted for. Because some people are unprepared to have children and they do unexpectedly, a â€Å"gap†is left in each individual thereafter, where ordinarily there would be certain skills that would help a person to be socially adept as well as have the ability to pass on those attributes or skills if that individual decides to have children of his/her own. Personally I know that I do have such a chink, and it is also present in both of my parents as well – my father grew up with about a dozen other siblings, and his father had to work in the fields from sunrise to sunset, while his mother had to do what else she could, such as tailoring or making dresses to raise some extra money, my mother on the other hand, grew up as if she was an orphan, her mother being the eldest of again about a dozen other siblings, my mother’s father having been lost to a casualty, her mother set out to find work, leaving my mother to live on her grandparents’ farm with her other uncles, au nts, and cousins, as if they were siblings. As you might expect, my parents grew up in poverty, never went to college, and had to find work in new frontiers, ending up in occupations unlike those of their own parents. I don’t think having children is wrong at all – far from that mentality – but I think that people should plan or be ready to have a child and provide them with all the nurture and attention they are supposed to give him/her, or else, a pattern of spiritual, mental, social, and emotional poverty could possibly repeat itself. If you ask me if I’d like to be employed in a trade like the one of my father, I would have to decline, because put simply, I have never even received any kind of preparation from my father (not that I need much) in the occupation that he is in today, and I don’t blame him. My father has always told me that he wants the best for me, and that he wants me to get a proper education in order to lead a better lifestyle than his own. However, I don’t feel as if I’ve been adequately prepared to achieve that.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Arrivals and departures: Essay
Meeting the child’s needs: Helping the child to feel safe and secure and to reassure them that their parent will come back for them. Agreements with parents : Share any dietary requirements , agree to any sleep pattern , parent to be encouraged to develop their own departure routine . The participation of children: Child will know where to hang coat , put belongings and were to go to begin the day. School / pre-school runs: Meeting the child’s needs: Time to talk about the day ahead ,good preparation routine to ensure no rushing Agreements with parents: Take child to agreed school at agreed time The participation of children: Encourage older children to be independent and carry their own belongings and to be organised Meal and snack time: Meeting the child’s needs: Ensuring the child is aware of when to expect snack times, have a basic hygiene routine before snack Agreements with parents: Ensure parents pass on information about meals , when a child needs to eat and what a child should or shouldn’t eat at certain times. With babies , ensure times of feeds are clear. The participation of children: Children must have a clear hygiene routine before eating , They must be clear about where meal and snack times will take place Sleep and rest: Meeting the child’s needs: Children will need a sleep routine to ensure they do not get over tierd Agreements with parents: Ask parents how much sleep their child will need , when their child should sleep and how the child likes to sleep The participation of children: Children should understand that sleep time happens at certain times of the day for example after lunch Play and activities: Meeting the child’s needs: The child knows when play time will be and can predict when they will be doing play or activites Agreements with parents: Any specific activities the parent may require to happen , for example a child to read their reading book when arriving home from school. The participation of children: Children need to to be aware of key times when it is time to stop play or activities , tidy time will be signalled by a certain piece of music or noise for example whistle or bell Off site visit and outdoor activities: Meeting the child’s needs: Ensuring children are safe at all times Agreements with parents: Agreeing with parents where you will go with their child The participation of children: Children must have specific routines for crossing roads , being at toddler groups or playing in the garden to ensure their safety Home and evening activities for school aged children: Meeting the child’s needs: Many children are tierd and hungry at the end of a school day so a routine is needed to help let the child rest and eat before any activity Agreements with parents: Parents need to inform childminder of any homework they would like the child to do whilst at the setting , for example reading books learning words The participation of children: Children will have a frim routine of collection from school , snacks , quiet time and homework Adapting routines Good routines help children to know and expect and understand what will come next, even young babies can fit into day to day routines. It is important to adapt routines to suit all of the children in a setting. An arrival routine can be adaped for a baby, toddler and school child . A parent and child will arrive at the setting they can then choose an activity thats set out in the morning , for example lego for a school age child, a farm for a toddler and noisey toys for baby. Once child settled the parent and childminder can share information needed to know and then the childminder takes over care sharing play with the child. During snack all children and babies can sit together at the table and drink , babies will need highchairs and the correct cups etc for their age . This will encourage a social time for all of the children. sleep routines can be adapted to suit all the individual needs, some children will need milk before bed others may need a story this could be shared and then children encouraged to sleep or this can be adapted for quiet time for older children. Welcoming and valuing Children that arrive into my setting will be welcomed with open arms , they will be made to feel completely at home, there will be familiar objects around to help them settle in. Each child will have their own space to put their coat and belongings. The children and parents will be asked what activities they like and what they like to do so that daily plans can be shaped around all children and their individual interests , this will create a good foundation for them to discover new things together , it will also help each child to feel valued to know that im interested in them and what they like to do . View as multi-pages
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The New Era after World War II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The New Era after World War II - Essay Example Both winners managed to contradict on the recent victorious battle on the Elbe by showing it from different perspectives and letting â€Å"coalition go to sunder†. Consequently, idealistic belief in international cooperation disappeared with the start of Cold War. On another hand, Churchill’s speech showed that all the actors in international relations seek for alliances. In fact, the spirit of this speech was to convince the American public that Soviet influence in Europe endangered the positions of both Britain and USA. In the given circumstances, Western countries should unite to resist. As a result, the rapid appearance of caricatures and public discussions let Soviet people say, â€Å"the old war is over, now the war with communism begins.†In order to sum up, it is evident that two World Wars did not teach the world to cooperate and prevent future conflicts. In this context, the very appearance of Cold War illustrates that rather realists than idealists wer e right on the nature and the balance of powers in international relations. Consequently, idealistic belief in international cooperation disappeared with the start of Cold War. On another hand, Churchill’s speech showed that all the actors in international relations seek for alliances. In fact, the spirit of this speech was to convince the American public that Soviet influence in Europe endangered the positions of both Britain and USA. In the given circumstances, Western countries should unite to resist. As a result, the rapid appearance of caricatures and public discussions let Soviet people say, â€Å"the old war is over, now the war with communism begins.†In order to sum up, it is evident that two World Wars did not teach the world to cooperate and prevent future conflicts. In this context, the very appearance of Cold War illustrates that rather realists than idealists were right on the nature and the balance of powers in international relations.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Social Learning Theory & Teaching Adolescents Research Paper
Social Learning Theory & Teaching Adolescents - Research Paper Example Although young adulthood is expected to end at 24 years, there is no clear event that marks it end (Park and Adam, 2006). At this age, most of the young adults are usually employed and have some source of income to take for their financial requirements. However, the health problems that young adults experience in the US are usually similar in spite of their age, gender and socio economic status. The health problems faced by this group range from mental to physical and psychological. The most threatening health problem that this group faces is mental problem which often leads to suicide. In the US, the suicide rate of young adults aged between 18 and 24 have tripled that of adolescents with the rate of males being six times that of females. These suicide cases have been attributed to health disorders that usually begin at age 24. According to researches, between the age of 18 and 24, over 50 per cent of young adults often experience mental disorder, with alcohol abuse and depression b eing the most common (World Health Organization, 2010). A part from mental disorder, young adults in the US also experience problems in their reproductive health.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Interview with a school princaple Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Interview with a school princaple - Essay Example It could be something as simple as the number of books a family has in their household or whether the parents are well off enough to play and stimulate their children. But we need a reality check. Is this true? Is this an all-abiding theory, which can explain differences in education results? The answer is that while it can occasionally provide some context, it is not really a theory and doesn’t tell us too much about the world. Some students have more opportunities than others, but there are many people from poorer background who succeed in everything they do. It is not a determining factor. That is part of the problem of social sciences is that they theories they propose are only ever contextual and not determinative. That is a shame. Sociology at its best tells us about ourselves and about the trends and demographics that are determining the shapes of our lives and how we should best respond to them. At its worst, sociology can be a sandbox in which different so-called scie ntists try to settle various political spats. This is much less interesting and important, but nevertheless often gets a lot of attention and research money. When we look at sociology and its possible impact on our lives we should try to do reality checks and expose phony and attention-getting theories so that we can focus on what is real. We need to focus on teaching in order to make a successful school. Supervision is key to making sure a school works well. In general, I try to cover a lot of ground in my school. I know the names of everyone on my staff and I try to be aware if any of them are having problems. The key, in my opinion, is to make sure that staff feel respected. It is not good to be watching their every move on camera. You need to give them room to be themselves. But also you must be vigilant. Generally, I get a good response from my staff on this subject. If I could change anything I would do my best to learn more
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Identify and discuss the concept of time to market with respect to the Essay
Identify and discuss the concept of time to market with respect to the commercialization - Essay Example Launching a product is the ultimate stage in its development and is the stage where most resources are put into play in acts such as advertisement of the product, its promotion and other acts aimed at marketing it. According to Kotler (2008), a marketer or the company must therefore decide on the action plan for introducing the product in the market through a proper implementation of its decisions through the development of a marketing mix that has a proper budget, of which timing is integral. The time to launch and market a product varies depending on companies or the marketer as well as how complex the product is and for the purposes of a marketer launching a product, time is defined as the period from the time the product is conceived until it is launched (Cooper, 2001). Time plays an important factor in the success of a product and it is important that marketers launch their products at the time when there is a good economic situation in order to reap from maximum sales of the products (Kotler, 2003). Market researchers have argued before that, in order to have a maximum uptake of your product that will ultimately lead to value addition of the product. The marketer must avoid any acts that may seem to be aimed at cannibalizing products that are already in the market and the products should only be launched when there are no improvements that can be made to it in the near future. Further, marketers must be aware that the commercialization plan can only be successful wh en the timing of the launch is the correct time (Masterson and Pickton, 2010). When faced with the danger of cannibalizing the uptake of other products marketed by the marketer or their sales, or when the economy is facing a downturn, the launch of the product should be delayed. Value creation a product intended for the market depends on a number of factors that must be able to satisfy the often compelling and competitive needs of the customer. This is because, by delivering products of
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Is The World Really Becoming A Global Village Essay
Is The World Really Becoming A Global Village - Essay Example This essay stresses that the majority of the world is still separated politically, economically, and culturally. People still fear the unknown, change, and those who look at the world with different perceptions and beliefs to theirs. War still rages, international crime continues, terrorist acts murder innocent people on a daily basis, and we still haven’t been able to feed the world. Why does the Western world think it has anything to offer? This paper makes a conclusion that it was not so long ago that the West smiled to itself when hearing reports telling of Chinese and Russians donning blue jeans and bopping to rock music. Somehow everyone knew that this meant that we were winning. And, perhaps, some of that confidence was justified – after all we are constantly penetrating the â€Å"enemy†through modern media, television, cinema, and the Internet. However, is the imposing of our brave new world really the best possible outcome? In time, perhaps, these barriers will be broken down as modern technology is implemented with physical networks, opening up new channels of communication. But at what price? Is man really capable of moving forwards without destroying cultures, traditions, and belief systems? Will we crush ethnic groups by enforcing our worldview in the name of progress? A look back at history doesn’t allow for much hope, and yet we must forge ahead if we are serious about becoming an inte rnational community that allows equality and the liberty of all mankind.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Toyota to move from Torrance to Texas; Automaker plans to create new Essay
Toyota to move from Torrance to Texas; Automaker plans to create new American headquarters with jobs shifting to Dallas area - Essay Example However, the company now does not import its vehicles and 75 percent to its branded cars sold in the United Sates are manufactured there. Most of them are manufactured in Toyota plants in Texas, Kentucky and Mississippi. There is a reason that could have led the Toyota Company not to use Los Angeles as a manufacturing point. These are: the distance from the market; and the distance from the inputs. Locating a manufacturing firm near its market helps in lowering the transportation cost of the output. With such companies, the monetary weight of output is more than the weight of the input thus the firm locates manufacturing points near its market (Hirsch and Undercoffer, 1). As is suggested by the observer, the move that shows that Toyota is trying to avoid high taxes in California is true. This is evident from the article. It is stated that, Perry visited California so as to recruit companies. He contends that 50 California companies have planned to grow and move to Texas as it offers a business climate that is better than California. The author of the article also states that, â€Å"Toyota could also save money in an environment of lower business taxes, real estate prices and the cost of living†(Hirsch and Undercoffer, 2). With the communication technology today, the Toyota Company should not feel compelled to relocate its headquarters closer to its manufacturing facilities. This is because technology enables companies to operate even when there is distance between its headquarters and the manufacturing point. The managers of the Toyota Company are able to run it even from another location. There are also other factors that may hinder Toyota Company from relocating its headquarters such as the cost of moving, the quality of life in the new location, the cost of living and the cost of operation in the new area (Busch, 1). However, the location of a
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Summary and opinion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Summary and opinion - Research Paper Example Bankers state that pricing an offering for the company to register quick gains once the trading begins is the best approach. This is because the strategy enables the company to improve its relationship with the big investors while at the same improving the reputation of the company in the market. However, too much of hype is detrimental to the success of the company in the market. This is because the investors who buy the shares during the first week are likely to sell them very quickly in order to make high returns. In order to avoid a runaway stock, the company should control the number of shares it offers in the market. This is to reduce the demand which might increase the prices. In addition, the company should control the information being released in the market to avoid creating unrealistic expectations among the investors (Raice, 2012). Some companies might prefer to raise as much money as possible once they introduce the shares in the market. This approach can work with investors who are likely to be patient. However, there is a high risk that the prices of the shares might decline in the first weeks of trading. Therefore, creating a strong investor relationship is very important in securing the future of the company. Therefore, the company should communicate effectively, observe the ethical standards, comply with the set rules, and audit its operations in order to identify the need to make changes (Raice, 2012). With the entry of the internet in the market, it is becoming very hard for the companies to control the pop associated with entering in the stock market. However, companies need to audit their books in order to know their worth before releasing the information to the market. This is to ensure that they have a strong base to support their operations in case the shares fail to raise the expected amount of money. This has seen many companies fail to reach the target as many of the initial
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Sales and Inventory Essay Example for Free
Sales and Inventory Essay Nowadays, technology is commonly used by people in different various fields. The breakthroughs of science and technology have been applied in many ways to commerce and industry. Some of the spin-offs of these breakthroughs eventually filter down to provide benefits for the average person. The best example of this is products that were invented during the space program, which have allowed engineers and other scientists to use these to new products and materials in manufacturing. In the field of communication, mobile phone is one of the innovations that are being used by millions of people around the world. Most operations like planning and scheduling depend on inventory. This study is about a system of a mobile phone company wherein a documentation of a sales inventory system is being proposed. Inventory control system is very important to understand system of inventory management. (Shore, 2002) A very old but very wise adage teaches that â€Å"a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step†. For businessman Guan Kay Lo, this adage holds true. He took the first â€Å"single step†in 1945 and established a small business which underwent several changes and challenges, an amazing journey, and through commitment, dedication, hard work and the miracle of time, it is now known as the Guanzon Group of Companies. The Guanzon MobiTek located at Perez St. Dagupan City uses a logbook wherein they record the products arrived and to be delivered to their branches. It is also used to record customers’ name and the product he/she had purchased. The System shall be established at the Guanzon Mobitek located at the Perez St. Dagupan City. (Lo, 2009) Statement of the Objectives The main goal of the study is to evaluate the current sales inventory control system of Guanzon MobiTek and come up with an enhanced inventory control system for the mobile company for a better inventory management and reduce risks of errors and fraud. It will seek to give an enhancement and design the company could adopt for a more effective and efficient inventory system. Specifically, the study aimed to: * Develop a system to manage sales and inventory products including add, update and delete record. * Develop a Password-secured program * Be able to impart our knowledge in Inventory System that would help the Guanzon MobiTek Significance of the Study Ensuring continuous growth of firm is the main proposal on this study. It explains that it is important for a company to monitor its products’ demand from consumers. When demand arises there must be a sufficient stock to meet it without delay. It should also provide that the production must always be available and in good. Guanzon MobiTek Company. Guanzon can adopt the recommendations to be done by the researchers to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their sales inventory control system. Customers. The system records the items purchased by the customer easily. Personnel. It helps the personnel to lessen the time of works regarding in checking and recording the products sold, unsold, and to be sold. Researchers of this Study. The researchers, being the main participants, will gain knowledge and experience to improve their skills. Future researchers. This research can provide basis and references for future studies related to inventories. Scope and Limitations This inventory system is designed and implemented to Guanzon MobiTek wherewith it is limited to the monitoring of stocks for mobile phones and mobile devices. Alert signals were being given to the user when stock goes beyond the reordering system. This study consists of adding, updating, and deleting record of the stocks. If the suppliers had delivered the company’s orders, the allowed personnel will login in this system then add the product including its quantity, model and the date delivered. For those unsold products, the personnel updates the records then delete the product. The proponents focused in monitoring the sales and inventory of the Guanzon MobiTek which is located at Perez St. Dagupan City. The study is limited on the system on how to record the sold, unsold, and to be sold mobile phone products of the company. Definition of terms Inventory management. Important for the business that sells a physical product to make the company’s system quick and reliable. Mobile phone. Mobile electronic device sold by the company which is used to make mobile telephone calls across a wide geographic area, served by many public cells. Sales management. Management of sales operation, it is an important business function as net cells through the sales of products and services. Computerization. To equip with computers. End user. The one who operates the computing system. Field. One piece of information, such as customer’s last name, or item’s code number. Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter deals with the different literature and studies base on different sources such as books, magazine and Internet. The related literature is written based on the needed information related to the system to provide the better understanding how Sales and Inventory System works and give a brief theoretical background. Data Processing or information, operation (e.g., handling, merging, sorting and computing) performed upon data in accordance with strictly defines procedures, such as recording and summarizing the financial transaction of a business. An automatic or electronic data processing the operations are performed by the computer. Computer Security techniques developed to safeguard information and information system stored on computers. Potential threats include the destruction of computer hardware and software and the loss, modification, theft, unauthorized use, or disclosure of computer data. Inventory serves a number of functions. Among the most important are the following: To meet anticipated customer demand. These inventories are referred to as anticipation stocks because they are held to satisfy planned or expected demand. Inventory management has two main concerns. One release to the level of customer service, that is, to have the right goods, in sufficient quantities, in the right place, and at the right time. The other relates to the cost of ordering and carrying inventories. The overall objective of inventory management is to achieve satisfactory levels of customer service while keeping inventory costs within reasonable bounds. The management has two basic functions concerning inventory. One is to establish a system of keeping track of items in inventory, and the other is to make decisions about how much and when to order. A system to keep track of the inventory on hand and on order.A reliable forecast of demand that includes an indication of possible forecast error. Knowledge of lead times and lead-time variability. Reasonable estimates of inventory holding costs, ordering costs, and shortage costs. A classification system for inventory items. However, inventory-counting system can be periodic or perpetual. Under a periodic system, a physical count of items in inventory is made at periodic intervals (e.g., weekly, and monthly) in order to each item. An advantage of this type of system is that orders for many items occur at the same time, which can result in economies in processing and shipping orders. But it has also several disadvantages. These are lack of control between reviews, the needs against shortages between review periods by carrying stocks and the need to make a decision on order quantities at each review. A perpetual inventory system (also known as a continual system) keeps track of removal from inventory on a continuous basis so the system can provide information on the current level of inventory on each item. An obvious advantage of this system is the control provided by the continuous monitoring of inventory withdrawals. Another is the fixed level quantity. One disadvantage of this approach is the added cost of record keeping. According to Ariel Magat (2002), he stated that the Inventory System of the vital to any institution, agency, or department. The proper safekeeping, processing and disposal of records play important roles in the efficient, effective and smooth operation that eventually, he stated that the Inventory System of the vital to any institution, agency, or department. The proper safekeeping, processing and disposal of records play important roles in the efficient, effective and smooth operation that eventually would lead to the success attainment of the goal and objectives of institution, agency and department concerned. Based on her recommendation there should be a central record management office that will hold data of the agency to serve as locator of the record and to control the disposal of each record. This can be possible through the use of computerized system. Computer with the appropriate software package is capable if handling records efficiently and effectively. And locating records that are computerized is faster tha finding them in the filling cabinet (Magat, 2002).
Friday, September 20, 2019
The effects of rape on victims
The effects of rape on victims Irina Anderson explores the current rape perception of both male and female rape and whether the respondents gender affects this perception in a journal article called What is a typical rape? Effects of victims and participants gender in female and male perception which was published in The British Journal of Social Psychology. This article also investigates the cultural lag theory of male rape. The findings in this study demonstrate that, contrary to predictions made at the start of the article, when asked to describe a typical rape, male and female, it was the stranger rape stereotype that was the prevailing way most used to describe this. It was also shown that instead of lagging behind female rape according to the stranger-acquaintance dimension, male rape was conceptualized in terms of other factor, for example sexual orientation, which were often deemed homophobic. I found this journal article interesting and accessible to read. After reading the hypothesis proposed at the begi nning of the article, I was intrigued to see that many of the predictions were in fact proved false at the end of the article, for example it was predicted that when asked to describe a typical rape participants would describe an acquaintance rape where as in previous years the stranger rape stereotype was the way most described a typical rape. However the results of this study show that in fact the stranger rape stereotype is still the predominant way people imagine a typical rape. This led me to question how much rape perception has actually changed in our society. I also found that both the aims and findings of the research were clear, accurate and relevant; they were clearly laid out and overall I found the article effortless to read. In addition the acknowledgment of the limitation to the research enhanced the article. The article begins by giving a brief summary of previous studies and research which has been carried out to investigate the same research topic. The ideas of acquaintance rape, where the victim is raped by someone known to them e.g. boyfriend, date, relative, friend, and stranger rape stereotype, where the victim is raped by someone unknown to them, are introduced and the ideas surrounding them are discussed. For example acquaintance rape is usually expected to happen indoors and the victim having spent time with the perpetrator prior to the rape. In contrast stranger rape is expected to happen outdoors, usually at night where the victim is grabbed, overpowered and raped. Date rape s also briefly discussed and used to support predictions that rape perceptions has changed considerably in the last few years due to increased media coverage of the topic. The issue of male rape is then raised and questions are raised such as are men raped in the same circumstances as women? It is describe d as more frequent phenomenon than previously believed. The ignorance and disbelief surrounding male rape creates myths and misconceptions in society for example Most men who are raped are homosexuals. This makes some researchers believe that male rape perception is lagging behind that of female rape, that is current male rape perception is at the stage female rape perception was at years ago in terms of the knowledge people have of it. I believe the author has succeeded in successfully introducing the research topic and conveying the main aims of the research. The one possible fault I have for the introduction is that the author does not discuss why she feels the topic of research is important and why she decided to carry out the study. I believe this would enhance the article even more for the reader. In the method section of this article Anderson explains in detail how the study was carried out. She describes how one hundred and nineteen undergraduate students were asked to take part; she also lists their gender and ethnicity. The participants were asked to describe what they believe to be a typical rape. Both male and female were included. The gender of the participant and the gender of the victim were the independent variables. Participants were assigned randomly so that women could be assigned to either a female rape or a male rape. Similarly men could be assigned to either female rape or male rape. They were asked to include details that led to the incident, details of the incident itself and details following the rape. Characteristics of the victims and the perpetrator including feelings and thoughts were also asked for. Anderson then moves on to describe how these accounts of typical rapes given by participants were analyzed. She describes the coding manuals given to coders who must sort the participants text into text which adhere to characteristics of the stranger rape stereotype and those which describe an acquaintance rape. This is the most important section of the article; any deficiencies would undermine the validity of the results. The only deficiency I could locate in this section was the fact that all the participants were university students; however the author recognizes this as a limitation at the conclusion of the article. Overall I found this section of the article to give a very comprehensive account of how the study was carried out. It covers all aspects that are important to the aims of the article. In my opinion the results section of this article is excellent. The findings are clearly laid out for the reader. Headings help divide the finding into different sections for example testing hypothesis 1 and frequency of category use in female rape. These headings also help list the results in terms of the original research question and predictions given at the beginning of the article. Tables are also used which illustrate different types of categories of description used by participants and the number of female and male who used these categories. Direct quotations are also inserted to give the reader insight into the types of descriptions participants gave which I found very interesting e.g.: due to the physical difficulty of male rape the perpetrator would typically be larger and stronger than the victim. The author acknowledges the results do not match the predictions made at the beginning and explains the possible reasons for this by stating perhaps researchers presumption that societies rape perception has evolved is in fact false and perhaps our perceptions have not progressed as much as it was thought. The cultural lag theory of male rape was only partly supported by the findings. Although female rape was described more in terms of acquaintance rape than male rape, the other aspect of the theory, that male rape would be described in terms of stranger rape stereotype more than female rape, was not supported. In fact many other factors played a part in the description of male rape such as penetration, the rapists strength and power over the victim and the victims shame and humiliation. Thus proving that female and male rapes are conceptualized along different continuums. The results overall highlight the importance of periodically examining rape perception and the effects of gender. The discussion section addresses the main findings of the article and any new information gained which can be added onto previous information discovered in previous research. Anderson discusses the reasons behind the participants which described a typical rape in terms of the stranger rape stereotype. It is here blame attributions are discussed. Anderson notes it is a possibility that participant didnt write more about acquaintance rape as they assumed the victim would therefore be more blameworthy. This is strengthened by the fact that women, when describing a female rape, used the stranger rape theory more than men and similarly men, when describing a male rape, used the stranger rape stereotype more than women. This perhaps proves that when writing about a victim of their own gender they preferred the stranger rape stereotype as they believed it would steer the blame away from the victim. In my opinion this article contains all the key elements of a good journal article. From the beginning the author explains clearly the key arguments and main points of the text. She also includes relevant background information and makes concrete predictions. The method and results of the study are clearly laid out and are easy to follow. Another aspect covered in the text is the acknowledgment of its limitations. Any good journal article is aware of the limitations of the findings and in this article they are clear. The way in which male rape is discussed is quite interesting as it not a subject many articles discuss. The idea of the lag theory was also remarkable, that the situation of male rape perception in society today was that of female rape years ago. Also the fact that males themselves described male rape in a homophobic and mocking tone intrigued me. For example, one of the two bufties edge towards the lone man. One of the very few limitations in this text is that all the p articipants were students from one university, a population which may be more aware of rape than the general population. It is noted that a study of the perceptions of rape held by police, medical personnel and juries may enhance findings in the future. Another fault I have with this article is that I believe the author should go into more detail on why she thinks this research is important and why she decided to conduct this study. In addition, while reading the findings of this research it struck me that another reason the majority of participants chose a scenario which adheres to the stranger rape stereotype is they may feel under stress to give certain answer or they may try to please the researchers by giving the answer they believe the researchers desire. In conclusion, I found this article to be comprehensive, relevant and interesting. All main ideas are clearly stated and concrete predictions are made from the start. The results examine the effects of gender in rape conceptualization and the importance of examining male rape alongside female rape to gain further insight into the differences in gender perception. A broader source of participants is acknowledged as a future improvement that could be made to studies such as these. The results section of the paper is, to me, the most impressive section. The findings are examined in a concise manner, taking particular notice of the reasons the results contradict the predictions made at the start. Overall I think this is an excellent example of a psychological journal article, it adheres to all the guidelines which helps make a journal article impressive and overall I found it hard to fault
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Death Penalty: Justifiable Essay -- essays research papers
The Death Penalty: Justifiable -Preface: Let it be noted now that this speech is very opinionated. Â Â Â Â Â I strongly believe that the Death Penalty is a form of punishment to be used when needed. Which opens up the question, when should it be used? That may be the breaking point in a lot of arguments, deciding when to use the death penalty is a very touchy subject. I believe that only murderers deserve the death penalty, but I do not believe that all murderers should receive it as punishment. In cases where someone was killed in self defense, the 'murderer' should not receive the death penalty. But when someone is killed in cold blood then there should be a consideration. Again, not all cold blooded murderers should receive it. Premeditated and sometimes on the spot murders are also candidates, but that depends on how the victim was treated before the murder. Was he/she abused or tormented in a severe way? Or was the victim raped? I would also take into account, the number of people killed by the murderer. Those are not the only things to take into account, but I will stop here. Â Â Â Â Â It was August 3, the year was 1986. A man named Esquel Banda had just raped, stabbed and strangled a 74 year old widow by the name of Merle Laird in her own house. Banda then sucked the blood from the woman's mouth. Â Â Â Â Â Does that describe a kind, gentle man, who is not a threat to society? A ma...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Music Essay -- Filmmakers, Diegetic Sounds
Music plays a critical role in the narrative films as it is important technique that filmmakers use to support the narrative and influence the way that the viewer interacts, responds and interprets the events as they unfold. The godfather, which is one of all time Hollywood movies, represents a good use of music that succeeded in supporting the dramatic events that take place in the movie. Moreover, both diegetic and non-diegetic music in the godfather movie are used to achieve the overall purpose by using the different principles and functions of film music that range from setting the mood of the viewer to providing continuity within the movie. In this essay, we will take part of the godfather movie in which we can observe and analyse the role of the music in the film (00:30:52- 00:35:52) In the beginning of the clip (0:30:52), as the dissolve take us from the previous scene where ,Mr. Woltz , a wealthy studio head, refused angrily the request of Don Vito Corleone to cast Johnny Fontane in one of his movies, the dissolve take us to the next scene where we see Mr. Woltz's house from outside. As the dissolve takes place, a diegetic sound of night insects are heard and even before the next scene comes up on screen. The diegetic sound of night insects provides continuity between the first and the second scene and carry the viewer across a temporal ellipsis of hours (00:30:49-00:30:53) . Moreover, the night insects sound in the next scene (00:30:53-00:31:00) suggests the approach of night and the calmness in Mr. Woltz's house and that to show the difference between the beginning and the end of the scene (00:30:53-00:31:00). Then, as the shot gets closer to the window of Mr. Woltz's bedroom (00:31:03), a non-diegetic music of th... ...(00:32:50-00:33:18) . Then, the scene goes back to don Corleone as he listens to Tom Hegan talks about Sollozo. Suddenly, Don Corleons asks Tom Hegan about Sollozo's prison record and then non-diegetic music runs focusing our attention on the interesting discussion they have about Sollozo and the decision they should make regarding co-operating with Sollozo.(0:33:19-00:34:11) In conclusion, music role in the selected clip from the godfather represents a great use of both diegetic sounds and non-diegetic music that help the viewer of the narrative film to illustrate and interpret the dramatic events as they unfold. Moreover, Setting the mood, providing continuity between scenes and intensifying rhythm and pacing were the principle functions of film music that were used in the selected clip to achieve the overall goal of the use of music in the scenes. .
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Anna Livia Plurabelle: The Lost Truth of Feminine Subjectivity :: essays research papers
Anna Livia Plurabelle: The Lost Truth of Feminine Subjectivity The oppressed, repressed, and impressed subjectivity of feminism finds a new opportunity to assert its true self against the stultifying atmosphere of modernism and identity-oriented crisis of postmodern ambience by appealing to the unique characterization of Anna Livia Plurabelle which frequently oscillates phallocentrism and proves the me'connaissance of male selfism and female-otherness to establish a new doctrine based on the fact that the male subjectivity as a desceptionary ruling self is subverted through the intermittent alterity that the indispensable feminine Being-Anna Allmazifull-makes possible. Anna Livia Plurabelle (ALP) represents a kind of discourse (gramma's grammer) that grammatologically brings forth a new status in which feminine otherness is altered into an origin that governs all patriarchal claims postrated and confirms them margin subject to feminine alterity. To achieve a full subjectivity through alterity, Joyce appeals to dream, a means in which the self is fully lost and the process of becoming other flows without the trammel that consciousness brings about. Dream contains potentiality to make one which is two-Anna Livia and her daughter Issy or Anna and Kate. Anna lives so many lives especially her pre-self (Issy) her own current self, and her post-self (Kate) to certify feminine power which dwells in the male unconsciousness. Also, through dream, the three processes to which Freud refers as distortion, displacement, and condensation, are depicted to give more authenticity to gramma's grammer. That is through these processes the unconscious is structured to appeal the logic with the purpose of proving the nature of real feminine subjective manipulation over male-made canon. Hence the term alterity. Tracing back the origin of alterity, one comes to term with sexuality as a genetic drive, in possession of female. Again, at this point Anna Livia stands at the head as an invincible representative of women and manipulates the condition through her top hand. Anna who is prayed as "†¦ Allmazifull, the Everliving, the Bringer of Plurabilities †¦ (FW: 104.1-3) dissipates HCE into Howth Castle and Environs and gives us an important key to establish the motif of stone as death and the delineation of the creative power of sexuality reminds us the tree motif as life: so, the dialectic of stone and tree metaphorically stands for the dialectic of death and life within the sphere of the Hegelian Absolute Being (ALP).
Monday, September 16, 2019
Fetal Pig Extra Credit Essay
Dissection Exercise 3 1. How do the locations of the endocrine organs in the fetal pig compare with those in the human? They are similar except for the pancreas and the adrenal glands. In the fetal pig, the adrenal glands are medial to each kidney and inferior to the pancreas rather than atop to kidneys and superior to the pancreas as in humans. 2. Name two endocrine organs located in the throat region? Thymus gland and thyroid gland. 3. Name three Endocrine organs located in the abdominal cavity. Adrenal glands, pancreas, and gonads. 4. Given the assumption that human beings have more stress than adult pigs, which endocrine organs would expect to be relatively larger in humans? The adrenal glands. 5. Explain why the thymus gland in the fetal pig is so large, relatively speaking. It is so large because it is still a fetus and it will shrink as the big matures. Dissection Exercise 4 1. Is the fetal pig’s lymphatic drainage pattern basically similar or dissimilar to that of humans? Similar. 2. What is the role of the following? a. Thoracic duct: Receives lymph and drains lymph from everywhere except for what the right lymphatic duct covers. b. Right lymphatic duct: Drains lymph from the right upper extremity, head, and thorax delivered by the jugular, subclavian, and bronchomediastinal trunks. 3. What differences did you observe between the origin of the common carotid arteries in the pig and in the human? In the pig, the left common carotid artery originates from the brachiocephalic trunk while in humans the left common carotid artery originates from the aortic arch. 4. How do the relative sizes of the external and internal jugular veins differ in the human and the pig? In the fetal pig, both internal and external jugular veins were about the same size in diameter. In humans, the internal jugular vein has a larger diameter than the external jugular vein. 5. How do the brachial veins in the pig differ from those of human? The brachial veins in the pig follow the same path along with the brachial arteries. 6. What difference did you note between the origin of the hepatic portal vein in the pig and in humans? They are similar except that the fetal pig has a gastrosplenic vein and a gastroduodenal vein instead of a splenic vein and left gastric vein as in humans. 7. Define the following terms. Ascending aorta: The ascending part of the aorta as it emerges from the left ventricle. Aortic arch: The part of the aorta that arches and turns downward. Descending thoracic aorta: The descending part of the aorta that branches into the thoracic and abdominal aortae. Descending abdominal aorta: The distal part of the descending aorta, below the diaphragm; it is continuous with the thoracic aorta. Dissection Exercise 5 1. Are the cartilaginous rings in the pig trachea complete or incomplete? Incomplete 2. How does the number of lung lobes in the pig compare with the number in humans? Pigs have 4 lobes in the right lung and 2 lobes in the left lung. Humans have 3 lobes in the right lung and 2 lobes in the left lung. 3. Describe the appearance of lung tissue under the dissection microscope. Dense since the lungs haven’t been inflated yet. 4. Why did the segment of lung tissue, cut from the fetal pig’s lung, sink when placed in water? The fetal pig has not yet used the lungs to breathe so they are dense and deflated. Dissection Exercise 6 1. Several differences between pig and human digestive anatomy should have become apparent during the dissection. Note the pertinent differences between the human and the pig relative to the following structures. Structure| Pig| Human| Dissection Exercise 7 1. How do the structure and connectivity of the urinary bladder of the fetal pig differ from those of the urinary bladder of the human (or adult pig for that matter)? The fetal pig’s urinary bladder is collapsed elongated sac that lies between the umbilical arteries. This is due to the fetal use of the allantois. 2. What differences in fetal elimination of nitrogenous wastes account for the structural differences described above? The fetus gets rid of wastes via the allantois. 3. How does the site of urethral emptying in the female pig differ from the termination point in the human female? In the female fetal pig, urine is emptied into the urogenital sinus while in a human female urine is emptied through the external urethral orifice which is separate from the vagina. Dissection Exercise 8 1. The female pig has a Y-shaped (bipartite) uterus; that of the human female is pear-shaped (one-part). Explain the difference in structure of these two uterine types. 2. What reproductive advantage is conferred by the pig’s uterine type? The ability to produce litters. 3. Cite differences noted between the pig and human relative to the following structures: A. Uterine tubes or Oviducts: In the fetal pig, the uterine tubes are tiny and relatively much shorter than in a human. B. Urethral and vaginal openings in the female: In the female fetal pig, the urethra and vagina meet to create the urogenital sinus. The urethra and vagina in a female human never meet and are separate from one another.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Bharti Airtel Outsourcing
* Bharti Airtel aimed to be a low cost provider in the highly capital intensive telecom industry. They needed to keep pace with the rapid growth of their customer base, which was growing at almost 100 percent per year. Their strategy was to acquire new customers and achieve low cost per minute, but it required huge capital investments. * They outsourced everything and concentrated only on marketing, sales and distribution. They redefined the core activities in telecom industry and concentrated all their resources in acquiring and retaining customers. There were two parts to the Outsourcing deal between Bharti and telecom vendors. First was build up, maintenance, and servicing of the telecom network to equipment vendors Nokia, Siemens and Ericson. Then there was the deal with IBM to provide all in all IT solutions. 1) Advantages of Outsourcing their Network management to Ericsson, Nokia, & Siemens: * Keeping pace with network expansion due to faster installations. * Freed the manageme nt of time consuming budgeting, tendering, financing, purchasing and installing process.They could now focus on core competencies of the company. * Shift from short-term agreements with equipment vendors to long term commitments to get better bargains and service. * Bharti will pay for network capacity (erlangs) only when it up and running. No need to pay for unused capacity. This solved the problem of conflict of interest between Bharti and the network suppliers. * Increased flexibility, no need to make huge capital investments will enable transferring of the risk to the network supplier. No Production costs( no capital investments, no labor costs), reduced Transaction costs as no need for new tenders every six months( reduced search & contract costs, reduced enforcement costs because of implementation of relational governance, lower adaptation costs because of pay for use model) * They were able to achieve Predictable Cost Model, no unplanned expenditures. Use the savings in capit al expenditure in focusing on new customer acquisition, building new services etc. Disadvantages of deal with Ericsson, Nokia, & Siemens: The project might be difficult to manage and become increasingly complex because of the involvement of 3 vendors to provide the network management. * There might be resistance from the existing employees to get transferred to vendor companies because of the cultural barriers that may arise. * There is a chance of developing rivalries among the 3 vendors if the margins and competition starts getting stiff. * Wastage of installed capacity. * It will increase their dependence on vendors. After a period of time they may move on the back foot in negotiation meetings with vendors. No previous deals of such outsourcing has happened and hence risk is high Advantages of end to end IT management Outsourcing deal with IBM: * Airtel can now concentrate on their core business activities of marketing and sales. * Revenue sharing agreement thus there was big inc entive for IBM to make the outsourcing deal a success. Reduced opportunism by the vendor. * Solved the scalability issue. * Avoid major increases in capital expenditures in IT. * Gain access to IBM’s rich talent pool, IBM’s expertise in IT. They can work together to create new products and services. (Value added services). * No Production costs ( no capital investments, no labor costs), reduced Transaction costs (reduced search & contract costs, reduced enforcement costs because of implementation of relational governance, lower adaptation costs because of revenue sharing model). Disadvantages of deal with IBM: * Excessive dependence on IBM and if they are not able to provide many innovative solutions, then Airtel won’t be having any option to go with a new vendor. There was a concern that the applications not supported by IBM may become obsolete * Revenue sharing was a new model which Airtel and IBM were trying for payments. As both of them didn’t have an y experience in it, there was a considerable risk because of the unforeseen uncertainties. 2) How would you structure the agreements to address your concerns and capture any advantages you have identified? Structure of Agreement with IBM * There should be some provision of fixed and minimum costs for the revenue share in the agreement. IT applications not supported by IBM should be available to ensure they don’t get obsolete. * The terms and conditions in the contract should be flexible enough to cover the changing environment dynamics over the period of 10 years. * Furthermore not all the details of the partnership can be written in the agreement. So a joint governing body should be formed to manage the arrangement and resolve the issues. * Agreed metrics to measure the quality of IT services provided by IBM. Structure of Agreement with Ericsson, Nokia, & Siemens: Network and Operations Management should be transitioned to the vendors in a phased and planned manner under con stant observation. * To tackle the concern of cultural barriers while working for the vendors, the Airtel employees should be absorbed on the same TnCs as they were working in Airtel. * Further recruitment of new employees should be the responsibility of vendor. * The expectations and duties of all the 3 vendors should be properly outlined and explained to prevent development of unnecessary tensions and unhealthy competition among them. The vendors should be continuously monitoring the networks and provide rapid response once the issue has been identified by them. * To be fair with the vendors if the network capacity remain unused for a major period of time, some part of payment should be done to them or it can be redeployed at other sectors. What measurements, rewards and penalties, and other governance mechanisms would you design for these two different agreements? With IBM * Strategic Alignment Measurements Process Performance Metrics – % of orders not delivered within the promised date, % of inaccurate and incomplete orders, Percentage of escalated cases, Through output. * Metrics to measure innovation – No of innovative ideas provided over a period of time. Ericsson, Nokia and Siemens * Performance Measurement and Quality Metrics – Call drop rate in the peak hours, Call drop rate over a cellular circle, Average Issue Resolve time, amount of time (measured in milliseconds) taken by data to travel from one location to another across a network etc.Penalties on the vendor if the performance of a cellular circle is not good over a period of time due to high call drops. * Customer Experience and Satisfaction Measurements -Network Availability, Call Accessibility measure eg. how many customers fail to make a call in the first attempt , Call Retainability, voice quality etc. * Management of Resources – Utilization of resources, Amount of time taken to meet request or demand, Capacity of the resource etc. Reward and appreciation for the employees who are able to solve the issues in minimum time. * Risk assessment – Security over the network etc.
Colgate Segmentation Essay
Concept of Working Capital Working capital refers to short-term funds, need to meet operating expenses. It refers to the funds; to finance its day-to-day operations. It is concerned with current assets and current liabilities. If a firm can’t maintain a satisfactory level of working capital, it may become insolvent or bankrupt. Broadly there are 2 concepts of working capital, such as: 1. Gross Working Capital (Quantitative Concept) 2. Net working Capital (Qualitative Concept) Both these concepts of working capital have operational significance. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. The ‘gross concept’ emphasizing the ‘use’ and the ‘net concept’ emphasizes the ‘source’. 1. Gross Working Capital The total current assets are termed as the gross working capital. It is also known as quantitative or circulating capital. It refers to firm’s investment in short term assets such as cash, marketable securities, accounts receivables, prepaid expenses, inventories etc. Significance a. Optimum investment in current assets. -: Inadequate working capital leads to insolvency and excessive will lead to less profitability. Financing of current assets. -: If funds arise it should be invested in short term securities, don’t keep it idle. 2. Net Working Capital The excess of current assets over current liabilities represents net working capital. It may be positive or negative. Net working capital indicates the liquidity of the business. Significance a. Maintaining Liquidity Position-: Current assets help in meeting financial obligations. Generally for every one rupee of current asset there should be one rupee of current liability. b. Extent of long term capital n financing current assets-: If there are Rs 100000 current assets and Rs 75000 current liabilities then NWC is Rs 25000, and it supposed to be financed from long term funds. Efficient management of working capital involves control over the current assets and current liabilities, which are the main components of working capital. 1. Components of current assets: Currents assets are those, can be converted into cash within a year. It consists of cash, marketable securities, inventories, debtors, prepaid expenses. 2. Components of current Liabilities: Current liabilities are those to be paid in a year. It consists of creditors, short-term borrowings, taxes and proposed dividends.  To ensure optimum investment in current assets. †¢ To ensure adequate flow of funds for current operations. †¢ To speed up the flow of funds. †¢ Maintain liquidity and profitability. Maximize shareholders’ wealth possible only when there is sufficient return. †¢ Discharge day-to-day liabilities. †¢ Protect the business from adverse effects in emergencies. †¢ Determines the relevant levels of current assets and their efficient use. To sustain sales activity. Sales don’t convert into cash immediately. It needs time to collection of cash. For maximization profits or minimize working capital cost and maintain balance between liquidity and profitability, we need to maintain a balance in working capital. It should not be excessive or inadequate. Firm should manage adequate working capital to run its business †¢ Excessive working capital means idle funds which earns no profit. †¢ Inadequate working capital disturbs production and weakens the firm’s profitability. Danger of Excessive Working Capital †¢ It results in unnecessary accumulation of inventories, which lead to mishandling like waste, theft and losses. †¢ It is indication of defective credit policy and slack collection period. This leads to higher bad debts that reduce profits. †¢ It makes managerial inefficiency. †¢ Accumulation inventories tend to make speculative profits grow. This type of speculation makes the firm to follow liberal dividend policy and difficult to cope up with in future when the firm is unable to make speculative profits. Danger of Inadequate Working Capital: It declines growth because it’s difficult to undertake profitable projects for non-availability of working capital. †¢ Difficult to implement operating plans and achieve firm’s target. †¢ Difficult to meet day-to-day commitments. †¢ Inefficient utilization of fixed assets. †¢ The firm unable to avail attractive credit opportunities. †¢ Firm loses its reputation. The continuing flow from cash: to suppliers: to inventory: to accounts receivables and back into cash is operating cycle. 1. Operating cycle for manufacturing firm: ` Stock of raw material is held in order to ensure smooth production. Similarly stock of finished goods has to be carried out to meet the demand. 2. Operating Cycle of a Non-manufacturing Firm Non-manufacturing firms are wholesalers, retailers, service firms. They will have the direct conversion of cash into finished goods and into cash.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Mtv Research Paper Essay
The first song that was played on MTV was called â€Å"Video killed the Radio Star†. It was sung by a group called The Buggles. This was a very popular song all over and it was deemed a good choice for the first song broadcasted. Many people also believed that the meaning of the song was that MTV, the new music video broadcasting station was going to destroy the radio. Some people thought that the song was performed live, but it was just a video. MTV was quite a big hit by the 1990’s. It was viewed in over 50 million American homes. It became a target for all advertisers because of the number of young viewers that watched MTV. The kids would beg their parents to buy the products they saw on the advertisements and it made out to be a good investment for advertisers. The attention and money that the advertisers brought in was good for MTV because they got more offers to get commercial time which means more money for them. Some people that were on MTV when it was in its first few years were Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Sheryl Crow, Cranberries, and Nirvana. They helped to kind of kick off the show and set it up for successful years to come. There are also some big-named people who probably played music from that MTV which helped to jump start their career. Madonna, Michael Jackson, Prince, Peter Gabriel, U2, and Duran Duran were some of the people that were all a part of MTV at one time. In a way, these people also helped MTV to get a good start too. The more big names that they brought in the more attention they got from viewers. This was good for the singers and MTV. The target audience that MTV chose was teens age 12 to 21. With this age group, they found that they got very good viewing rates. Artists whose songs were played on MTV found that the sales of their song increased. This is what gave advertisers the idea that they could do good business if they had an ad on MTV. With this targeted audience, they also found that their viewing rates continued to rise. Today they still target the same audience and they are still very successful in the way that they draw the audience. There have been a few changes in MTV since the start. They released a new logo after 30 years. It is not much different. It is just a little bit bigger and it is one color. The last was a mix between a few colors. The old one was designed by Frank Olinsky and it was a very big hit, but it was just time for a change. In 1986, the President and CEO, Robert Pittman left. There is no exact explanation why but he did. Over time, they started to show more reality shows than anything else. Some people liked the change to more reality shows but some people like the old school music videos all the time. There were some companies and investors that made it possible for MTV to even start. Warner Communications and American Express were big investors that helped in the starting of the show. Warner Amex was basically the main establisher and owner for about five years after the start. Then, in 1986, Viacom purchased MTV from Warner Amex. Now Viacom is the owner with all rights to MTV. There are other networks that MTV and Viacom own. They own VH1 that was released in 1985 and its purpose was to play adult contemporary. Then, in 1996, MTV2 was released to allow fans to see commercial free music videos. MTV (the original) became available in Manhattan and Los Angeles. Many people called this the second launch of MTV. They also own all Nickelodeon stations, Comedy Central, and CMT. This is not all; it is just a few that you may know. Although MTV has been very popular, it has also had a few controversial shows that some fans did not agree with. â€Å"Beavis and Butthead†was very controversial because some viewers felt that it was pointless and that the language was a bad influence for some of the younger audience that watched it. â€Å"Celebrity Deathmatch†was a part of this list because it made fun of the celebrities and it had bad language and violence. â€Å"16 and Pregnant†was another show that some people did not like because it could encourage some of the younger viewers to engage in sexual intercourse which is the problem with the people on the show. It is meant to deter kids from ending up like that but it only encourages some. â€Å"Jersey Shore†was the last show that people did not agree with. They believe that the people on the show are irresponsible and kids these days may think it’s cool and try to be like them. Over the years, MTV has had an impact on our generation, but also on our parents’ generation. A lot of younger teens’ parents that are around (14) grow up watching MTV. It is not the same now as it was then because of the popularity in different kinds of music over the years and they are now showing more reality shows. MTV also has an effect on its viewers. Most people that have ever seen MTV are probably hooked on it and they like to watch it. Also, the persuasion by friends to tell other friends to watch it because it is ‘cool’; and you aren’t if you don’t watch it. MTV has been very important over its years in various ways. It has brought a whole new way to experience music. Before MTV, you could only hear music over the radio, but when MTV aired, it played music videos, which was a whole new element to music over all. They have also helped lots of artists to grow and become more popular with just a few minutes of air time. This gas truly helped many people become more popular. With music videos,many people became more persuaded into buying the song even though they may not like the song. Even if they really like the video, they would still buy it because of the video and they weren’t paying attention to the song. It is very smart on the part of the broadcasters because they could just draw in an audience with an exciting video and you would think nothing of the song, just the video.
Friday, September 13, 2019
The socio-cultural repercussions of Language identiity on English as a Essay
The socio-cultural repercussions of Language identiity on English as a Second Language instruction - Essay Example Most of the business activities are international at present because of the Globalization and Liberalization policies implemented by majority of the countries. An international language is essential for the business world in order to establish proper communication between the organization and the diverse customers. Because of the above facts, most of the countries where English is a foreign language, adopted English as a second language in their educational curriculum. â€Å"More than 200 million children in China are studying English, a compulsory subject for all Chinese primary school students†(Teaching Language for National Security and American Competitiveness) â€Å"The need for a common international language with the expansion of a global communication network has made the English the language of choice†(TESOL& Dang, p.9 ) Even the native speakers of English, like the Americans, the British or the Australians use or speak English differently. The accent and vocabulary of English is different in these countries. Many factors like the social and cultural differences contributed heavily to these differences even though the essence remains the same. The non-native English speakers who learn English as a second language are coming from different social and cultural backgrounds. These differences have a significant effect on their English language learning abilities. It is not possible for the Chinese to learn and speak English same way like the Indians though both India and China are non-native speakers of English. Communities or cultures which have similarities or relation with the English culture may learn the English quickly compared to others. For example, French language has lot of similarities with English and the French people can learn English quickly compared to others. People who are staying nearer to the English speaking countries can also learn the English language quickly compared to others. Economy also can play a vital role in
Thursday, September 12, 2019
2 essay exam questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
2 exam questions - Essay Example When this production run is optimized within the current output level, the total average cost per unit produces will decrease based on the simple fact that fixed cost per unit produced decreases as the number of output increases. Investopedia (n.d.) explains that â€Å"the purpose of analyzing marginal cost is to determine at what point an organization can achieve economies of scale. The calculation is most often used among manufacturers as a means of isolating an optimum production level. The benefit of producing one additional unit and generating revenue from that item will bring the overall cost of producing the product line down. The key to optimizing manufacturing costs is to find that point or level as quickly as possible.†Various reasons can be considered. For a monopolistic business, keeping the product’s presence in the market is necessary while waiting for the product’s improvements or innovations from the Research and Development department. Once these product improvement or innovation is achieved, the turn of events may become more profitable and may even achieve new heights of business success. Product substitutes may have caused the business to deteriorate. But as long as it is evident that product improvements or innovation will turn the tides of business back to original profitable track, it is worth keeping the business going. Otherwise, when there is no more prospects on the business line, continuing operation will just drain resources. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc , n.d.) states that â€Å"if the firms average variable costs are less than its marginal revenue at the profit maximizing level of output, the firm will not shut down in the short-run. The firm is better off continuing its operations because it can cover its variable costs and use any remaining revenues to pay off some of its fixed costs.†Demand curve for IPOD may rise with this increase on income level of young professionals.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Model Arch Bridge and tha Design Improvement Essay - 2
Model Arch Bridge and tha Design Improvement - Essay Example Bridges are designed to withstand both live and dead loads. Dead loads are loads that do not change, such as the structure’s weight. These include the sidewalks, deck, railings, and the concrete or steel load-carrying members. Dead loads account for the considerable and significant percentage of stress in load carrying members. The second load, live load, changes; the change can be due to decreased or increased pedestrian and traffic loading. When designing a bridge, safety and strength of the structure are the most important considerations. The shape and overall design of the bridge were decided by the group. The shape of the bridge was sketched to full size on a white piece of paper. The sketch was used in to guide the popsicle sticks as shown in figure 2. The last step was to glue popsicle sticks on beams of the deck in order to come up with a bridge deck. The final structure is shown in figure 4. The whole procedure was carried on the first and second final structures. The first bridge weighed 193.6 grams while the second one was 245.1 grams. The first bridge supported a maximum load of 6,613 grams, concentrated at mid-span, while the second was 21, 818 grams. The loads to weight ratio of the first and second bridge were 34.2 and 89.0 respectively. Arch increase stability as it provides resistance to the forces that act in the bending of the bridge. The weight is redirected from members to ends of the bridge by arches; hence forces are evenly distributed for the better structure as shown in figure 5. The second bridge was strengthened in areas that loads were concentrated, that is at abutments and load points. The second bridge was also reinforced to increase their strength triangular shapes were used in preventing rectangles from leaning. A top lateral bracing was used in the prevention of buckling sideways during loading due to compression members like the top chord.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Graduate Labour Market in UK Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Graduate Labour Market in UK - Research Paper Example Therefore, the studying abroad presents the graduates with a lot of employability options which is not available to the other group, thus this shows that studying abroad for at least one semester proves to be a better choice than spending the whole university career in the domestic country. However, on the other hand, there may arise some disadvantage too, that is, when exposed to another culture, the graduate may imbibe some qualities from that culture and when those aspects might not always be understood by the native employer. Despite this shortcoming, it is still seen that employers seek graduates with an international perspective, and prefer those who have studied abroad. Introduction: England, right from the early stages of human civilization, has been blessed with a lot of facilities that other parts of the world have not been. The country, with all its power, has spread its civilization and language across the globe, albeit through colonizing several parts of the world. Howev er, a fact remains that even in modern times English education qualifies a person with the prospect of employment in every part of the world. On the other hand, with the advent of technology relating to various fields, the concept of qualification for getting employed has changed drastically. Where earlier employment has remained focused more on primary and secondary sectors, the past few years have witnessed a transition where most significance is accorded to tertiary or the service sector. This means that notions about employability have changed in the modern day and so have the concepts about the skill sets required for attaining employability. After the phenomenon of globalization has blurred geographical boundaries and the integration of cultures occurred, the concept of employability took a new turn. In addition, the multifaceted developments in the fields of â€Å"economic, political, technological and social spheres†have modified the â€Å"composition of labor suppl y and the types of labor required by contemporary firms†(Chapter 4 n.d. 90). On the other hand, recent years have seen â€Å"rapid expansion of higher ‘tertiary-level’ education†globally (CentrePiece 2007: 7). Therefore, this in itself points to the relation between development and employability, that is, the more technologically advanced the world becomes, the more it calls for the highly skilled workforce to use this technology. With the advancement of technology, quality education has become available to all nations across the world and even third world countries became capable of accessing education at relatively cheaper rates. Thus, in an environment, where access to education has become viable for everyone, the monopoly in quality education became irrelevant. More importantly, so far the service industry is concerned, several norms changed to make it compatible with consumers hailing from a variety of backgrounds. In a situation, where tourists and businessmen from a variety of racial and cultural backgrounds visit England, the employees in an English firm needed to modulate their services to accommodate their expectations. Â
Monday, September 9, 2019
Critique 2 research papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Critique 2 research papers - Essay Example It has been my opinion that the lesbian, gay and bisexual populations likely suffer from a greater level of depression and other mental health disorders because of their position in society. Society has a dim view of this, because for many people homosexuality is seen as either wrong, or the people who have this sexuality are ill. Article Choice The strategy that I used in the discovery of these two articles was very decisive and simple. I was searching through my university’s online library database, EBCOHOST, using search terms of ‘mental health gay’, ‘mental health lesbian‘, ‘mental health bisexual’ and ‘suicide’ in the same contexts. I found a plethora of articles, so I did some skimming of each one to find the two that I would like to use for this paper. Upon further reading of each article, I was especially intrigued by these two because they two claimed to be the first of their kind, given the body of research that the authors of these articles were aware of. This piqued my interest further, and found within them many similarities in the methodology of the analyses, which will be discussed. They both covered within limitations the differences of age, gender and race within their samples. The findings of each article had some discrepancies, but also had certain key points that were similar. Critical Summation First, I am going to explore the article written by Brian S. Mustanski, et al. In this article, it is put forth that among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth aged 16 to 20 years in Chicago, the prevalence of a mental health disorder is higher than that of heterosexual youth. Other sample studies have shown few LGB identified respondents, due to the combining of disproportionate representation. This allows for major inconsistencies in the study and findings previous concerning the gender differences and the individual’s sexual orientation. Most studies that are similar i n nature also did not allow for transgender participants. This understudied population was found in one small study to have an elevated level of substance abuse and victimization, but there was little to no evidence to support findings of higher than normal depression levels. There are many theories that warrant mental health disparities among LGB youth, namely minority stress. This theory simply states that racial or ethnical minorities are more likely to have a mental disorder resulting from prejudicial discrimination from their communities. This assessment covered posttraumatic stress disorder, anorexia, bulimia, depression, conduct disorder and suicidality. In a sampling of 246 youth with ethnic diversity were used in this study to prove this hypothesis. Using the DSM-IV via the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC, Shaffer et al., 2000) allowed the researchers to use strictly specific diagnoses among the adolescent sample group. Along with the DSM-IV and DISC, this study used the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI 18, Derogatis, 2000) to measure the levels of psychological stress within the prior week. In testing of the hypotheses in reference to demographic differences, anorexia and bulimia were excluded. Another group, non-LGB, were used as a model to avoid further discrepancy. It was found that racial or et
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Reflection on Valuable Lessons and Important Aspects of Leadership Essay
Reflection on Valuable Lessons and Important Aspects of Leadership - Essay Example A talent gap is being created between the current, very talented leaders, and the next generation, which is not showing a breed of promising potential leaders emerging. It is a cause of worry since organizations must have continuity in good leadership to be able to maintain its productivity. An organization is safer when it adopts risk prevention measures, and equips current and future leaders with skills necessary to cope with any organizational changes. There are both formal and informal leaders. They all influence an organization towards achieving its goals effectively. Organizational success goes beyond an individual leader's will to achieve and the organization's chain of command. Most importantly, it is how all leaders relate together towards the achievement of set goals. This is termed as collective leadership as William (2011) observes. In addition, James and Barry (2001) suggest that several things should be considered. They include the number of leaders needed currently and expected in the future by an organization. This enables an organization base its leadership strategies on the expected turnover of employees in the organization. Leadership culture entails how leadership is practiced for example employee relations, discharge of duties and working together for a common purpose. The culture ensures that all factors affecting growth and performance of the enterprise are pooled together towards the same set targets. Demand and supply forecasting are crucial in ensuring the number of leaders employed is specific to the present and future expected needs Another factor to consider is the quality of leaders desired. Every organization must aim at employing high-quality leaders for a competitive organization. Phillip (2010) sees a leader as a person who owns and takes responsibility for every action an organization takes and feels any loss incurred as his own. For organizational success, there must be leaders who are goal oriented and put all their effort a nd hard work to ensuring achievement of goals and organization’s success. To be able to meet the above, leaders need to be critical thinkers and good planners of the future so that every strategy implemented by the organization moves it to achieve the intended purpose. Diversity in the level of leadership and reaching organization's target is the sole purpose of an organization’s existence. This is because it meets needs of different people, cultures and regions as Michael (2011) analyze. In addressing different needs, management has to ensure that the leadership strategy adopted, lists characteristics of individual leaders required. They include age, gender, race, origin/culture, education and working experience. In fact, achievement and motivation of leaders are influenced by pay and financial security. A good leader has good problem-solving skills. He is a person that understands how to relate and be mindful of employees. This comes in handy when solving problems ar ising and during decision-making. When choosing a leader, he/she should have the ability to improve communication and relationships between workers and management for unity towards achieving set goals. In essence, having a good leadership strategy is advantageous to an organization.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Internship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Internship - Essay Example It is almost like taking a test drive for a car before you decide to buy it. It is much like going to college. You invest a lot of money into getting a degree and then you get out of college and may be aware of some of the opportunities there are out there that you could use it for but you really do not have any direction. If you go one direction, you might end up resenting the fact that you got that particular degree in the first place. You may have wished that you had gone a different pathway but now you have spent thousands of dollars on a degree and the truth is, you cannot stand the occupation you have. That is why these internships are important. We get to see different elements of jobs and get to try them on for size to see if it is something we would like to do or could see ourselves doing in the future. For me, it was very important. I knew I wanted to go into business. I knew I wanted to help people. If I just knew I wanted to help people, I could have been a nurse or a teacher. But no, if I wanted to go into business, I could be an entrepreneur or push papers in a high rise office. For me, I had to know what my true interests were. I think that it is important that all students have that hands-on experience. Not only do students learn a little bit more about the potential job, but they get to learn a little bit more about themselves. I am a student from Saudia Arabia and not knowing what my opportunities were when I arrived from America was a challenge. Where I come from, there are less opportunities. Or perhaps I shall say, there are different opportunities. People come to America for those opportunities and I am now a senior majoring in international business. For me, this is something that I can use all over the world and I got to learn in real life a little bit more about a business that was a hospitable one. When it comes to my own personal internship, I worked as an intern at a spa. I
Friday, September 6, 2019
Pollution Prevention Essay Example for Free
Pollution Prevention Essay In the article written by Chris Wiant entitled â€Å"What is the P2 trend all about, and how are environmental health professionals involved? ,†discussed the history, objectives and significance of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency’s pollution prevention (P2) program to the environment and public health. In the early 70s, there was already a conscious effort in protecting the nation’s vital natural resources which was pioneered by Congress. But EPA wanted to expand their strategy in environmental protection which resulted to the birth of the P2 program. The main thrust of the pollution prevention program is to encourage companies to get involve in the community level by taking the initiative in becoming leaders in protecting the environment. In addition, the application of the program has facilitated the identification of its â€Å"potential for significant economic benefits by avoiding the need for treatment at the end-of-the-pipe. †Since P2 has been well received by businesses and its positive benefits are eminent, the next challenge is â€Å"how to institutionalize P2 as a standard business practice, and 2) how to get businesses and communities to see that P2 can be a pathway to a new partnership between them†(Wiant, 1997, p. 24). Moreover, the pollution prevention program is not only a directive that is focused on conservation and preservation of the natural resources. It is more directed on the sustainable maintenance of the activities that were already started by companies and the EPA but in a bigger scale. The certainty of the success of the program can only be guaranteed if all sectors of the society will work hand in hand in order to achieve a single goal which is to reduce the damage inflicted to the environment. Another aspect of the P2 program that is very appealing is its emphasis on preventive measures. Its design of â€Å"reducing the emission of toxic substances into the environment, focusing on the manufacturing process as the point in which to control toxin emissions,†is an innovative idea that will dramatically trim down the production of harmful substances. Through this approach, a potential problem can be addressed at its initial stage. Instead of using the end-of the-pipe strategy, businesses can already start with prevention during the manufacturing process. As a result, massive damages to the environment can be avoided and it can also eliminate the risk of inflicting impairment to the public’s health. Also, it can significantly reduce the cost for businesses in decreasing their toxic emissions. It is like shooting 2 birds in 1 stone because companies can save a lot of money and time by just implementing the P2 program in their business procedures. By mandating business to utilize the P2 program, changes in common business practices will occur. But this alteration would be for the overall improvement of the policies and procedures of a company. Moreover, in a community that practices such programs, the quality of life of the people will greatly improve and the relationship of coexistence between man and nature will continue to flourish for the better (Wiant, 1997, p. 24). However, the only concern for the P2 program is its standardization and the assurance of having a productive relationship between the community and businesses. It is essential that companies follow a set of standard procedures in order for the end results to be predictable. Institutionalizing P2 as a standard business practice will eliminate different interpretations and implementations which will boost the focus in protecting the environment and public health. On the other hand, this can only be put into reality if environmental health professionals as well as business leaders who utilize the P2 program will get involve in an intensified information campaign to promote the concept, benefits and practicality of the program. Overall the P2 program is a notable undertaking that is very much necessary in the modern society. Through this, the environment and the public’s health will be safeguarded from the destructive products brought by development or progress. Works Cited Wiant, C. J. (1997). What is the P2 trend all about, and how are environmental health professionals involved?. Journal of Environmental Health, 59, 24.
Apologia Marine Essay Example for Free
Apologia Marine Essay 1. Definitions a. Metabolism- The process by whichc a living organism takes energy from its surroundings and uses it to sustain itself, develop and grow. b. Photosynthesis-the process by which an organism uses the energy from the sun to produce its own food c. Autotrophs- organisms that are able to produce their own food d. Heterotrophs- organisms that cannot make their own food and must obtain it from other organisms e. respiration the process by which food is converted into usable energy for life functions f. homeostasis the tendency of living organisms to control or regulate changes in their internal environment g. diffusion the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration h. osmosis the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane i. osmoconformer and organisms that allows its internal concentration of salts to change in order to match the external concentration of salts in the surrounding water j. Osmo regulator an organism that regulates its internal concentration of salts k. Poikilotherm- an organism whose body temperature changes with its surrounding environment l. ectotherm an organism whose body temperature is controlled by its surrounding environment m. homeotherm- an animal that maintains a controlled internal body temperature using its own heating and cooling of mechanisms n. Endotherm- an animal whose internal body temperature is a result of internal sources of heat o. a sexual reproduction reproduction accomplished by a single organism p. sexual reproduction reproduction that involves the union of gametes from two organisms: a male and a female q. binomial nomenclature identifying an organism by a genus and species name 2. carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids 3. oxygen levels would be lower at night than during the day 4. no, they must feed on extra material made by photos synthesizing plants 5. no, both groups containing organisms like that 6. population 7. water will travel through osmosis to the outside 8. the body fluids would change. There would be more concentration of dissolved substances in the body 9. no. They could have warm blood if their environment is warm 10. yes 11. no 12. the plant from the cutting 13. the cell with 24 chromosomes 14. the cell with 12 chromosomes 15. yes
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Crime Scene Investigations by First Responders
Crime Scene Investigations by First Responders Crime scenes contain the forensic evidence required to apprehend criminals. The proper collection and processing of physical evidence is of primary importance to most police investigations. Evidence can not only establish the fact of the offense and identify the perpetrator, it may even lead to a conviction. In collecting this evidence we must be conscious of the publics Fourth Amendment rights and not violate them in this collection of evidence. Unfortunately, poorly conducted crime scene investigations can sometimes either destroy evidence or render it useless. Law Enforcement should approach the crime scene investigation as if it will be their only opportunity to preserve and recover these physical clues. They should consider other case information or statements from witnesses or suspects carefully in their objective assessment of the scene. Investigations may change course a number of times during such an inquiry and physical clues, initially thought irrelevant, may become crucial to a successful resolution of the case. The primary responsibilities of the initial responder to a crime include the following: (1) to preserve life; and (2) to control suspects and witnesses. Once these two objectives have been achieved, the initial responder should focus their attention on protecting the crime scene. The initial response to an incident shall be expeditious and methodical. Upon arrival, the officer(s) shall assess the scene and treat the incident as a crime scene. The initial responder should note or log dispatch information such as names, address, time, type of call, and any other relevant information. Be aware of any persons or vehicles leaving the crime scene. The importance of preserving the scene and its adjacent areas in their original condition cannot be overemphasized. Approach the scene cautiously, scan the entire area to thoroughly assess the scene, and note any possible secondary crime scenes. Be aware of any persons and vehicles in the vicinity that may be related to the crime. Remain alert an d attentive; Assume the crime is ongoing until determined to be otherwise. also treat the location as a crime scene until assessed and determined to be otherwise. It is usually the uniformed peace officer who first arrives at the scene of a crime. After controlling any dangerous situations or persons, the initial responding officers next responsibility is to ensure that medical attention is provided to injured persons while minimizing contamination of the scene. The initial responding officer shall ensure that medical attention is provided with minimal contamination of the scene by guiding medical personnel to the victim to minimize contamination or alteration of the crime scene. Point out potential physical evidence to medical personnel, instruct them to minimize contact with such evidence (e.g., ensure that medical personnel preserve all clothing and personal effects without cutting through bullet holes, knife tears), and document movement of persons or items by medical personnel. Instruct medical personnel not to clean up the scene and to avoid removal or alteration of items originating from the scene. Protecting the evidence typically involves the establishing a perimeter. In fact, for some crime scenes, two perimeters may be appropriate (Garrison, 1994, pp. 18-20). Only the investigator in charge and those personnel that he gives permission to should be allowed to cross these boundaries (Dienstein, 1962, pp. 16-26). Detectives and supervisors are normally in charge of investigations. There should, however, only be one person in charge of the crime scene itself. The first question that the investigator will ask when he arrives is as follows: Has anyone been allowed to enter the scene? (Dienstein, 1962, pp. 16-26)? The investigator should then use whatever resources are available (e.g., barricades or other uniformed officers) to further protect the area. Such measures exclude both curious bystanders and curious officials. Investigators often must turn away any number of officialsboth in and out of uniformwho could unintentionally destroy evidence. Once the area has been secured, the investigator then carries out the duties of search commander. Initially, the commander must obtain the following information: The time of the arrival of the first officer at the scene, who was present, what was said, and whether or not everything is exactly as it was when the officer arrived (Dienstein, 1962, pp. 16-26). Then, the addresses of all persons found on or adjacent to the scene should be collected. Although these people are questioned about their exact location at the time of the crime, they do not usually undergo interrogation on the spot. Rather, such persons are simply removed from the scene and separated: They should not be allowed to talk to each other until each has been carefully questioned and statements have been obtained individuals considered as suspect(s) should be read their Miranda Rights. Any violation of Fourth Amendment rights could jeopardize any evidence obtained during an interrogation or interview for use in the case at a trial. The next phase of crime scene investigation consists of surveying the scene. Defining and controlling boundaries provide a means for protecting and securing the crime scene(s). The number of crime scenes and their boundaries are determined by their location(s) and the type of crime. Boundaries shall be established beyond the initial scope of the crime scene(s) with the understanding that the boundaries can be reduced in size if necessary but cannot be as easily expanded. The investigator needs to get an over-all picture of the area in which the offense occurred (Dienstein, 1962, pp. 16-26). After a preliminary survey has been performed, the crime scene examination should be initiated. The investigator must try to start the investigation cold (Dienstein, 1962, pp. 16-26). There should be no preconceived notions of what happened, how it happened, or who might have done it. Such conclusions must be based solely on the evidence found at the scene. It is during this initial stage of the investigation, that the search commander has the scene photographed and sketched. Photography provides investigators with an accurate and permanent record. Nothing at a crime scene should ever be touched, picked up, or moved until it has been photographed. Only a true photograph can be presented in court (Dienstein, 1962, pp. 16-26). If it can be shown that something in the picture was tampered with, or that there are objects present that were not there originally, then the photograph cannot be used as evidence. Photographers should be present throughout the investigation. In addition to photographs, the search commander also has a sketch made of the area. Sketching should be started as soon as possible. These freehand drawings are typically oriented by compass directions. Moreover, the location of all sketched objects should be determined by accurate measurements. While photographs reproduce everything within the range and field of the camera l ens, sketches include only certain essential items. There are three types of crime scene photographs and sketches. These include the following: (1) those that describe the locality; (2) those that reproduce the immediate grounds; and (3) those that cover the details of the scene. Locality reproduction produces a picture of the crime scene and its surroundings. These pictures should include such things as neighboring buildings, streets, and sidewalks. Second, reproductions of the grounds should describe the crime scenes immediate surroundings (e.g., the house, the garden, etc.). Finally, a details picture shows only the scene itself (e.g., the room in which the offense was committed). During photography and sketching, the search commander must formulate a plan of action. This involves designating the various crime scene areas and objects that need to be searched and inspected. The commander must also decide how many investigators to assign to the case. Once the search has begun, it is up to the searchers to decide what objects will be dusted for latent prints and what objects will be removed as evidence. Searches need to be both thorough and accurate: Nothing should be taken for granted. Furthermore, searchers should not attempt to rely on their memories. Instead, everything of possible significance must be recorded (Dienstein, 1962, pp. 16-26). With the development of more advanced laboratory technologies, the role of physical evidence in the apprehension and prosecution of criminals has expanded considerably. It is generally assumed that by gathering more evidence, the investigator increases the likelihood of identifying the suspects (Greenwood et al., 1977, pp. 165-166). Evidence is defined as anything that may be presented in determining the truth about a fact in question (Dienstein, 1962, pp. 16-26). Physical evidence has three general purposes: (1) it can verify that a crime has been committed; (2) it can identify the person or persons who committed the crime; and (3) it can exonerate all other persons who may be under suspicion. Physical evidence proving that a crime has been committed may include such things as broken door locks or bodily injury to the complainant. Evidence indicating that the suspect was at the scene of the crime can consist of fibers or injury to the suspect (Greenwood et al., 1977, pp. 143-149). T hese forms of evidence support probable cause in having a warrant issued for further investigations that lead away from the actual crime scene. There are two main types of evidence found at crime scenes: (1) fixed evidence; and (2) movable evidence. Fixed evidence includes such things as latent fingerprints, shoe prints, tire prints, tool marks, and objects which cannot be removed because of bulk, weight, or other factors. In contrast, movable evidence consists of items which can be easily removed and stored. Finally, it should also be noted that almost anything can constitute a clue in a criminal investigation. Therefore, everything must be recorded and nothing should be overlooked. Once evidence is discovered, the search commander should have its location reproduced by sketch and/or photograph. The commander then marks the evidence for purposes of identification. The searcher who discovered the evidence should stand by as a witness to this marking and handling procedure. The term, chain of custody, refers to the possession of evidence (Dienstein, 1962, pp. 16-26). Investigators must be able to establish the continuous possession of evidence from the moment that it is discovered until the time that it is presented in court. By having the search commander handle all evidence, this chain of custody is reduced. In recent years, many police departments have augmented their evidence gathering capabilities by hiring additional personnel. Evidence technicians, or Crime Scene Search Officers, are highly trained crime scene processing specialists (Greenwood et al., 1977, pp. 143-149). These personnel can be dispatched just like patrol officers. Evidence technicians are generally used whenever there is retrievable physical evidence, or whenever the patrol officer feels that a photograph of the crime scene could be of benefit (Greenwood et al., 1977, pp. 143-149). A coroner may also be present at a crime scene. Coroners serve as a middle man between the medical examiner and law enforcement (Voelker, 1995, p. 1164). A coroner with forensic training may also act as a liaison between law enforcement, the media, and the public. The presence of many diverse personnel at a crime scene can give rise to conflict. However, everyone present has a specific job to do; moreover, each individual task is an important part of the entire mission. Search commanders should direct all activities such that conflict is minimized. As Dienstein (1962) emphasizes, Teamwork is essential to crime scene search (Dienstein, 1962, pp. 16-26). Besides hiring personnel, many departments are also in the process of updating their criminalist equipment. For example, Anchorage Alaskas police department recently converted a customized motor home into a modern crime scene vehicle. By making crime scene investigation faster and more thorough, such tools can improve a teams overall efficiency. There are various problems that may be encountered during crime scene investigations. Two of these include staging and contamination. Staging involves the alteration of a crime scene prior to the arrival of police. There are different reasons for staging. For one, an offender might try to direct investigators attention elsewhere. Such persons may act overly cooperative or appear extremely distraught. Second, staging can also represent an attempt to protect either the victim or the victims family. Such cases usually involve people who are concerned about the position, dress, or condition of a victims body (Douglas Munn, 1992, pp. 1-10). Perhaps the biggest problem that crime scene technicians face, however, is crime scene contamination. Sensitive forensic techniques may be adversely affected by crime scene trampling. Police departments should have a written policy regarding crime scene protection and preservation. In addition, supervisors and investigators must set an example for the entire crime scene team by adhering to the guidelines. Crime scene investigation is a complex process. It involves a number of different professionals and various areas of expertise. Only by acting as a team, however, will the members of such a diverse group ensure that their efforts result in a reasonable outcome. The alteration of a crime scene can cause investigators to draw erroneous conclusions. By expeditiously carrying out his responsibilities, the initial responder may determine the ultimate outcome of an entire investigation.
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