Thursday, October 31, 2019
Asignment 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Asignment 5 - Essay Example Formatting the proposal letter would also include including final remarks and salutations at the end. For instance, I would conclude the letter by writing ‘yours in service’ followed by restating my position within Artifice and signature. In addition, I would conclude the letter by restating the topic and emphasizing on ethical advantages of joining corporate responsibility officer association. The aforementioned essentials are imperious in maintaining professionalism and avoidance of questions regarding potential mistakes (Anderson 625). I would also ensure that I always restate theme of the proposal letter throughout the essay. Repetition of fundamental points in a proposal letter is essential in reminding readers and audience of its intent. In addition, restating subject of the letter would help sustain patience and provoke readers’ meditation over topic in question. It would also be imperious to employ emotional and present tense language besides using general pronouns. Emotionally persuasive language would entail reminding listeners and readers that they remain fundamental decision makers to whether Artifice would join corporate responsibility officer association. For instance, I would start the initial sentence by writing that ‘I am writing to propose that we as loyal and committed members of Artifice Incorporation join CROA’. It would also be essential to correct grammatical mistakes within the letter for example change Artifice Incorporated to Artifice
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Compare and contrast some aspects of classification, using at least Essay
Compare and contrast some aspects of classification, using at least three examples of different approaches and their strengths and weaknesses - Essay Example Soumen et al (2009) agree that data quantity surrounding us is humongous and the amount of information bombarding us is increasing. Making sense of this increasing data volume requires data mining skills and techniques that have evolved with increase in computing power. An allied discipline is Competitive intelligence which is a discipline used for improving market standing, improving strategic thinking – seeing through morass of disinformation and market disruptions and interpreting events without getting emotionally swayed with â€Å"pregnant†data. It is about analyzing an opportunity or threat before it has materialized (Reviews 2007). Finding patterns in data is a common way of analysis. Scientists want to discover the pattern and use the patterns for developing theories that can be extended beyond the concerned data in allied fields. This helps the scientists predict what will happen in newer situations. Intelligence is thus about using the available information in an efficient manner based on picture which may or may not be perfectly clear and exploiting the gleaned intelligence for making strategic decisions. Data mining calls for electronic data storage and using of specified search for pattern identification. Global data doubles by in every 20 months, and increased availability of machines that can digest and process such data have increased opportunities for data mining. Intelligently analyzed data may our only redemption in making sense of the growing data volume. Bits and pieces of information lead to understanding of the big picture. Data mining is using the existing data to solve problems and discoverin g patterns in data. Consumer shopping data might help in eliciting likely reason for customer loyalty and churn. Also data analysis on same database may identify the reason why customer may be attracted to other product or service thus allowing development of special
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Should Prayer Be Allowed In Public Schools Religion Essay
Should Prayer Be Allowed In Public Schools Religion Essay Allowing prayer in public schools remains a persuasive and frequently frenzied issue for various individuals. The authorized parameters and guiding principles for prayer in school have been extremely clearly distinct, but the question, should prayer be allowed in school? continues to emerge. What keeps this matter boiling is the apprehension that Christians have that the modern official code hampers the liberty they have had in the earlier period to explicitly practice their faith. At best, people confuse the distinction between state-mandated, authorized, state-sponsored, prayers piloted by school authorities and individual, confidential prayers instigated and spoken by the learner. At worst, individuals are being intentionally devious in their allegations. To embark on the answer we should start at the inauguration of government in a particular state, say America. The United States Constitution is a manuscript which its citizens adopted as their nations moral fiber. It is an anthology of attitudes that we embrace to be our rulings. These values are a supple, flowing patchwork formed to generate and improve justice, association, and nobility amongst the citizenship of America. One of the elements of the patchwork subsists as Amendments which modify editorials of the Constitution, or elucidate in a number of circumstances. The First Amendment (1791) translates as: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (Bergel, 1998, 3-6) This applies to this issue of prayer being allowed in public school since it means that the U.S. regime cannot approve, rule out, or recommend any religion at all. By doing so, it would be a violation of the First Amendment which would upshot in the kind of large extent lawful conflict so widespread in the modern general public. Moreover, the States are anticipated to follow suit in perpetuation of all rules in accordance to the Government. Ever since the commencement of public edification the conflict to have religion in learning institutions has boiled. Each of the minorities, majorities, left wing, right wing, or nonaligned group in America has for a moment articulated their observation. What typically ensues is a school arrangement or principal establishments, a school extensive prayer or reading of the Bible. In doing so, it is mandatory for all scholars to declare that prayer and read from the Bible. (Bergel, 1998, 8-10) The school presupposes that everybody is Christian and makes prayer request to a similar God- this is perceptibly a social right desecration as all people that go to school are not necessarily Christian. Accordingly the scholar or those scholars parents protest, this grievance shows the way to a lawsuit, which pilot to Supreme Court cases verdict on the delicate subject of disconnection of Church and State. They argue that it often seems to signify only the removal of references to Jesus, thus allocating the prayer to be comprehensive for both Christians and Jews and, conceivably, Muslims. Such a prayer will not, nonetheless, be inclusive for affiliates of non-biblical spiritual customs. It will not be accommodating for Jains, Buddhists, Shintos and Hindus, for instance. It is as well obvious that prayers cannot be inclusive for disbelievers who hardly bother about prayers. (Popular Issues, 2002, 1) There are a number of assurances that make Christians believe that prayer ought to be permitted in learning institutions. Essentially, prayer is a daily feature of the Christian existence. Jesus Christ trained His disciples to be individuals of prayer, in an equivalent way as He was. Christians desire the right of freedom to pray candidly in school since they suppose that prayer provokes Gods involvement in the school surroundings and the learning procedure. Logically, they desire to surpass everything they study and do beyond Gods assessment so that He may give them understanding to distinguish what is correct and excellent, and what is phony or objectionable. Christians perceive the necessity to pray over individual problems or requirements that crop up on the school site. For example, if a comrade turns up at school and is distraught concerning a family setback, a health predicament, an oral manuscript description they must present that day, Christian professors and learners desir e the autonomy to convey these requests to God. They have full conviction that God can grant insight and supremacy when they themselves are inadequate. (Popular Issues, 2002, 3-4) When a catastrophic accident or an unexpected tragedy transpires, it is common for various individuals to turn simultaneously to God in request for comfort and assistance. Psalm 50:15 says, Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me. This autonomy is accessible to citizens in numerous regimes and civic locations, so it must as well be permissible to youthful individuals while they are at school. For these, and countless additional explanations, Christians are worried about the religious limitations they undrergo on the university grounds of America. Because of the inflexible limitations on prayer in learning institutions, Christians customarily feel endangered when circumstances like these turn up, purposeful that if they pray explicitly at school, anybody who is antagonistic to their devotion can take officially authorized law against them. In the year 1962, Americas moral decline speedily hastened following the event that the U.S. Supreme Courts removed prayer from the nations public schools. Millions of students were prohibited from publicly calling upon the name of God daily at the commencement of studies, which is what they and their forerunners had been doing ever since the beginning of the nation. The four areas: national life, youth, education and family, which school prayers touched upon experienced drastic decline during that time. Thus, regardless of what the courts rule, we should all realize, as declared by Oswald Chambers that Gods laws are not watered down to suit anyone; if God did that He would cease to be God. The moral law never alters for the noblest or the weakest; it remains abidingly and eternally the same.'(Bergel, 1998, 10-16) Citizens of any and the entire conviction must not have to feel demoralized when they wish to pray in a municipal state of affairs. School workers and scholars similarly should be liberated to pray at school. Because of the assortment of faith and viewpoints in America, learning institutions should cherish an environment of deference for citizens with sacred passions, not squash such appearance. Protecting school children from examining another individuals pious appearance does not cultivate thoughtfulness, instead, it cultivates unawareness, and it denies them of scholarship skills that expand their indulgence of existence. Educators and school proprietors must make sure that no scholar is somehow pressurized to contribute in spiritual action. Scholars comprise a right to allocate spiritual text to their schoolmates on the same stipulations as they are acceptable to allocate other literature that is unrelated to school catalog or performance. Students usually do not contain a Federa l liberty to be exempted from teachings that might be inconsistent with their religious beliefs or practices. (Cline, 2011, 1-2) Currently, the Supreme Court has on no account ruled that students cannot pray in learning institutions. As an alternative, it has ruled that the government has nothing anything to do with prayers made in school which his allows students an immense deal of liberty. It has been ruled by judges that only the students must be capable of deciding how, when and where to pray. However, some individuals have undertaken to dispute that it is tolerable for the government to maintain, approve and direct prayers with public school learners provided that those prayers are nonsectarian. Regrettably, the precise character of what individuals denote by nonsectarian is exceptionally vague. (Cline, 2011, 3) In ending, the problem Should prayer be allowed in schools? especially when prayer is a genuine expression of ones conviction, then Yes, prayer is allowed within specific parameters. In actual fact the question is typically an opinionated resistance to achieve legislative authority by spiritual groups who desire a regime selected belief. This opinionated fight back does not deduce well into a restricted disparity for or not in favor of prayer in school. Schools basically are a place where learners come to switch thoughts, learn the civic standards and responsibilities of being Americans, and develop a perspective to learn about the entire world freely, respectfully, and with the deepest sense of honor. (Cline, 2011, 4-7) Students should be allowed to pray in school and they are! Although students religious liberties must be conserved, there are limitations on the mode and time of prayers. Students can pray peacefully and noiselessly at any instance, especially when not engaged in school performance or schooling, and subject to the fact that it is done in relevant surroundings. Students can as well talk to, and try to influence, their peers concerning spiritual issues similar to what they do with consideration to opinionated subjects. However, if they desire to do extra things, then they should not do it in an approach which interrupts other scholars or classes, since the major intention of schools is to teach. Hence, while there are petite and practical limitations on the approach in which learners can go about implementing their spiritual liberty, the fact holds that they do have considerable spiritual autonomy in the public learning institutions. Students pray individually, in groups, silently as well as loudly. Yes, students can certainly pray in schools.
Friday, October 25, 2019
A History Of Marriage And Divorce: Cohabitacion Can Result in a Positi
In the past fourteen billion years, the world has evolved numerous times. From creatures’ extinctions to the rise of technology, the world is constantly on a path of changes. And, even though not all events have been pleasant experiences, humans have definitely had the chance to learn from those happenings: one example being, marriage and its effects on family development. Since the beginning of time, open relationships between people, one reason being for the purpose of reproduction, have existed. It is simply part of human nature to bond with others; human instinct. History also shows that legal contracts did not tie up the first relationships during the Stone Age. However, due to society, marriage has been represented as the basis of a family, therefore, portraying that a legal contract amongst two heterosexual people is required in order to have the â€Å"happily ever after†story. But what happens when problems within a marriage exist, and the people involved are n o longer happy? What about those cohabitants who have gone through rough situations and still remain together for many years? So does a legal contract really determine the longevity of a marriage? What is the real definition of marriage? From the start of the Stone Age to current day, humans have witnessed the evolution of marriage, and the benefits of opting for cohabitation. The definition of marriage has gone from being a mandatory arrangement, to being part of the civil right movement, to cohabitation being the best or only alternative to marriage. Once humanity became civilized, the meaning of intercourse relationships went from it being a human instinct to a social requirement: â€Å"Apparently the single most important function of marriage throughout history has been... ... Moral Communities On Cohabitation.†Review Of Religious Research 54.1 (2012): 45- 67. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apri. 2014. Kuby, William. â€Å"Making Marriage Work: A History Of Marriage And Divorce In The Twentieth-Century United States.†Journal Of American Culture 35.3 (2012): 279-280. Literary Reference Center. Web. 19 Apr. 2014. â€Å"Marriage.†Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster Incorporation, 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Murray, Melissa. â€Å"Marriage As Punishment.†Columbia Law Review. 112.1 (2012): 1-65. Academic Search Premier. Web. 20 Apr. 2014. Staub, August W. â€Å"Marriage, A History†Magill’s Literary Annual 2006 (2006): 1-3. Literary Reference Center. Web. 19 Apr. 2014. Stevenson, Betsey, and Justin Wolfers. â€Å"Marriage And Divorce: Changes And Their Driving Forces.†Journal of Economic Perspective 21.2 (2007): 27-52. Business Source Elite. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Discuss the Roles of Language and Reason in History Essay
History as the area of knowledge is virtually indivisible from language and reasoning. Language is one of the most potent means of interpreting and reporting historical information that is derived from the sources pertinent to the events and occurrences. The sources themselves, in their turn, are frequently presented by the written documents, recorded anecdotal experiences, and works of art, archeology, anthropology and photography which, yet again, are interpreted through the language in conjunction with the context of a historical event. It appears to be an endless loop, where language is the alpha and omega, the main vehicle of conveying history. However, to arrive to the valid interpretation of a certain historical event or development, historians frequently use reasoning to connect the factual data of the tangible sources since the latter ones often come in the form of fragments, related to a particular aspect of the happening. Ideally, reasoning, applied to the interpretation of historical data, should be impersonal, unaffected by predominant views and opinions and completely untainted by political agenda. Yet, it is hard to imagine that throughout the centuries those who held power would willingly allow the contemporary historians relate to the masses the adequate information on the details of their governing techniques and actions. As Winston Churchill pointed out, â€Å"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.†Therefore, it is up to an individual to interpret the language, deduce information through applying reasoning, incorporate other areas of knowledge such as science, sociology, psychology and arrive to conclusions in attempts to comprehend historical developments in question. It is important to point out that we frequently perceive historical events as they are presented by those who hold some form of authority: the individuals whom we refer to as experts or the mass media and research bodies who are entrusted with the responsibility to convey information to masses. And here comes the essential aspect: the validity of the statements and projections made by the mentioned authorities. In other words, in search for the truthful perspective of a historical event one needs to remember about the language that is used for such interpretations, the language of power. Truth in history is a dubious concept since any event which involves certain outcomes would be interpreted by a number of experts. The outcomes of the events be it revolutions, wars, or reigns of monarchs and are usually appear in form of facts: toppling of governments, changes in ideologies and laws that societies are to adhere to, development or stagnation of the economy in a given country. These are the facts that are presented in the form of explanations, commentaries, and justifications. And here the language of power might play the crucial role in the way this information is to be perceived. To distinguish the motives behind the language that is used for presenting the event, one needs to look for other sources that interpret the same development, but from a different angle. For instance, the attack on the World Trade Center, New York City, in 2001 is vastly believed to be executed by the group of terrorists known as Al-Qaeda, and hence perceived as â€Å"the terrorist attack†. The mass media of the entire world presented the fact that over 2,700 people perished during the atrocious bombing which involved the hijacked airplanes driven into both towers which collapsed within a short period of time. However, the independent sources point at the undeniable facts that the World Trade Center towers were â€Å"designed to take the impact of the Boeing 707 hitting the building at any location†(Les Robertson, WTC Structural Engineer) and â€Å"could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners†(Frank A. Demartini, Manager of WTC Construction) and still survive (Aaron Swirsky, WTC Architect)1. Other sources, such as a scientific research conducted by Dr Steven Johns, Professor of Physics, BYU, state that the way the buildings collapsed precisely follows the scenario of a controlled demolition. Here, historical event calls for the help of reasoning, which can raise further questions to authorities that put the entire responsibility on the Al-Qaeda. The more scientific and factual evidence emerges from the research, the more controversial this event seems to be. But it is for an individual to arrive to a conclusion provided he or she is concerned with the issue. However, the prevailing opinion that was projected into the minds of the public by mass media remains adamant: the terrorist group dealt a tremendous blow to the democracy of the United States and must pay for it. Hence, there is a fully justifiable war with Iraq, the country which has a doubtful connection with Al-Qaeda, apart from the fact that it is run by a dictator and constitutes a predominantly Muslim society. But the non-Muslim world has already been contaminated by the fear of Muslims who seem to be nearly synonymous with â€Å"terrorists†. â€Å"Thus, [†¦] crowds have come,[†¦] to acquire a profound antipathy for the images evoked by certain words†2 and fully accepted the justification for the war in Iraq. Reasoning is an indispensable tool for those who wish to form a personal opinion on historical events which are presented through language. Yet this process entails searching for the information from the alternative sources. Language is used as a powerful vehicle in creating certain views among various groups of societies, and such language is frequently applied by those who are concerned with power. History is abound with examples in which governing bodies used language to impose ideology and ensure that the masses are entirely convinced in the righteousness of such propaganda: the Soviet Union, China and socialism, Germany and Nazism, the United States and democracy. However, upon a simple application of reasoning, a series of questions arise: how a nation that was claimed to be fed by pure ideology could exist for more than 75 years and build one of the most successful, self-sustaining industries and sciences that are still recognized, though grudgingly, throughout the entire capi talistic world? How could a nation develop such a potent economy that is still burgeoning while the other one is desperately trying to recover from the economic meltdown that has affected nearly the entire world? What could make a nation believe a mentally ill person3 and empower it to conquer the entire Europe? It is indubitable that the language of power and the power of language were effectively used by the leaders of those nations. However, it is reasoning that can help an independent researcher or a concerned individual in the quest of constructing a clear picture on what forces were involved in such profound changes on such vast scales. Of course, it is naà ¯ve to presume that reasoning alone might provide clarifications to the historical events under scrutiny. Reasoning in history is a second step in interpreting historical developments after pertinent to them materials were selected and carefully studied. These materials would include evidence from various fields and areas of knowledge, and the greater the scope of those areas, the more comprehensible and significant the features of events would emerge before the eyes of the researcher. Language might play the roles of obscuring the conditions and implications of historical events; yet the same language might be used in explaining the factors that led to the consequences produced by those events. However, it is the effort in applying reasoning and logic that would eventually create an unobstructed perspective on the historical developments and occurrences in question. References and works cited: 1. Joseph, Peter. 2007. Zeitgeist. Online. Accessed: Dec 21, 2010. 2. Le Bon, Gustave. 1841-1931. The Crowd: A study of the Popular Mind. 1841-1931. Translation: Psychologie des foules. Cherokee Publishing Company. Atlanta, Georgia. 1982. Pg. 100 3. The International Campaign for Real History. Hitler’s Last Illness. Online. Accessed: Dec 23, 2010.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Kramer vs. Kramer
Kramer vs. Kramer is the story of a custody battle, but in its time (1979) and place it becomes a battle of mothering vs. fathering and over how men and women should lead their lives. Ted Kramer, a Madison Avenue art director is so consumed with his career that he doesn’t understand the basic needs of his son or even the grade he is in school. Joanna Kramer, a former employee of Mademoiselle, had left her career to care for their son, Billy. Joanna finds herself overwhelmed with feelings of worthlessness and leaves her son and husband to find herself. Ted is forced to learn to be a parent and Billy loves being with his father more. After a period of fifteen months, Joanna returns. She is not looking for forgiveness but rather to obtain custody of their son. Their battle leaves us questioning the very definition of gender in our society. Ted and Joanna Kramer had a life that was defined as our society would have seen fit. Joanna, being biologically suited, would remain at home and care for their son. She provides for the emotional needs of the family. Ted, operating in the public sphere, would provide for the families material needs. This is what American culture has defined as the nuclear family. This is the standard that our society would define as desirable. This ideology is so clearly spelled out in the courtroom. Part of the case that Streep presents for herself during the custody trial is a simplistic appeal-to-the fact that motherhood is powerfully persuasive as a social institution. â€Å"I'm his mother. He's my child. I love him. He needs me more than he needs his father. I'm his mother.†The simple fact that Streep as the boy's biological mother is supposed to outweigh, in court, any particularities of their individual case. And on the basis of this argument the court grants custody to Streep. As Hoffman's lawyer says, â€Å"They went for motherhood right down the line.† The movie insists that gender is the primary factor in child custody determinations at the time of divorce. Having established gender as the key, the movie then goes to court, where proceedings are seen from a distinctly male perspective. Attorney Shaughnessy warns Ted Kramer that courts favor mothers in custody battles over young children. The task, Shaughnessy is certain, is to prove Joanna is an unfit mother. Shaughnessy also apparently overlooks the fact that the parties had already divorced, and Ted had custody, so the issue was not custody but rather custody modification. Even assuming a maternal preference rule, modification hearings place great weight on maintaining child care continuity. fictional Judge Atkins sees things the way attorney Shaughnessy does. Atkins' award of custody to Joanna Kramer relies almost completely on the â€Å"tender years†When the Kramers do in fact have their day in court, viewers are propelled to defend Ted. It seems unfair when Joanna's attorney asks Ted on the stand about his move from one advertising agency to another for lower pay. Viewers are angered by the suggestion that it was Ted's negligence that caused Billy's playground fall. But somehow, this does not seem quite as bad when Shaughnessy questions Joanna about her sexual liaisons since the time of her divorce from Ted. Even Ted sympathized with Joanna at the legal proceedings seems. With Joanna wilting on the stand from a brutal cross-examination, Ted shows no vindictive pleasure. With Joanna struggling with the question â€Å"Were you a failure at the most important personal relationship of your life?†Ted establishes eye contact and supportively shakes his head no. Even after the legal proceedings conclude with a decision adverse to Ted, we continue to reflect on developments from Ted's perspective. When Ted asks Shaughnessy about an appeal, Shaughnessy warns that it would be necessary to put little Billy on the stand. Ted realizes how destructive this would be. The viewer shares his appraisal of the legal process' twisted ways and seconds his decision to back off for Billy's sake. Ted continues to win our sympathy. Kramer vs. Kramer, this issue is gender inequality. In New York, where the movie takes place, the courts were no longer going to rely on gender to decide custody battles, but gender was still a topic on the minds of the public in the 1980's, when the movie was released.  I believe that in a large proportion of our population today, there continues to be gender issues when parenting or custody issues are reviewed. There still exists the notion that women are built to be parents and nurture a child, something men are not emotional enough to do. In this case, Kramer vs. Kramer, the court’s finding of Joanna as the custodial parent, does not appear to have been a decision based on anything other than gender. The decision was made on the societal belief that a mother will be the better parent, it is what women were built to do. Ted is denied custody on the basis of gender, he cannot possibly be a better or even equal parent. The demonstration that Ted is not an adequate provider because he lost one job and took a lesser paying job, and that this somehow makes him unfit because as the father he is to be the breadwinner and this outweighed the fact that Joann had abandoned her child. The belief that Joanna should have stayed with her family, despite her own desires or wishes, and the portrayal of her as promiscuous because she had other relationships, further highlight the gender issue. The inequality of the decision in this case, is inequality to both the parents. Both Ted and Joanna had the ability and means to be a good parent. The court did not evaluate the case on that basis. The court evaluated the case on the basis of gender roles and who should be doing what given the society beliefs present.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Talcott Parsons essays
Talcott Parsons essays Talcott Parsons was born in 1902, and died in 1979, of his time he was considered the most admired American sociologist. Parsons was bread into a well-to do family and was given a strong educational foundation as a child. His father was an American Midwest preacher and very academic. As a student Parsons studied philosophy and biology, he felt out of place though so transferred to sociology and economics. As he excelled in these fields, he began his studies in Europe, giving him a wide view on different societies. In Europe he examined the work of Weber and Marx, and other German sociologists at a time when American sociology was rather parochial. His work was so impressive that he got offered a job at Harvard University, where he remained for the rest of his life. Talcott Parsons was a key functionalist thinker. His work contributes a great deal to the functionalist theory. He argued that socialisation is the key to understanding human behaviour patterns. The role of social institutions such as the family, education, religion and the media is to ensure the passing on, or reproduction, of socially acceptable patterns of behaviour. The institutions do this by socialising people into key values of society, they encourage social solidarity and social integration and they also control behaviour by reminding members of society about what counts as normality and deviance. Parsons is the only modern sociologist to have produced as influential a body of work as the founding fathers- Marx, Weber and Durkhiem. His most important work is his book, The Social System (1951), in which he saw human action as analogous in many ways to a biological system. He argued society is like a human body, every part has a function to do and all the functions together keep the structure going. He identified four levels of action, which are interlinked but can also be studied separately: The biological system, the personality system, socia...
Monday, October 21, 2019
William Mullin Vs Raytheon and the Disparate Impact †Ethics Essay
William Mullin Vs Raytheon and the Disparate Impact – Ethics Essay Free Online Research Papers William Mullin Vs Raytheon and the Disparate Impact Ethics Essay In a disparate treatment claim, the worker seeks to prove the employer’s discriminatory motive. In a disparate impact claim there need not be proof of intentional discrimination, but rather proof that the employer utilizes employment practices that are facially neutral in their treatment of different groups but in fact fall more harshly on one group than another and cannot be justified by business necessity. I would like to discuss one particular case that actually changed the law itself in regards to one particular janra. In 1999, the New Hampshire Federal Court ruled in the case of William Mullin Vs Raytheon that Disparate Impact does not fall under the umbrella of the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act, or ADEA. William Mullin, a elder employee of Raytheon claimed that after many years of employment, his salary was cut by 10% when he was demoted from a level 15 employee, to a level 12 employee. The company claimed that downsizing and restructuring was the cause for the demotion. Mullin claimed that the corporate restructuring of Raytheon had a disparate impact on older workers who by their very nature had higher-grade levels because they had worked there longer. The court felt that Raytheon was justified in it’s choice to downsize and restructure its company that cost Mr. Mullin his salary. The company was going through dire straits due to massive defense budget cut backs. They needed to dramatically decrease expenditures and payroll is usually the first place to look. A number of other older employees of Raytheon also had issues with these cuts but had no luck getting the courts to buy into their claim. Mr. Mullin and his elderly associates were forced to live with the results of Raytheons decision, and inevitably the ruling of the courts. Immediate effects to my personal work environment are diverse. My retail employer, at least in my limited exposure, has never ran into situations that required downsizing and restructuring. We value our older work force and respect not only their years of service but their knowledge and experience as well. Now, if the time comes and decisions must be made on cut backs and realignments, than this case proves that a retailer does have the legal right to cut the salaries of those employees that make a great deal of money, whether they are young executives, or members of the elderly elite group. As a manager in a retail store, this ruling supports retailers stance on capped salaries for team members. Every year, most of my employees are eligible for a raise up to 60 cents an hour depending upon their work performance throughout the year. There is a small group of team members that are considered by corporate to be maxed out, or grand fathered and are not eligible for any more than a 5 cent raise per hour, no matter what their work performance. It takes many years of service to reach this lofty hour wage, but 2 of my employees know do not qualify for a full raise each year, both of which have been retail team members for 22 plus years. The nature of this rule and the length of time needed to reach the maximum pay grade has a much more negative affect on my elderly employees than my high school team. Obviously, the ruling in this case supports this type of negative impacts towards seniors that these types of rules cause. Research Papers on William Mullin Vs Raytheon and the Disparate Impact - Ethics EssayMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesTwilight of the UAWAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaThe Project Managment Office SystemResearch Process Part OneTrailblazing by Eric AndersonCapital PunishmentNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Feathered Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era
The Feathered Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era Part of the reason so many ordinary people doubt the evolutionary link between feathered dinosaurs and birds is because when they think of the word dinosaur, they picture enormous beasts like Brachiosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex, and when they think of the word bird, they picture harmless, rodent-sized pigeons and hummingbirds, or perhaps the occasional eagle or penguin. (See a gallery of feathered dinosaur pictures and profiles and an article explaining why birds arent dinosaur-sized.) Closer to the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, though, the visual referents are a lot different. For decades, paleontologists have been digging up small, birdlike theropods (the same family of two-legged, meat-eating dinosaurs that includes tyrannosaurs and raptors) bearing unmistakable evidence of feathers, wishbones, and other bits of avian anatomy. Unlike larger dinosaurs, these smaller theropods tend to be unusually well-preserved, and many such fossils have been discovered completely intact (which is more than can be said for the average sauropod). Types of Feathered Dinosaurs So many dinosaurs of the later Mesozoic Era sported feathers that its virtually impossible to pin down the exact definition of a true dino-bird. These include: Raptors. Despite what you saw in Jurassic Park, Velociraptor was almost certainly covered with feathers, as was the dinosaur it was modeled on, Deinonychus. At this point, the discovery of a provably non-feathered raptor would be major news! Ornithomimids. Bird mimic dinosaurs like Ornithomimus and Struthiomimus probably looked like giant ostriches, complete with feathersif not all over their bodies, at least on certain regions. Therizinosaurs. All of the dozen or so genera of this small family of bizarre, long-clawed, plant-eating theropods likely had feathers, though this has yet to be conclusively proven. Troodonts and oviraptorosaurs. Typified by, you guessed it, the North American Troodon and the central Asian Oviraptor, virtually all of the members of this theropod family seem to have been covered with feathers. Tyrannosaurs. Believe it or not, we have conclusive evidence that least some tyrannosaurs (like the recently discovered Yutyrannus) were featheredand the same may hold for the juveniles of Tyrannosaurus Rex. Avialan dinosaurs. Heres where paleontologists classify the feathered dinosaurs that dont fit in the above categories; the most famous avialan is Archaeopteryx. Further complicating matters, we now have evidence that at least some genera of ornithopods, plant-eating dinosaurs unrelated to modern birds, had primitive feathers as well! (For more on this subject, see Why Did Dinosaurs Have Feathers?) Which Feathered Dinosaurs Evolved Into Birds? What do all of these genera tell us about the evolution of prehistoric birds from dinosaurs? Well, for starters, its impossible to pin down a single missing link between these two types of animals. For a while, scientists believed the 150-million-year-old Archaeopteryx was the indisputable transitional form, but its still not clear if this was a true bird (as some experts claim) or a very small, and not very aerodynamic, theropod dinosaur. (In fact, a new study claims that the feathers of Archaeopteryx werent strong enough to sustain extended bursts of flight.) For more, see Was Archaeopteryx a Bird or a Dinosaur? The problem is, the subsequent discovery of other small, feathered dinosaurs that lived around the same time as Archaeopteryxsuch as Epidendrosaurus, Pedopenna and Xiaotingiahas muddied the picture considerably, and theres no ruling out the possibility that future paleontologists will unearth dino-birds dating to as far back as the Triassic period. In addition, its far from clear that all of these feathered theropods were closely related: evolution has a way of repeating its jokes, and feathers (and wishbones) may well have evolved multiple times. (For more on this subject, see How Did Feathered Dinosaurs Learn to Fly?) The Feathered Dinosaurs of Liaoning Every now and then, a treasure trove of fossils forever changes the publics perception of dinosaurs. Such was the case in the early 1990s, when researchers uncovered the rich deposits in Liaoning, a northeastern province of China. All of the fossils discovered hereincluding exceptionally well-preserved feathered theropods, accounting for over a dozen separate generadate from about 130 million years ago, making Liaoning a spectacular window into the early Cretaceous period. (You can recognize a Liaoning dino-bird from its name; witness the sino, meaning Chinese, in Sinornithosaurus, Sinosauropteryx and Sinovenator.) Since Liaonings fossil deposits represent a mere snapshot in the 165-million-year-old rule of the dinosaurs, their discovery raises the possibility that more dinosaurs were feathered than scientists have ever dreamedand that the evolution of dinosaurs into birds was not a one-time, non-repeatable, linear process. In fact, its very possible that dinosaurs evolved into what we would recognize as birds numerous times over the course of the Mesozoic Erawith only one branch surviving into the modern age and producing those pigeons, sparrows, penguins and eagles we all know and love.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Analysis of LinkedIn Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analysis of LinkedIn - Research Paper Example Current ratio- The firm’s current ratio is increasing and getting stronger as the year progresses. A ratio of above one indicates the firm can settle its short-term obligation within a financial year and still conduct its operation effectively. This is proven by the networking capital across the year which increases across the year. In the year 2012, the ratio was 2.45 it rose to 4.7 in the year 2014. Return on Assets- The value of assets owned by LinkedIn Corporation is increasing across the financial years that have been analyzed above. However, the return on this asset is decreasing. This simply means that the assets the firm have invested on are not been utilized to the maximum or the resources are in surplus. In the year 2014, the return was in the negative figure because the firm had incurred losses. The revenue generated across the three years was increasing as well as the costs for revenue generation. However, the rate at which the cost of revenue was increasing was hi gher than that of revenue being generated. This has to be taken into account because if this continues LinkedIn profits will be â€Å"eaten-up†. Equity ratio- This ratio indicates a firm dependence on debt to run its operations. From the above analysis, the equity ratio for LinkedIn is good because over 60% of the firm’s asset was financed by its shareholders. However, in the year 2014, the equity ratio dropped to 61.3% from 78.4 % in 2013. According to (Samuels, and Wilkes, 72), it indicates the firm had increased its borrowing.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Essay
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - Essay Example The paper tells that despite the presence of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), US have been faced by many crimes that have not been researched on to get helpful information. Many of these crimes have been cases of terrorism. Terrorism has really threatened the security in United States. All the presidents in the country have been addressing this issue. This is evident from the efforts of Barrack Obama to capture Osama bin Laden, one of the most notorious terrorists who hit US. There are some causes of failures of the projects like inefficiency technology; lack of trained personnel; lack of funds; and lack of corporation from other organs. There are reports that are given on this agency an annual basis giving some recommendations that have to be implemented but this has not been enough since there is much information that the urgency not yet has about terrorism. There are some recommendations that may act as long-term solutions to this basing them on the ways of improving eff iciency of a project as it is in project management. The FBI as an agency of investigation on major crimes in the United States has been successful in different ways. It is the expectation of everyone that US, the most powerful country in the world, has all possible ways of ensuring security of its people. This has not been the case since security in its states has been threatened occasionally through some major crimes. They have increased their technology for instance introduction of DNA tests, fingerprint tracking, among other technologies that are used in crime investigation. (Jenkins, 2005, p.13). Despite the many achievements the FBI has, it has not been able to end and get enough information on some major crimes like terrorism. Terrorism has been a challenge to the agency and this is observable from the chronology of terrorist attacks from 1995. However, they have been successful on some terrorist activities; there are some that they still lack information on. This does not me an that the agency is a failure. There is a need to find out the causes of such challenges and give recommendations. The recommendations should be different from the ones that are given at the end of each year in such a way that they give long-term solutions. The agency has been regularly financed thus it becomes a surprise what the problem could really be. Analysis of FBI Database Project FBI as an agency of investigation has not been able to get information on some major issues like terrorism. It has been faced by some challenges that are expected in any project. Terrorism is one area in which the agency has failed. They lack much information on the issue and this has seen the rise of terrorist attacks over the years. However, they have not sat back to watch this happen, most of the measures that they have put to fight this have not bore any fruits. Forensic sciences are one of the fields they have advanced in to carry out investigation. They have been able to use some forensic te chnologies like fingerprints to track nagging criminals. This has however been successful with minor crimes within the states like robbery and murder but it has not helped much to get adequate on some major crimes like terrorism. This is what has led to negative judgments of their performance from different parties. They cannot despair since it is connected directly with the people’s lives on this project. There are some reasons that have been highlighted in different publications, in speeches, in
Discuss the meaning and importance of the concept of elasticity in Essay
Discuss the meaning and importance of the concept of elasticity in microeconomic reasoning - Essay Example n help economists ascertain whether it would be more profitable to increase or decrease the price of a particular product based on price elasticity of demand. Elasticity helps determine if a good is of inferior quality or normal quality based on price elasticity of demand. An inferior quality product is consumed less if the consumers’ income increasing while a normal quality product has higher consumption along with rising income of the consumer. Similarly, Elasticity can help decide whether the products are compliments or supplements. The difference between the two is that with complimentary goods the demand for one leads to demand for another of the same product, while supplementary goods are those that guide to less demand for another product. Cross price elasticity of demand determines if a product is a compliment or supplement. And lastly, price elasticity of demand can help economists find out whether her a supplier e.g. a farmer, will have the capability to suddenly inc rease their supply. Farmers and other agricultural goods producers have low price elasticity of supply as it takes them a long time to increase their supplies because their supplies take a long time to produce. So, in short, elasticity is used when economists want to know how something changes in relation to a change in another. The concept of elasticity is an integral part of the theory of microeconomics. Law of demand tells us that an increase in the price of a product leads to a decrease in its demand. Here, Elasticity can tell us how much demand will decrease for every one per cent increase in price. An elasticity of 1 or higher is â€Å"elastic†. While inelastic refers to products that remain on constant demand no matter what their price
Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Bibliography - Essay Example The approach is described in non-technical terms for risk communicators to help them serve the public in making informed decisions. The author follows the evolution of the research on risk communication over the years, the mistakes made and the lessons learnt. This essay provides a brief history of risk communication organized around certain developmental stages, with each stage characterized by a focal communication strategy. The essay, however, has not provided comprehensive illustrations or examples. Communication is like an insurance policy in that it is a fixed cost that can keep a larger damage at bay. Receiving relevant information on environment and health risks and on the safety of modern technologies is a very important need of modern man, but he seldom receives it. The authors, making use of case studies, give an overview of the critical role of risk management in dealing with public controversies and an insight into the risk communication practices and malpractices. The book leaves scope for the concerned authorities to devise ways to check the malpractices and inadequacies in risk communication. The failure of institutions in adequately communicating about risks result in inadequate management of risks leading to heavy financial loss. The study examines a very important and subtle aspect of risk communication, which is trust and credibility. ... Peters, R. G., Covello, V. T., McCallum, D. B. (1997). The determinants of trust and credibility in environmental risk communication: An empirical study. Risk Analysis 17(1). Retreived October 20, 2008, from The study examines a very important and subtle aspect of risk communication, which is trust and credibility. An important hypothesis tested in this study regarding perceptions and determinants of trust and credibility is that they are dependent on three factors, namely perceptions of knowledge and expertise, perceptions of openness and honesty, and perceptions of concern and care. The responses to surveys are mostly in the predictable lines in that they mostly reflect general perceptions. A significant finding is that defying a negative stereotype leads to improved perceptions of trust and credibility. O'Connor, A.M., Legare, F., & Stacey, D. (2003). Risk communication in practice: the contribution of decision aids. BMJ 327(7417) 736-740. doi: 10.1136/bmj.327.7417.736. The authors examine the effectiveness of the communication of risks, benefits and options by clinicians in helping patients make an informed decision regarding their healthcare. Different decisions require different strategies for communication. Effective services are those in which benefits/harm ratio is large, and those in which the ratios are uncertain are preference sensitive services. The article does not explain how to equip the support service system to handle the diverse plans of diverse patients. The goal of decision-making is to choose options that are most beneficial and the least harmful. Decision support should take into account a patient's personal values, resources and determination. Croyle, R.T. & Lerman, C. (1999).
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Smith Radiators Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Smith Radiators Case Study - Essay Example As noted, by being certified by AAI, the organization would tap the opportunity for continued growth. However, a review of their current HR policies revealed that these do not support the current business strategy of a reactor. After identifying the strengths and weaknesses, the organization should address these and eventually assume the business strategy of a defender. There are various weaknesses noted in the current HR policies that ultimately stem for the centralized decision making process and the lack of formal training and development programs. The recommended HR approach that the organization should take should focus on reviewing their policies on recruitment, selection, maintenance (particularly training and development programs), and other HR policies. Specifically, a closer look into decentralized decision-making to involve the management team and other crucial employees would be expounded; (2) a review of the contract and agreement with the Union in terms of benefits, compensation, and security concerns of employees should be delved into; (3) a review of current job descriptions are required; and (4) a closer coordination with other government agencies that affect work conditions such as the Department of Labor, the US EEOC, and the OSHA, must be forged to fit the defender strategy. Question 1: Identify and discuss key issues and problems related to the fit between the organization’s current (implied or stated) business strategy and its (implied or stated) HR strategic plan and practices. Using Miles and Snow typology of organizational strategies, it is eminent that Smith Radiators, Inc. is applying the reactor business strategy in view of addressing the issues presented from the Automobiles of America, Inc. (AAI) letter. AAI proposed two relevant actions that need to be addressed to enable Smith Radiators to continue supplying radiators to them: (1) requirement for Smith
What are the main constraints for the effective enforcement of the Essay - 1
What are the main constraints for the effective enforcement of the Antimonopoly Law in China - Essay Example The Antimonopoly law began operating in early August 2008, making China a vital competition law jurisdiction, for international and domestic businesses, or companies with running activities in China’s territory. Its three broad rules are based on prohibiting abuse of dominant market positions and restrictive agreements, mergers rules preventing mergers or joint ventures that restrict competition as well as control M&A activities, and rules forbidding abuse of administrative powers that end up in competition restriction (Rose, 2012). The application of the law is viewed differently among the people of China. Some think it applies to all businesses or organizations in dealings of providing goods and services, while others think the complexity of the law has something to enhance leniency in state owned enterprises. However, even after its initiation, several factors have dominated to restrict full enforcement of the law. They include limited transparency, concentration, influence from government involvement, outdated economic planning, unreliable market infrastructure, unnecessary enforcement of law, insider control, and general resistance. So far, the Anti Monopoly Law (AML) is being enforced by three bodies; MOFCOM, NDRC and SAIC, to ensure fair competition, safeguard social public and consumer interest, boost economic efficiency, and restrain monopolistic behavior. The enforcement agencies continue to experience challenges and problems in the law enforcement practice, limiting effective application and acceptance of the AML by the people. Over the years, the enforcement agencies have been handling many cases to do with monopolistic agreements, merger control, and price and non price related cases for the companies and businesses operating and showing interest to practice within China. The NDRC and SAIC have faced accusations
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Smith Radiators Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Smith Radiators Case Study - Essay Example As noted, by being certified by AAI, the organization would tap the opportunity for continued growth. However, a review of their current HR policies revealed that these do not support the current business strategy of a reactor. After identifying the strengths and weaknesses, the organization should address these and eventually assume the business strategy of a defender. There are various weaknesses noted in the current HR policies that ultimately stem for the centralized decision making process and the lack of formal training and development programs. The recommended HR approach that the organization should take should focus on reviewing their policies on recruitment, selection, maintenance (particularly training and development programs), and other HR policies. Specifically, a closer look into decentralized decision-making to involve the management team and other crucial employees would be expounded; (2) a review of the contract and agreement with the Union in terms of benefits, compensation, and security concerns of employees should be delved into; (3) a review of current job descriptions are required; and (4) a closer coordination with other government agencies that affect work conditions such as the Department of Labor, the US EEOC, and the OSHA, must be forged to fit the defender strategy. Question 1: Identify and discuss key issues and problems related to the fit between the organization’s current (implied or stated) business strategy and its (implied or stated) HR strategic plan and practices. Using Miles and Snow typology of organizational strategies, it is eminent that Smith Radiators, Inc. is applying the reactor business strategy in view of addressing the issues presented from the Automobiles of America, Inc. (AAI) letter. AAI proposed two relevant actions that need to be addressed to enable Smith Radiators to continue supplying radiators to them: (1) requirement for Smith
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Community College Essay Example for Free
Community College Essay Community college is made up of an atmosphere of many di? erent categories. We have your tradi? onal, untradi? onal, veterans, and single parents. Some are there to transfer and some to get an associate’s degree while one of the biggest reasons is because they simply cannot a? ord the university price. â€Å"John Holt†(Three Kinds of Discipline) is very compliable with the categories in a community college. You need a great deal of discipline to succeed here reality sets in and if you are not disciplined then you will fail out and waste a lot of money. You will always make mistakes while being here but learning from those mistakes is what will make you a be*er student. While you a*end you will create a lot of friendships and several kinds of them. â€Å"Judith Viorst†(Friends, Good Friends, and Such Good Friends) you will have your convenience friends, your historical friends, opposite sex friends, and in? mate friends. Your tradi? onal students are the students that a*end college right a/er they get out of high school or are under the age of 25. untradi? onal students are your students that are above the age of 25 and are a*ending college to move up in their job or just wan? ng a career the needs a type of degree so they go to school. Veterans are a*ending the school to become a higher rank in the military or because they are searching for a new career a/er they 3nish there term. There are also single parents that work a full ? me who a*end the school at night while there kids are at a babysi*ers house or with a friend they go to be promoted in their job the job sends them to get a degree or they could be a young parent who needs to get credits so that they can get a good job to provide for their family. To be disciplined at college could poten? ally be the most important aspect to be a successful student. The reality sets in and students quickly realize they need to discipline themselves to study, do homework, and write essays. Discipline of a superior force is another way students can succeed as well. This may help because fear of disappoin? ng an instructor or a parent. A lot of friends will be made as you a*end college you will have di? erent groups of friends as well. You will have your convenience friends who you see as you are wai? ng in between classes and small talk about li*le things some of them you get along with and talk every day and others you’ll talk with once a week and possibly never even get their name. You have your historical friends who you have grown up with since elementary school and can talk about anything with these are the friends you hand out with out of school with you go out to par? es with, watch spor? ng events and 7at out just hang out with. You meet some friends that are the opposite sex as you these are the ones who you may try a li*le too hard to impress or you might get along great with them great you may even become in? mate friends which is being in a rela? onship with them you could even possibly marry them. These are the categories that make up the atmosphere of community college and the kinds of students that make it up.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Prime Numbers Divide
Prime Numbers Divide Prime Numbers: History, Facts and Examples Prime Numbers: An Introduction Prime number is the number, which is greater than 1 and cannot be divided by any number excluding itself and one. A prime number is a positive integer that has just two positive integer factors, including 1 and itself. Such as, if the factors of 28 are listed, there are 6 factors that are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, and 28. Similarly, if the factors of 29 are listed, there are only two factors that are 1 and 29. Therefore, it can be inferred that 29 is a prime number, but 28 is not. Examples of prime numbers The first few prime numbers are as follows: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, etc. Identifying the primes The ancient Sieve of Eratosthenes is a simple way to work out all prime numbers up to a given limit by preparing a list of all integers and repetitively striking out multiples of already found primes. There is also a modern Sieve of Atkin, which is more complex when compared to that of Eratosthenes. A method to determine whether a number is prime or not, is to divide it by all primes less than or equal to the square root of that number. If the results of any of the divisions are an integer, the original number is not a prime and if not, it is a prime. One need not actually calculate the square root; once one sees that the quotient is less than the divisor, one can stop. This is called as the trial division, which is the simplest primality test but it is impractical for testing large integers because the number of possible factors grows exponentially as the number of digits in the number to be tested increases. Primality tests: A primality test algorithm is an algorithm that is used to test a number for primality, that is, whether the number is a prime number or not. AKS primality test The AKS primality test is based upon the equivalence (x a)n = (xn a) (mod n) for a coprime to n, which is true if and only if n is prime. This is a generalization of Fermats little theorem extended to polynomials and can easily be proven using the binomial theorem together with the fact that: for all 0 (x a)n = (xn a) (mod n, x r 1), which can be checked in polynomial time. Fermat primality test Fermats little theorem asserts that if p is prime and 1≠¤ a a p -1≠¡ 1 (mod p) In order to test whether p is a prime number or not, one can pick random as in the interval and check if there is an equality. Solovay-Strassen primality test For a prime number p and any integer a, A (p -1)/2 ≠¡ (a/p) (mod p) Where (a/p) is the Legendre symbol. The Jacobi symbol is a generalisation of the Legendre symbol to (a/n); where n can be any odd integer. The Jacobi symbol can be computed in time O((log n) ²) using Jacobis generalization of law of quadratic reciprocity. It can be observed whether or not the congruence A (n -1)/2 ≠¡ (a/n) (mod n) holds for various values of a. This congruence is true for all as if n is a prime number. (Solovay, Robert M. and Volker Strassen, 1977) Lucas-Lehmer test This test is for a natural number n and in this test, it is also required that the prime factors of n − 1 should be already known. If for every prime factor (q) of n − 1, there exists an integer a less than n and greater than 1 such as a n -1 ≠¡1 (mod n) and then a n -1/q 1 (mod n) then n is prime. If no such number can be found, n is composite number. Miller-Rabin primality test If we can find an a such that ad ≠¡ 1 (mod n), and a2nd -1 (mod n) for all 0 ≠¤ r ≠¤ s 1 then ‘a proves the compositeness of n. If not, ‘a is called a strong liar, and n is a strong probable prime to the base a. â€Å"Strong liar†refers to the case where n is composite but yet the equations hold as they would for a prime number. There are several witnesses ‘a for every odd composite n. But, a simple way to generate such an ‘a is known. Making the test probabilistic is the solution: we choose randomly, and check whether it is a witness for the composite nature of n. If n is composite, majority of the ‘as are witnesses, therefore the test will discover n as a composite number with high probability. (Rabin, 1980) A probable prime is an integer, which is considered to be probably prime by passing a certain test. Probable primes, which are actually composite (such as Carmichael numbers) are known as pseudoprimes. Besides these methods, there are other methods also. There is a set of Diophantine equations in 9 variables and one parameter in which the parameter is a prime number only if the resultant system of equations has a solution over the natural numbers. A single formula with the property of all the positive values being prime can be obtained with this method. There is another formula that is based on Wilsons theorem. The number ‘two is generated several times and all other primes are generated exactly once. Also, there are other similar formulas that can generate primes. Some primes are categorized as per the properties of their digits in decimal or other bases. An example is that the numbers whose digits develop a palindromic sequence are palindromic primes, and if by consecutively removing the first digit at the left or the right generates only new prime numbers, a prime number is known as a truncatable prime. The first 5,000 prime numbers can be known very quickly by just looking at odd numbers and checking each new number (say 5) against every number above it (3); so if 5Mod3 = 0 then its not a prime number. History of prime numbers The most ancient and acknowledged proof for the statement that â€Å"There are infinitely many prime numbers†, is given by Euclid in his Elements (Book IX, Proposition 20). The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a simple, ancient algorithm to identify all prime numbers up to a particular integer. After this, came the modern Sieve of Atkin, which is faster but more complex. The Sieve of Eratosthenes was created in the 3rd century BC by Eratosthenes. Some clues can be found in the surviving records of the ancient Egyptians regarding their knowledge of prime numbers: for example, the Egyptian fraction expansions in the Rhind papyrus have fairly different forms for primes and for composites. But, the first surviving records of the clear study of prime numbers come from the Ancient Greeks. Euclids Elements (circa 300 BC) include key theorems about primes, counting the fundamental theorem of arithmetic and the infinitude of primes. Euclid also explained how a perfect number is constructed fro m a Mersenne prime. After the Greeks, nothing special happened with the study of prime numbers till the 17th century. In 1640, Pierre de Fermat affirmed Fermats little theorem, which was later on proved by Leibniz and Euler. Chinese may have identified a special case of Fermats theorem much earlier. Fermat assumed that all numbers of the form 22n + 1 are prime and he proved this up to n = 4. But, the subsequent Fermat number 232+1 is composite; whose one prime factor is 641). This was later on discovered by Euler and now no further Fermat numbers are recognized as prime numbers. A French monk, Marin Mersenne looked at primes of the form 2p 1, with p as a prime number. They are known as Mersenne primes after his name. Euler showed that the infinite series 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/5 + 1/7 + 1/11 + †¦ is divergent. In 1747, Euler demonstrated that even the perfect numbers are in particular the integers of the form 2p-1(2p-1), where the second factor is a Mersenne prime. It is supposed that there are no odd perfect numbers, but it is not proved yet. In the beginning of the 19th century, Legendre and Gauss independently assumed that because x tends to infinity, the number of primes up to x is asymptotic to x/log(x), where log(x) is the natural logarithm of x. Awards for finding primes A prize of US$100,000 has been offered by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) to the first discoverers of a prime with a minimum 10 million digits. Also, $150,000 for 100 million digits, and $250,000 for 1 billion digits has been offered. In 2000, $50,000 for 1 million digits were paid. Apart from this, prizes up to US$200,000 for finding the prime factors of particular semi-primes of up to 2048 bits were offered by the RSA Factoring Challenge. Facts about prime numbers 73939133 is an amazing prime number. If the last or the digit at the units place is removed, every time you will get a prime number. It is the largest known prime with this property. Because, all the numbers which we get after removing the end digit of the number are also prime numbers. They are as follows: 7393913, 739391, 73939, 7393, 739, 73 and 7. All these numbers are prime numbers. This is a distinct quality of the number 73939133, which any other number does not have. (Amazing number facts, 2008) The only even prime number is 2. All other even numbers can be divided by 2. So, they are not prime numbers. Zero and 1 are not considered to be prime numbers. If the sum of the digits of a number is a multiple of 3, that number can be divided by 3. With the exception of 0 and 1, a number is either a prime number or a composite number. A composite number is identified as any number that is greater than 1 and that is not prime. The last digit of a prime number greater than 5 can never be 5. Any number greater than 5 whose last digit is 5 can be divided by 5. (Prime Numbers, 2008) 1/2 0.5 Terminates 1/3 0.33333 Repeating block: 1 digit 1/5 0.2 Terminates 1/7 0.1428571428 Repeating block: 6 digits 1/11 0.090909 Repeating block: 2 digits 1/13 0.0769230769 Repeating block: 6 digits 1/17 0.05882352941176470588 Repeating block: 16 digits 1/19 0.0526315789473684210526 Repeating block: 18 digits 1/23 0.04347826086956521739130434 Repeating block: 22 digits For some of the prime numbers, the size of the repeating block is 1 less than the prime. These are known as Golden Primes. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97 9 primes out of the 25 (less than 100) are golden primes; this forms 36% (9/25). (Amazing number facts, 2008) Examples of mathematicians specialized in prime numbers Arthur Wieferich, D. D. Wall, Zhi Hong Sun and Zhi Wei Sun, Joseph Wolstenholme, Joseph Wolstenholme, Euclid, Eratosthenes. Applications of prime numbers For a long time, the number theory and the study of prime numbers as well was seen as the canonical example of pure mathematics with no applications beyond the self-interest of studying the topic. But, in the 1970s, it was publicly announced that prime numbers could be used as a basis for creating the public key cryptography algorithms. They were also used for hash tables and pseudorandom number generators. A number of rotor machines were designed with a different number of pins on each rotor. The number of pins on any one rotor was either prime, or co-prime to the number of pins on any other rotor. With this, a full cycle of possible rotor positions (before repeating any position) was generated. Prime numbers in the arts and literature Also, prime numbers have had a significant influence on several artists and writers. The French composer Olivier Messiaen created ametrical music through natural phenomena with the use of prime numbers. In his works, La Natività © du Seigneur (1935) and Quatre à ©tudes de rythme (1949-50), he has used motifs with lengths given by different prime numbers to create unpredictable rhythms: 41, 43, 47 and 53 are the primes that appear in one of the à ©tudes. A scientist of NASA, Carl Sagan recommended (in his science fiction ‘Contact) that prime numbers could be used for communication with the aliens. The award-winning play ‘Arcadia by Tom Stoppard was a willful attempt made to discuss mathematical ideas on the stage. In the very first scene, the 13 year old heroine baffles over the Fermats last theorem (theorem that involves prime numbers). A popular fascination with the mysteries of prime numbers and cryptography has been seen in various films. References Amazing number facts, 2008. Retrieved April 28, 2008 from Prime Numbers, 2008. Retrieved April 28, 2008 from Solovay, Robert M. Strassen, V. (1977). A fast Monte-Carlo test for primality. SIAM Journal on Computing 6 (1): 84-85. Rabin, M.O. (1980). Probabilistic algorithm for testing primality, Journal of Number Theory 12, no. 1, pp. 128-138.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Canadian Press Coverage in the Middle East :: Canada Media Middle East News Essays
Canadian Press Coverage in the Middle East In December 1985, the Canadian press reported the death by suicide of hundreds of field mice in the Middle East. In an apparently instinctive reaction to a problem of over-population, the mice willfully plunged to their doom off the cliffs of the Golan Heights. This bizarre story was the subject not only of straight news coverage in the Canadian press, but also of an editorial in the Globe and Mail on December 20. On November 1, 1985, the Globe and Mail also ran a photograph of a visiting Roman Catholic priest from Brazil, saying prayers on the banks of the Jordan River at the site where Christ is said to have been baptized. Standing alertly near the priest was an Israeli soldier with a rifle slung over his shoulder, his eyes carefully scanning Jordanian territory across the river. For the analyst of the media and media image-making, these rather unusual press items raise an interesting question about news selection and presentation by the editorial departments of the daily press. Had the mice toppled off Mount Kilimanjaro would this essentially scientific story about animal behavior have found its way so prominently into the Canadian press? Had the priest been peacefully saying mass on the Mountain would this religious item have been deemed worthy of coverage? Or was it the newspapers' sense of the irony of these events, of their news value as symbols depicting the pervasive conflict and violence we have come to associate with the Middle East that led to their selection for publication from the reams of teletype endlessly flowing into the editorial departments of the Canadian press? It would seem that even when the subject matter is scientific or religious--about mice or monsignors--the press is inclined to remind its readers of the inherently violent nature o f the Middle East, and a fundamentally negative image is developed or reinforced. It is, Canadians are told in effect, a region so bleak and hopeless that even its despairing mice are driven to take their lives. The purpose of this study is to examine in an empirical fashion Canadian daily press coverage of the Middle East to establish, inter alias, what type of image of the region and of its principal actors (Israel, the Palestinians and the Arab states) is, in fact, resented to the Canadian reader and what impact, if any, the character of that coverage has had on the shaping of Canadian foreign policy.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Act II Analysis & Character Development :: English Literature
Act II Analysis & Character Development At the start of Act II, John Proctor returns from the fields and sits down to dinner with his wife, Elizabeth. She has cooked up a rabbit, which apparently walked into the house and sat itself in the corner. Proctor seems out to please Elizabeth throughout this scene, kissing her and complimenting her on her cooking. Their small talk continues for a page or so, until the atmosphere abruptly changes, as Proctor enquires, â€Å"I think you’re sad again aren’t you?†Elizabeth responds by saying that he had returned so late that she thought he had gone to Salem. When Elizabeth mentions that Mary Warren is currently in Salem, Proctor becomes angered, demanding why Elizabeth did not stop her. Elizabeth suggests that he himself, go to Salem to testify that the accusations of witchcraft are false. Proctor says that he cannot prove his allegation because Abigail told him this information while they were alone at Parris’ house. Elizabeth is greatly dismayed upon learning that he and Abigail were alone together. Proctor demands that she stop judging him. He says that he feels as though his home is a courtroom, but Elizabeth responds that the real court is in his own heart. This is implied by the line: â€Å"I do not judge you. The magistrate sits in your heart that judges you.†This also suggests that regardless of whether Elizabeth forgives Proctor, he still cannot forgive himself. When Mary Warren returns home, the mood of the scene changes dramatically. As soon as Mary enters the room, Proctor goes directly to her and grabs her by the cloak, furious. â€Å"How do you go to Salem when I forbid it? Do you mock me? [shaking her.] I’ll whip you if you dare leave this house again! Mary responds by saying she is sick and gives Elizabeth a doll that she sewed in court, saying that it is a gift. She reports that thirty-nine people now stand accused. John and Mary argue over whether Mary can continue attending the trials. Elizabeth’s name was apparently mentioned in the accusations (Mary will not name the accuser), but Mary spoke out in Elizabeth’s defense. Proctor instructs Mary to go to bed, but she demands that he stop ordering her around. Elizabeth, meanwhile, is convinced that it was Abigail who accused her of witchcraft, in order to take her place in the Proctor household. Overall, this is a very important Act in terms of the relationship between Proctor and Elizabeth. It brings to light a number of crucial issues such as deceit, dishonesty, unfaithfulness and a growing sense of mistrust. Throughout the scene, Proctor seems motivated by feelings
Friday, October 11, 2019
Importance of Teachers Essay
A REFLECTION ON THE IMPORTANCE OF TEACHER’S INVOLVEMENT IN CURRICULUM PLANNING Recent studies in the United States shown that curriculum implementation can only be successful if teachers and communities are involved in the development and implementation of curriculum and structural changes.(Arend Carl, 2005) While addressing the need of the learners which is the primary concern of the curriculum, teachers should be one of the principal role-players in the process of addressing these challenges. The question is: Are they allowed to participate in the process, and if they do participate, what is the nature of their involvement? Within the context of the curriculum changes in education cited in the text, stringent demands are being made on teachers. This process of continuous change has not yet stabilized however and therefore it is imperative that there should be dialogue about what is expected of teachers when it is suggested that they should be â€Å"more involved in curriculum development†. More often, teachers, especially in the public school system in our country indicated that they, for the most part excluded from participation in curriculum development at curriculum levels outside the classroom. Their perception was that, although they were the subject and/or learning area specialists, little attention, if any, was given to their â€Å"voice† they were only involved in the implementation of the new curriculum. And this is also what is indicated in the context of the situation in the story that was presented the previous meeting. This has created the impression that teachers operate solely within the context of the school and the classroom, making this seem the only place where they can make a contribution to the curriculum. Contributions from the teachers are seldom acknowledged just like in the situation cited, so that, a perception often held by teachers is that the curriculum is developed â€Å"elsewhere†so that they simply need some guidance for the†¦
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Impact of Divorce on Children
The impact of divorce on children Angela Smith PSYC 210 James Varland Liberty University The impact of divorce on children The days of complete families that include mom, dad, the household pet, and several children hardly exist. These families have now been replaced with an increasing number of single parent households due to the increasing divorce rate since the 1970’s. (Price & McKenry, 1988) What kind of impact does divorce play on children under the age of 18 years old today. As we journey into this research, we will see many things that effect children not only emotionally, but spiritually, physically, and mentally.Each of these problems can carry over to adulthood. What we may not realize is that divorce could affect everything up into adulthood of a child. Emotional scars could be left for life. The children are the ones that are left to suffer the most due to divorce. There is so much research on this topic. That alone shows that children are suffering in so many ways due to divorced parents. Divorce is a very stressful experience for any child, regardless of their age. Over half of American children will witness the breakup of a parent’s marriage.Among the millions of children who have seen their parents divorce, did you know that one in ten children will also go through three or more parental marriages? (The Abolition of Marriage, Gallagher) The death of a parent is less devastating on a child than a divorce. There are several areas and stages of pain that is dealt with within a child at the beginning of a divorce. They feel very vulnerable, they feel powerless over the situation, and they have feelings of anger and of course several feeling of guilt. Parents’ sensitivity to their child’s needs has to be a priority in the adjustment of the divorce.Then you need to consider the child’s age also. A preschooler’s reaction and an adolescent’s reaction will be very different from each other. Preschoolerâ₠¬â„¢s tend to be emotionally needy. They have fears related to abandonment, and may display acting-out behaviors. They are likely to become distressed during visit exchanges. (http://cpancf. com/articles_files/efffectsdivorceonchildren. asp) Children from ages 6 to 8 will likely fantasize about their parents but yet are less likely to blame themselves for the divorce.Then children ages 9 to 12 will have a better understanding of their parents divorce and the situation but yet may take the sides with one of the parents. Although adolescents understand and comprehend the divorce of their parents, they are faced with the divorce experience and also their own identities. Adolescents seem to mature more quickly after a divorce. They will take on more responsibilities at home; they learn to appreciate things like an allowance a lot more, and they also learn to gain insight into relationships with others.But on the other hand, they could be drawn into taking on the role of the parent and n ot be able to develop relationships with their own peers. According to research, there are many different approaches that you could take when talking to your children about the divorce. There are definitely ways of saying things at their level and ways to try and make it easier on that individual child. One thing that you have to remember is that there is no best age for a child for divorcing parents. One main thing that you have got to be sure and tell your child is that it isn’t their fault.Children seem to think, especially the younger ones that if I act better or get better grades in school, maybe mommy and daddy won’t be mad at me and leave me. Letting that child know that it isn’t their fault is very crucial for the child. It is very important to let that child know that both parents will still be a part of their lives. When talking to your child about the divorce, you need to keep your emotions under control. If the child sees that you are upset, that wil l also make them upset and the whole situation can be more complicated. Never, never speak negatively about your spouse in front of the child.Your child will need to know a reason but not all of the details. Negativity can cause your child to resent your spouse or you. Children are use to a routine. They will need to know what all will be changing in their life. The children need security. Put your differences aside and get along for the child’s sake. Always listen to your child or children and encourage your child or children to express their feelings. Children have problems finding words to express how they feel. Take the time to help your child understand what they are feeling. And allow the child to be honest.Reassure them that no matter what they have to say or how they are feeling, that neither of these are wrong. That it is okay for them to express themselves. While knowing what to say to a child when talking about divorce there are also things that should not be said when talking to them. Never try to buy your child’s love. Buying the child stuff will only make them feel good temporarily. That feeling will wear off. A child would rather have their parent’s undivided attention in opportunities and joys in life. Nothing can take the place of the love of a parent.The most important thing that I think that a couple should think of first is not to give up on your marriage. There are many alternatives to giving up and letting it end in divorce. (http://www. marriage-success-secrets. com/talking-to-your-child-about-divorce. html ) Statistics are done for very valuable purposes. As I bring some of these statistics to light for you, I think that you will be rather amazed. Children of divorce are at a greater risk to experience injury, asthma, headaches and speech defects than children whose parents have remained married.Children living with both biological parents are 20 to 35 percent more physically healthy than children from broken homes. (Journal of Marriage and Family) Teenagers in single-parent families and in blended families are three times likely to need psychological help within a year. A study of children six years after a parental breakup revealed that even after all that time, these children tended to be lonely, unhappy, anxious and insecure. (Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) These statistics are surely frightful. And people and politics wonder why our American culture is so messed up.Families today doesn’t seem to believe in morals and they especially do not see the importance of what marriage is all about. God gave us a mate to be with forever. The instructions that God has given us in the Bible are very clear about marriage and divorce. In 1 Corinthians 7:10-14 says, â€Å"I command the married-not I, but the Lord- a wife is not to leave her husband. But if she does leave she must remain unmarried or reconciled to her husband- and a husband is not to leave this wife. But I (not the Lord) say to the rest: if any brother has an unbelieving wife and she is willing to live with him, he must not leave her.Also if any woman has an unbelieving husband and he is willing to live with her, she must not leave her husband. For the unbelieving husband is set apart for God by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is set apart for God by the husband. Otherwise, your children will be corrupt, but now they are set apart for God. (Christian Standard Bible) Another passage that Jesus talks about in the Bible about marriage and divorce and makes Himself very clear about it is in Matthew 19:5 & 9,†(5)For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. 9) And I tell you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery. †(Christian Standard Bible) This passage sums it all up on divorce. If you are considering divorce and do live by the Bible , I think that there are several things that you need to see and think about according to God’s standard before you actually divorce. This should be considered only in light of the most basic principles of scripture. Is the motive for the divorce Godly? Has the spouse sought advice of wise counselors? Is the divorce a last resort action to be taken?If humans today still lived by God’s standards, the divorce rate and all the problems that follow divorce would not be the way they were. There are so many people that divorce affects and to be greedy and only think of ones own self is inhuman. Even is you have failed with your marriage, there are ways that you can succeed with your divorce. Divorce and all the complications that come along with it can have a significant impact on the well being and development of both children and adolescents. The consequences of divorce can and will impact almost all areas of a child’s life.That not only includes the parent and chil d relationship but also the child’s behavior, emotions, coping skills, and psychological development. No wonder that there is a high demand for mental health professionals and other child specialists. As we have looked at statistics and some ways for the parents to deal with the divorce for the children’s sake, let’s put ourselves in the children’s shoes. What do you think is actually going through their mind? What questions do you think that they are thinking about and wanting to ask?According to the University of Missouri, these are some questions and thoughts that are probably going through a child’s mind during their parents divorce. I need both of you to stay involved in my life. I need letters, phone calls, and lots of questions asked to me. Please don’t fight and work hard to get along with each other. Try to agree on matters that relate to me. When you fight about me, I think that I have done something wrong. Please don’t ask me to send messages back and forth between the two of you. Please remember that I depend on both of you to raise me and to be a part of my life.I need both of you to teach me what is important and to help me when I have problems. Take a minute to imagine just what all goes on in a child’s mind when divorce happens. It is truly a sad situation. Now let’s turn the tables and take a look at some of the positive effects of divorce and children. Now that sounds crazy, right. That is what I thought also until I read some research done on this particular topic. Being a child of divorced parents and looking back, I can actually see some of the benefits that have been seen in the research.Of course no child wants to see their parents gets divorced but if you think about it no child wants to see their parent’s constantly fighting either. If there is any kind of abuse in the relationship, you could actually be hurting your children more by staying together. Children who ha ve gone through divorce with their parents could reap the benefits of spending one on one time with each parent. Despite the difficulties of divorce, the one on one time is a great bonding opportunity for parents and children to experience. (http://www. helium. om/items/1355536-what-are-positive-effects-divorce-children) Just think about it for a minute. The quality time that each parent is able to spend with their child or children is actually increased after a divorce.The total focus of the parent on the child is much more valued now. Children can grow healthy in many types of divorce situations if the three key following conditions are met: first, the basic needs for the children must be met, such as love and physical care, understanding, discipline and safety; second, the children need a sense of belonging or being able to say, his is my family where I am important and a special person; and finally, they also need role models of both sexes in their lives to help them determine t heir proper male and female roles. (http://www. jesuschristismygod. com/index2b. html) Some female children come out of divorce growing into exceptionally good young women. It seems that girls and women strive on more responsibilities and challenges. They connect with their mothers and have deep ties with them. Child psychologist agree that keeping the strength of extended family intact is one of the best ways to provide a good structure for children to deal with divorce.In addition, when both parents have the full support of family and friends that were connected to the kids during the marriage that provides resources to turn to when things get difficult as the adults try to figure out how life as a divorced couple should work with kids. (http://www. articlesbase. com/divorce-articles/the-positive-effects-of-divorce-on-children-2745699. html) It is very important that the parents celebrate certain days, such as birthdays, and holidays, together with their children.This can and will show their children that there are values to be taken and at the same time show the role of a true mother and father relationship. As I sit here and think over all the research and statistics that I have read about and then think about my own situation as a child of divorce, I can identify with several of the characteristics that have been studied. First thing that comes to my mind was how my mom and dad handle the situation of divorce, They would talk bad about the other one in front of me and it seemed as if they were trying to win sides with me when actually all I wanted was both of their love.There was always arguing and fighting in front of me and my brothers which also caused me to grow up with a lot of hostility in me. Everything I did for years was prone to fighting and anger. I remember being took from my house to where my dad would stay for certain weekends and holidays and I all wanted was everyone together, As I look back on it now, I truly wonder if my parents had of m ade different and better choices due to their divorce and the sake of the children, would anything in my life been any different with my attitude or my outlook on things and especially family.I can remember blaming myself for several of the things that was wrong between my parents and also being a mediator between them. My grades in school did go down and I acted out to get the action I was lacking from having both of my parents there when I needed them. I guess that one good thing that did come out of my parents’ divorce was that I had a huge sense of survival and determination due to this divorce of my parents. I can also see where girls seem to make a strong tie with their mothers and become very strong women.I truly think that it has helped make me what I am today. I do not believe that I could of survived some of the abuse I have been through with drug addiction and recovery if I had not set my standards of survival at such a young age. There are so many ways that we can be coached and taught about what to do in this situation. It is a very sad case for a couple to have to come to this point in their lives today. Marriage is not seen as it should be. People take it for granted about having a lifelong mate and companion.We should all go back to the basis of the Bible but with the devil and the secular world taking over today, we as Christians have to stand up and play a huge role in our kids live. I have made a promise to myself that I will not repeat the cycle of my parents. Life is too precious and your children will be grown and gone before you know it. We endure enough pain in this world today and I refuse to allow anymore to be put into my children’s life due to me.This study has just made me a little more determined about living my marriage a a Christian example to my children and working through all the problems that marriage my bring in my direction. The statistics are growing but our God is even bigger.References Christian Standard B ible http://cpancf. com/articles_files/efffectsdivorceonchildren. asp) http://www. articlesbase. com/divorce-articles/the-positive-effects-of-divorce-on-children-2745699. html http://www. helium. com/items/1355536-what-are-positive-effects-divorce-children
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Harold Lasswell Essay
Harold Lasswell. political scientist. defines political relations as a power battle about â€Å"who gets what. when. and how. †David Easton defines political relations as an allotment of resources. David Easton defines political relations as the â€Å"authoritative allotment of values or scarce resources. †These resources are divided in three general types. Describe these types. The three resources are: 1. Political resources: This resource refers to the country’s power. prestigiousness. and position. backed by their military power. They are called scarce resources because they are looked at in the hierarchal agreement in the universe order. 2. Economic resources: This resource includes the state’s fiscal resources ( wealth. one-year national income. supply of capital. and investing chances ) . industrial and agricultural production. and natural resources ( oil. coal. H2O. and mineral resources ) . These are besides scarce resources every bit good such as Oil and Water. We must see we can make without Oil but non Water. It is possible we might see H2O wars probably in the twenty-first century. 3. Social and cultural resources: This resource is related. non straight. to the planetary battle for power ( The battle to vie for and make laterality in an organisation. a province. a part of the universe. or the whole universe ) . Unlike the other two resources. these resources are scarce and unevenly distributed around the Earth. As if you were a policy determination shaper. urge to your President which of these resources the authorities should concentrate on geting. As a policy determination shaper. I would urge to my President to use all three resources. I truly believe I would state the President to be more accountable with all the resources. I would urge to our President to take the Economic resource foremost. I chose this first because of our state is confronting at this minute are enormous adversities. Because we did non acquire ourselves in this state of affairs. we are confronting what the old President’s determination and we are cleaning up now. Discourse how you can accomplish the maximal allotment for the resources you choose. I truly believe that I would hold done by taxing all like the President has. I would besides give back like he has done by giving back 5 % of his income. All the Congress would hold to give back 5 % of their income. I would cut back on the costs of entertaining that goes on within the White House. The travelling costs and the entertaining would hold to equilibrate each other out. The 2nd that I would take Education and occupations every bit good as health care is my following end. I would do certain the Veterans and the Seniors every bit good as the people who are disable.
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