Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Brown Forman Company Analysis Essay Example For Students
Earthy colored Forman Company Analysis Essay Straight up or blended, bourbon or wine Brown-Formans got a beverage for you. The Louisville, Kentucky based organization is the most popular for its reality celebrated bourbons, Jack Daniels and Southern Comfort. Its wine and spirits portion produces, bottles, imports, fares and markets a wide assortment of other mixed drinks and wines (Bel Arbors and Bolla). Yet, Brown-Forman is likewise part of a purchaser durables fragment which sells fine china (Dansk and Lenox), authentic silver adornments and individual calfskin extras (Hartmann). Level benefits in the refining business prodded Brown-Forman to build up a global nearness by enhancing into non-alcoholic regions, including in excess of 50 new markets during the mid 1990s. For the a half year finished 31/10/98, deals rose 4% to $1.02 billion. Total compensation rose 9% to $104 million. Results reflect higher deals volume deals for Lenox assortments and improved assembling efficiencies. HistoryIn 1870, George Garvin Brown saw a need structure a quality bourbon that satisfied restorative guidelines. With $5,500 of set aside and acquired cash he started J.T.S Brown and Bro. Their lead image Old Forrester Kentucky bourbon was sold in fixed glass jugs to guarantee its quality. Browns companion George Forman joined the organization and thus prompted the name being changed to Brown-Forman. The fuse of Brown-Forman happened in 1901 soon after Forman kicked the bucket. In 1904, Owsley Brown, George Garvin Browns child took a significant choice, to come into the business, hence starting a convention of family apprenticeship that proceeds right up 'til the present time. In 1933, disallowance, which prevented the underlying advancement of the organization, passed on and Brown-Forman had the option to build up bourbon as a liquor refreshment. Likewise in that year, Owsley Brown and a few other conspicuous figures of the time, set up DISCUS (Distilled Spirits Council of the US). This exchange association has been instrumental in the instruction of maltreatment of liquor. Today is still extremely unmistakable. This year additionally observed Brown-Formans first open stock issue, which gave a capital base that permitted the organization to reappear the American market with quality after the lean long periods of denial and sorrow. 1956 was another significant year throughout the entire existence of Brown-Forman as they put one of their most on the map acquisitions. They bought Jack Daniels refinery in Lynchburg, Tennessee. This has since gotten one of the most famous bourbons on the planet, and prompted the organization creating a net marketing projection of more than $100m without precedent for 1960. Since 1960, Brown-Forman has been covered with new acquisitions. These incorporate organizations, for example, Korbel California champagnes in 1965 to Moray Speyside Malt Whiskey in 1997. Other significant acquisitions during this time incorporate, The Grand Old Drink Of The South, Southern Comfort in 1979 and Lenox Inc. in 1983. In ongoing news Brown-Formans Korbel champagne was named the Official Champagne of the thousand years in an understanding came to with the Times Square Business Improvement District. Accordingly Korbel will be a patron of the Time Square Millennium Celebrations. This will ideally push up deals around there alongside the normal thousand years surge. Assessed Profit and LossProfit and Loss represent Brown-Forman for last Quarter finishing 30/04/99Figures in $000s30/04/9930/04/9830/04/97Turnover498,000461,000433,000Cost Of Goods Sold241,100229,000215,000Gross Profit246,900232,000218,000Expenses170,200160,500150,500Earnings Before Interest and Tax76,70071,50067,500Interest Expense1,8002,5003,500Income Before taxes74,40069,80064,000Taxes on Income26,00025,00024,000Net Income48,40044,00040,000Earnings Per Share0.680.630.58Profit And Loss Account Analysis:In this area we will endeavor to legitimize the above benefit and misfortune account figures on a short outline premise. Full subtleties and our thinking behind our convictions will be altogether shrouded in the following area. 1) Turnover: We have anticipated a figure of 8% development in Brown Formans turnover for the comingQuarter. This is hopeful, yet we accept that there are numerous positive elements preferring the enterprise here, including the impact of the right now solid dollar will have on profit. The proceeded with development of the Jack Daniels Southern Comfort brands, alongside the striking development in turnover of Brown Formans wines are what will keep on driving turnover. Consistent development will proceed in the Lenox assortment and the Dansk flatware extend. A potential negative impact is the current log jam in local use in the US, however we don't expect that this will materially affect the turnover development for this quarter. One thing that could counterbalance turnover development for the following quarter is the proceeded with decay of the Canadian Mist, Jack Daniels solidified mixed drink, and Old Times brands. This horrible showing may back off or shadow an in any case predicta ble turnover development rate. 2) Cost of Goods Sold: We expect that development in this figure will stay as it has for the past two years at roughly 5.2%. To legitimize this we should take a gander at the cost structure of the organization, including the deterioration and amortization of the fixed and unmistakable resources. The Assets are deteriorated over a multi year time frame, utilizing the straight-line strategy, persuading that the devaluation charges won't fluctuate a lot throughout the following quarter. Promoting costs, which are common in the Hartmann Luggage and Lenox China, 14% increments in 1998 over the 1997 figure, are charged to cost as brought about ( charged to cost following assistance has been benefited of ) or probably they are amortized over a time of 1 year or less. This implies there will be little fluctuation with respect to publicizing throughout the following quarter. The impacts on the expense of merchandise sold by deterioration and publicizing are generally steady, notwithstanding, with a questionable year in front of the dollar, the impacts of remote cash exchanges are unsure. With respect to the following quarter, the impact of outside cash exchanges will make little difference to the expense of merchandise sold. 3) Earnings before premium and duty: Expected yearly increment in working income throughout the following full business cycle (3-5 years) is relied upon to be 9.8%. Once more, we feel this is to some degree idealistic, as it was just 5.9% in the period 1997-1998, and even less ( 4.3% ) in the year prior to that. 4) Interest Expense: The intrigue cost is going to continue falling through the following quarter and the following time frame. Since 1989, the intrigue cost has tumbled from $34m to a proposed $11m in 1999. As to the following quarter, we have anticipated a weighted fall in the intrigue cost to just shy of $2m. The explanation behind these falls are just the aftereffect of changes in the organizations obligation financing structures. Since 1994, with an aggregate of $299m in long haul obligation, the general obligation figure has been decreased to $50m in 1998. With obligation decreases of this size, it is nothing unexpected why the intrigue cost keeps on falling. 5) Taxes: Because of the set up and develop nature of Brown-Formans business we don't expect any generous changes in the tax collection figure, with that we anticipate that it should stay at 36.5%. 6) Net salary: In May 1998 BFB embraced Accounting Standard (SFAS) No 130, detailing far reaching pay. The reception of this didn't materially affect the total compensation in the past 3 quarters so we don't anticipate that it should impact the last quarter of the monetary year. Thorough pay is characterized as the adjustment in value from exchanges and different occasions from non-proprietor sources. So as to break down Net pay, it is essential to think about working pay. In 1998 working pay became 14% because of solid exhibitions by the Lenox assortments and the Jack Daniels brand bundle, accordingly the Net Income rose 23% on the earlier year. The viable assessment rate in the Lenox assortments section tumbled from 47.5% to 45%, which most likely wont be the situation again this year, there front the development rates might be not as great in the following year, particularly in the following quarter. Monetary BackgroundBrown-Forman creates mostly in shopper non-repetitive territor ies. While this would show an abhorrence for financial changes it doesn't imply that Brown-Forman is excluded from such. Our Business is liable to changes when all is said in done monetary conditions, changes in purchaser inclinations, the level of acknowledgment of new items and vulnerabilities of litigation(Extract from: BF Corp SEC structure 10 quarterly report December 1998)As we can see from the above outline Brown-Formans beta is very low at .47. This would show that the organization is dependent upon significantly less hazard than the market that they exchange, and without a doubt than their principle rival Diageo. This data is imperative to consider when we are assessing monetary changes since it would seem to show that Brown-Forman are less presented to these changesEmerging Market Difficulties a threat to the US economyThe money related disturbance and financial mishaps which developing markets have encountered since mid 1997 keep on throwing a shadow over the world econom y. These economies encountering major monetary and financial challenges represent 1/3 of world yield. Albeit Brown-Forman are not a major exporterto developing business sector regions the potential for a huge impact on the US advertise still remain. In the US stressing signs, which could have a direction on the business sectors and Brown-Formans development, include:A fall in residential interest in developing markets prompting a negative effect on send out exchange. US send out development is relied upon to fall significantly more than Europe. Plato's hypothesis EssayThe development of the Consumer Durables division in the course of the most recent couple of years, as we have seen, has been acceptable, and we don't see anything that should influence its further extension. The advancement of the Lenox assortments high edge list, which incorporates china utilized in the White House, will keep on helping keep this items advertise
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Distribution of Economic and Social Resources Essay
The Distribution of Economic and Social Resources - Essay Example The exposition The Distribution of Economic and Social Resources examines the article Families on the Fault Line: America's Working Class Speaks about the Family, the Economy, Race, and Ethnicity by Lillian B. Rubin who recognizes four distinctive common laborers families: white, dark, Latino and Asian. They share a lot of practically speaking battling with brutal real factors of life and social issues. The three fundamental subjects spread social, social, and financial changes which influence these families. A significant worry of social believing is to distinguish the idea of these relations and to follow their social and political impacts. Considering social variables, Rubin reveals social real factors structure the scenery for people in the future. For example, Rubin clarifies that white ethnicity has profound roots and is firmly associated with mental and political variables. The creator underlines that new settlers including Latino, Asians, and blacks power the white common lab orers to ‘establish an open identity’ that encourages them to transcend new comers. It incorporates openings for work and equivalent compensation, preparing and childcare, and so forth. Poor training and nonattendance of equivalent open doors with â€Å"white†average workers lion's share are the fundamental elements restricting the equivalent circulation of monetary and social assets. To dissect the issue of bigotry, it ought to be referenced that bigotries are delineated as systems of state power sorted out by means of institutional structures as a component of the disciplinary intensity of state offices, yet which is dependent upon continuous contestations.
Friday, August 14, 2020
After the Storm
After the Storm For the past six months, I have been truly privileged to share my MIT experiences with all of you through the admissions blogs. Whether I talked about my classes, my dorm, my fraternity, the hacks, the research opportunities, or something completely random, I was always writing with you the prospective members of MITs Class of 2012 foremost in my mind. I hope I was able to help you get to know MIT a little better than you may have without the bloggers, because I certainly feel as though I got to know you. I wasnt expecting that to happenbut through your comments, your emails, and even your random Facebook pokes, I genuinely became attached to you guys; and I think its safe to say the other bloggers feel the same way. When Saturday finally rolled around, we were all right there with you guys mentally and emotionally, if not physically. I remember exactly how it felt to prepare myself to click that one final button, the last barrier between me and knowing whether or not I might be going to MIT. Until that moment, I never knew I could feel so much hope, apprehension, and expectation all at the same time. Last weekend, as I waited to find out whether or not certain friends of mine from across the nation and the globe had been admitted, I felt that exact same apprehension all over again. When one of those friends was accepted, her joy was my joy; when others of them werent, their sorrow was mine, too. And for the past few days, Ive been wondering about what I would blog about today, asking myself what I would have wanted to hear last year. Im not sure there is a single right answer to that question. I wish I could meet every one of you who couldnt be admitted in person and tell you, really, this is not the end of the world. I wish I could tell you all that you are all fantastic, driven people who have the potential to do amazing things with your lives. I wish I could tell you that one of the most important things in life is to be at peace with where you are and what you have, rather than keep thinking about what could have been. I wish I could tell you that MIT is not the only place where you can live your dreams. Because when that letter says, Please understand that this is in no way a judgment of you as a student or as a person, everyone at MIT Admissions really does mean that. Its just like how MIT intentionally uses the phrase not admitted rather than rejected. Its not that you werent qualified for MIT, or that your myriad achievements in high school werent good enough, or that you wont go on to do something completely revolutionary five, ten, fifty years down the road. If Matt and Ben could, I know they would admit every single one of you. I dont know if this will be comforting to any of you right now. But if you get nothing else out of the blogs, I hope you realize that admissions is more than just a job for everyone here at MIT. When we say we wish we could have offered you admissionwe mean it. To all of you waiting to hear back from other universities best of luck. Sometimes, your dreams are closer to becoming reality than you might think. Just maybe not in the way you expected.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
5 Major Differences Between Public and Private Schools
Education is an important part of raising children and preparing them to live successful lives. For many families, finding the right school environment isnt as easy as enrolling at the local public school. With the information available today about learning differences and 21st-century skills, not all schools can adequately meet the needs of every student. Determining if the local school is meeting your childs needs or if its time to switch schools can be challenging. As public schools face budget cuts that lead to larger class sizes and fewer resources, many private schools continue to flourish. However, a private school can be expensive. To decide if its worth the investment, examine these major differences between public and private schools. Class Size Class size is one of the major differences between public schools and private schools. The class size in urban public schools can be as large as 25 to 30 students (or more), while most private schools keep their class sizes closer to an average of 10 to 15 students, depending on the school. Some private schools publicize a student-to-teacher ratio, in addition to, or sometimes in place of, an average classroom size. The student-to-teacher ratio is not the same as the average classroom size, as the ratio often includes part-time teachers who may serve as tutors or substitutes, and sometimes the ratio even includes non-teaching faculty (administrators, coaches, and even dorm parents) who are part of students daily lives outside the classroom. Many private schools with small class sizes offer electives, meaning that your child will receive personalized attention and the ability to contribute to classroom discussions that foster learning. For example, some schools have a Harkness Table, an oval-shaped table that began at Philips Exeter Academy to allow all the people at the table to look at each other during discussions. Smaller class sizes also mean that teachers can give students longer and more complicated assignments, as the teachers don’t have as many papers to grade. For example, students at many academically challenging college-preparatory private schools write 10- to 15-page papers as juniors and seniors. Teacher Preparation While public school teachers always need to be certified, private school teachers often don’t need formal certification. Nevertheless, many are experts in their fields or have master’s or even doctoral degrees. While it is very difficult to remove public school teachers, private school teachers generally have contracts that are renewable each year. Preparation for College or Post-High School Life Many public schools do a good job of preparing students for college, but some do not. A recent study found that even A-rated public schools in New York City have remediation rates of over 50 percent for their graduates who attend the City University of New York. Most college-preparatory private schools do a thorough job of preparing their graduates to succeed in college; however, this too varies based on the individual school. Student Attitudes Because private schools often have selective admissions processes, they are able to choose students who are highly motivated. Many private school students want to learn, and your child will be surrounded by classmates who regard academic achievement as desirable. For students who arent challenged enough at their current schools, finding a school full of highly motivated students can be a major improvement in their learning experience. Meaningful Academics and Activities Because private schools don’t have to follow state laws about what to teach, they can offer unique and specialized programs. Parochial schools can offer religion classes, while special-education schools may provide remedial and counseling programs to help their students. Privates schools also often offer highly advanced programs in the sciences or arts. Milken Community Schools in Los Angeles invested more than $6 million in developing one of the top private school advanced science programs. The immersive environment also means that many private school students attend school for more hours in the day than do public school students, because private schools offer afterschool programs and a longer schedule. This means less time to get in trouble and more time to get involved in activities.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Avengers Disney’s Recipe for a Blockbuster Success Free Essays
The Avengers â€Å"There was an idea called the avengers initiative, the idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more, see if they could work together when we needed them to. To fight the battles that we never could. †and â€Å"Until such time as the world ends, we will act as if it intends to spin on. We will write a custom essay sample on The Avengers: Disney’s Recipe for a Blockbuster Success or any similar topic only for you Order Now †â€Å"The tesseract has awakened†bringing forth the forefront for the action/superhero genre in the form of Disney’s The Avengers written and directed by Joss Whedon. With planning years in the making, The Avengers needed a star-studded line-up and it far exceeded expectations with selections. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury, the leader of Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, better known as S. H. I. E. L. D. recruits the powerful, well known actors ;amp; comic book characters both on screen and off screen in Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), and the â€Å"volatile, self-obsessed, doesn’t play well with others†Tony Stark/Ironman (Robert Downey Jr). Throw in Gwyneth Paltrow, Cobie Smulders, Jeremy Renner and Tom Hiddlestone and all you will need is a plot, script and some visuals to be guaranteed a success. Having a meticulously developed script disables viewers from allowing attention to drift away for even a moment in fear of missing one of the witty one-liners or references to a greater idea The Avengers empowers. â€Å"An ant has no corral with a boot. †Not to mention, the plot will disable washroom breaks as you will be immersed in the super heroic battles constantly taking place from the first minute to the last, you will forget you ever had to go to begin with. If still teetering to give The Avengers a go a budget of $220 million, mostly spent on visuals such as costumes, sound and special effects should be enough to aesthetically please the eyes enough into going. From pin-point accuracy in detail in costumes, to loud booming, breathtaking explosives during battle sequences, The Avengers could easily be the best thing your eyes have ever seen. No matter who you are or what Earth you are from, I would bet my bottom dollar that you cannot watch The Avengers and walk away unsatisfied. With a star studded cast, a meticulous script and plot, and jaw-dropping visuals Disney has created a recipe for blockbuster success certain to burn out many DVD players in households worldwide. How to cite The Avengers: Disney’s Recipe for a Blockbuster Success, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Case Study of Chiquita-Free-Samples for Studetns-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Case Study of Chiquita. Answer: Stakeholders and ethical issues The stakeholders of Chiquita are the employees, customers, suppliers, distributors and the packagers for the food items. Along with this, the external stakeholders of the company are the neighboring partners in the neighboring countries. The company specifically caters to the needs, demands and requirements of the stakeholders, which reflects the adherence to the workplace ethics (Crane and Matten 2016). One of the other stakeholders of the company is United Self-Defense Forces of Columbia (AUC), to which Chiquita has been making the payments since the era of 2001-2004. In 1990s, the company indulged in partnership with Rainforest Alliance ( 2017). The main purpose of this partnership was to serve the customers and clients in an efficient and effective manner. Threatening to kill the employees for not making the timely payment for the extortion or killing the families of the employees contradicts the aspect of ethics. As a matter of specification, stakeholders and ethics are interrelated with each other. Ethics enhances the reputation of the company. However, affirming with the demands of the terrorists is a wise act for safeguarding the employees from encountering the tragic fate of death. This response is apt in terms of enhancing the brand image ( 2017). If the company makes the payment in fear that the employees would be killed, it represents the ethical considerations of the company personnel in terms of catering to the needs of the stakeholders. On the other hand, delaying the payment process aggravates the life risk of the employees, which attaches an interrogative parameter to the role of the personnel in terms of ensuring the wellbeing of the employees. Viewing it from the other perspectives, refusing to make payment as per the instructions of the terrorist group reflects the lackadaisical attitude towards the wellbeing of the employees. This mentality is against the essentials of ethics, which deprives the stakeholders of the company from their basic needs (Ferrell and Fraedrich 2015). If the answer for the question is yes, then they need to seek effective strategies for dealing with the terrorists. Herein lays the appropriateness of the negotiation strategies in terms of practicing good business ethics. Delving deep into the issue, affirmation in terms of providing the answer can be considered as an affirmation with the demands of the terrorists group. On the other hand, rejection of the orders and instructions of the terrorists reflects the matured behavior of the employees in terms of looking after the needs of the stakeholders. Taking into consideration the theories of stakeholder analysis helps the personnel to achieve positive outcomes. Attachment of the terrorist aspect in this context needs effective strategies, which would prove beneficial in terms of ensuring the protection of the employees (Carroll and Buchholtz 2014). Designation of AUC as a famous terrorist group, interrogates the act of making payments in case of the company. This creates a negative image in the minds of the stakeholders, especially the customers in terms of having loyalty, trust and dependence for the company. Opportunities and challenges of the organization Threats from the terrorist groups have adversely affected the security of the stakeholders. Consistent threats have compelled the company to encounter instances of customer turnover and employee turnover, pushing the productivity into utter loss. As a matter of specification, the employees were encountering life risk, which reflects the immediacy in terms of making the extortion payments (Mason and Simmons 2014). Paying the money to the terrorist groups raises the risks regarding making false cases against the company. Typical evidence for this fact lies in the declaration of AUc being a reputed terrorist organization. In view of this declaration, the payments provided become illegal, adding instability to the financial parameter of Chiquita. The word dilemma in the title of the public statement reflects the approach of the personnel in terms of dealing with the constant threats of the terrorists. Incapability of the personnel to seek efficient solutions reflects their dilemma in terms of preferring life or law. Preferring life means the negation of the rules and regulations, which contradicts the essence of governance (Bowie 2017). On the other hand, if law is selected, it connotes lackadaisical attitude towards the wellbeing of the employees. Countering this, if both are preferred, it reflects the attempts of the employees to maintain the balance between the internal and external environment. If the concept of terrorism is attached in this context, the intensity of the worddilemma is intensified. In this situation, searching out effective ways and means for utilizing the possessed lands for growing the banana plantation, acts as an opportunity for the company personnel for enhancing the confidence towards neglecting the threats of the terrorists (Hoffman, Frederick and Schwartz 2014). Hiring the paramilitary forces for the protection of the employees was one of an effective means, which helped to overcome the challenge of security. Making the payments for this recruitment to the illegal paramilitary groups was illegal, which aggravated the complexities of the personnel in terms of safeguarding the life of the employees. In other words, protection of the workforce became one of the major issues. Although the time for this was 1990, the intensity of the issue nullifies the time. Massacre regarding killing the employees increases the intensity of the challenges ( 2017). Non-compliance to the rules and regulations while making the payments posed as a challenge for Chiquita in terms of providing the required protection to the employees. Typical examples in this direction are the killing of 28 innocent workers in the massacre. Along with this, one of the striking instances is the murder of two workers in the front of their colleagues. This traumatizes the employees, which affects their productivity. Most importantly, it reflects the dilemma of the personnel in terms of preferring protecting the life of the employees or adhering by the law ( 2017). Making payments to the terrorist groups without the knowledge of the government officials was also a challenge for the Chiquita in terms of stabilizing the financial parameter. Under such circumstances, taking initiative to inform the government officials about the payments acted as an opportunity for the company to add validity to the process of making payments. One of the challenging moments for the company was when it was fined $25 million. However, concern for the employees and their wellbeing enabled the personnel to make the first installment payment of $5 million ( 2017). This effort was also negated by the Department of Justice prosecutor as morally unacceptable, as it ignited a spark of revolution in many parts of the United States. Analyzing an ethical issue from the perspective of the stakeholders In 1995, a massacre took place, where 28 employees of Chiquita were suddenly attacked when they were going to the workplace on the bus. The effect of the killing has not yet diminished that two more employees encountered the tragic fate of death while their colleagues were forced to watch the horrifying scene. This type of pressurization is a kind of mental torture of the employees, which compels them to undergo traumatic situations (Tricker and Tricker 2015). Making the payments to the terrorist groups without the information of the government officials aggravated the complexities of Chiquita in terms of financial crisis. This raised doubts in the minds of the investors regarding expanding their business in Chiquita. The stakeholders, especially, prosecutor of the Department of Justice, considered payment to the terrorist groups unethical, especially the. This declaration intensified the competition between Chiquita and the contemporary brands. Upon investigation, the Board of Directors found that the payment process has many fissures. In 2000, the Board of Directors excavated that no action was taken in spite of being aware of the faulty payment process. Two years later, in 2002, one of the employees discovered the declaration of AUC being a terrorist group. After this, the employee informed the government ( 2017). After this, the Board of Directors started the investigation process and found that the payment was unethically made to the terrorist groups. In the era of 2003, the company indulged in partnership with he Washington attorney. The result of this partnership was rejection, which added instability to the financial parameter of Chiquita. After two months, it was discovered that consistency was maintained in making unethical payments. Objection to this type of payment leaked the information to the Department of Justice. This degraded the reputation of Chiquita among the stakeholders and shareholders ( 2017). Critical evaluation of the suitability of the possible solutions to the ethical issue Envisioning the enhancement of corporate social responsibility seems apt in terms of restoring the lost honor and justice. However, the attempts in this direction added to the peculiarity of the ethical issue. Maintaining the continuity with the aspect of stakeholder analysis in the previous question, John Entine, one of the reviewers of the Chiquita case, can be considered as the stakeholder. This is because the intensity of the issue has compelled him to take up the pen and reflect on the tragic fate of the company, especially the employees. Transforming into a food distributor from a food company seemed to be fruitful as the sales revenue was increased and much value was added to the profit margin. Teaming up wuth Rainforest Alliance for completion of the Better Banana Project was a kind of taking extra burden in spite of an intensified crisis ( 2017). As a matter of specification, upgrading the farming practices of banana production can be considered as a matured step by the personnel in terms of upgrading the infrastructure. Countering this, neglecting the issue of life risk of the employees for upgrading the plantation practices is against the essence of the business ethics. Supervision and guidance of Rainforest Alliance seemed beneficial in terms of upgrading the standard and quality of the internal business activities. On the contrary, complying with the legislation contradicts the aspect of executing unethical activities in the workplace ( 2017). In view of the benefits, which the rural communities received by the improvements, the approach of the personnel seemed right. As a matter of specification, the rural tribes have been provided with fresh quality water. Not only this, the government officials have taken initiatives for safe water disposal. Along with this, the utilization of the chemicals have been reduced largely. This has extended the longevity of the bananas, keeping them fresh. At last, John brings to the light the issue, which needs modification the most. Adopting latest and modern means of agriculture increased the ease of the workers for executing the allocated duties and responsibilities ( 2017). John says that the new and modern agricultural tools improved the quality of life of the workers. Adoption of new and modern agricultural tools helped the workers to expose their preconceived talents in the workplace activities. Specific recommendations for management of the issue Protecting the life of the employees is an important issue, which the managers need to take care. This is because employees are the asset of the companies and organizations. However, the issue of threatening the life of the employees nullifies the tag of asset. In case of Chiquita, initiating the investigation process after knowing about the faulty payment process contradicts the governing functionalities of the personnel. Instead, if the initiation process started much before, the life of the killed employees would have been saved. Rather, the evaluation process seems appropriate in terms of ensuring the issues, which the employees are undergoing (Daily and Dalton 2015). Chiquita managers took effective measures however; lack of synchronization and oriental approach compelled the company personnel to lose some employees. Forcing the employees to witness the killing of their colleagues generated trauma and stress within the employees, adversely affecting their productivity. The above situations reflect the chaotic situation through which Chiquita is going. The main reason for this is the illegal tie up with the terrorist group. Speculating the predicament of the personnel under the threat of the terrorists, this payment seems right in terms of morale and ethics (Kolk 2016). On the contrary, indulging in something unethical degrades the reputation of the company. This degradation attaches an interrogative parameter to the aspect of corporate governance exposed by Chiquita personnel. In response to this, enhancing the parameter of corporate social responsibility can be considered as an effort of the personnel to restore the lost loyalty, dependence and trust from the stakeholders. Within this, publication of the reports consisting of the draft for the undertaken activities seems a matured step in terms of averting further illegal cases. Maintenance of consistency in sending the reports on the social responsibilities executed helped the personnel to remain in the safe side in terms of the legal matters (Zheng, Luo and Wang 2014). This consistency strengthened the bondage between the company and the shareholders. Commitment to the corporate responsibility resulted in the radical transformation of Chiquita. According to the confession of cEO, initiatives to disclose the details of the payment transactions proved their willingness towards altering their fate from being just a mere puppet in the hands of the terrorists. Here, eagerness, willingness and inner urge to enhance the productivity is the major drive behind the achievement of success. Application of rationality in this eagerness and willingness enhances the personality of the personnel in terms of ensuring the wellbeing of the employees (Lawrence and Weber 2014). Theoretical consideration would seem fruitful in terms of delving deep into the issue and coming up with appropriate solutions. As a matter of specification, considering behavioral theory would prove apt in the process of investigation. Considering the issue of forcing the employees to witness the killing of their colleagues, it generates trauma, depression and stress. It is at this stage that counseling is needed. Along with this, various therapies can be applied for healing and soothing the disturbed minds of the employees. In this situation, the employees need to rest, so that they can regain the mental, emotional and physical strength (Ayuso et al. 2014). Apart from the counseling sessions and therapies, the managers can organize one-to-one sessions. This would help the managers to excavate the issues, which the employees are facing. The open forums provide an opportunity to the victimized employees to voice out their opinions regarding the steps taken by the management. Herein lays the appropriateness of evaluation, which would bring to the forefront the major drawbacks. The previous sentence brings behavioral theory into the discussion. This is because it is the eagerness, willingness, which would instigate th e personnel to take spontaneous action for providing the employees with safe and comfortable workplace (Hartman, DesJardins and MacDonald 2014). Aligning with the case of Chiquita, threats from the terrorists compelled the personnel to make the payments, in spite of knowing that it is illegal. In such cases, rationality gets less importance as compared to spontaneity. Consultation with the army and governmental officials would have guided Chiquita personnel to take the right steps. Along with this, increasing police posting for the protection of the employees would have acted as a wise step of the personnel. Exposing a strategic vision in this direction would have enabled the personnel to witness positive outcomes in terms of creative contents from the employees (Nicol?escu 2013). This would have upgraded the market position of the company in the competitive ambience. References Ayuso, S., Rodrguez, M.A., Garca-Castro, R. and Ario, M.A., 2014. Maximizing stakeholders interests: An empirical analysis of the stakeholder approach to corporate governance.Business society,53(3), pp.414-439. Bowie, N.E., 2017.Business ethics: A Kantian perspective. Cambridge University Press. Carroll, A. and Buchholtz, A., 2014.Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Nelson Education. Chan, M.C., Watson, J. and Woodliff, D., 2014. Corporate governance quality and CSR disclosures.Journal of Business Ethics,125(1), pp.59-73. (2017). We are bananas. Available at: [Accessed on 6th November 2017] Crane, A. and Matten, D., 2016.Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. Daily, C.M. and Dalton, D.R., 2015. Corporate governance in the small firm: Prescriptions for CEOs and directors.Journal of Small Business Strategy,5(1), pp.57-68. 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Thursday, March 26, 2020
bc earthquake essays
bc earthquake essays The settlement of people in the Pacific Northwest is heaviest along the coastline, which is coveted for its natural beauty and warmer winter climate. However, out of sight from the settlements and deep below the earths surface is a ticking, natural time bomb. A megathrust earthquake is not a matter of if, but when and how big. This threat of The Big One is forgotten in the daily lives of the populous. Occasional warnings from seismologists do not convince many to consider relocation as the quality of life and the opportunity for success draws people yearly to the hazard prone region. The risk is very real as there are hundreds of smaller earthquakes every year, but big ones do occur. The biggest earthquake in Canada occurred on August 12th, 1949, along a fault line off the coast; it was recorded at a magnitude of 8.1. Our paper will discuss the geological processes at work off the coast of British Columbia, the scientific and native historical evidence for these catastrophic events within the Ring of Fire. The effects of a megathrust earthquake that occurred three hundred years ago are discussed in relation to Japan. A section is devoted to the technology currently being used to monitor the earths movements and the Provincial governments mitigation strategy. A Subduction-zone Earthquake can be classified into two stages: The first stage is the Interseismic Period or between earthquakes stage, it takes place over hundreds of years. Usually plate convergence is an on-going process, but the two plates in a subduction zone are locked over some width of the subduction thrust fault line. This results in both vertical uplift and horizontal shortening of the overlying plate margin (Figure 4.a). The extent of the deformation inland and the location of the area of maximum uplift are determined by the extent and the location of the locked zone; conversely, the width and...
Friday, March 6, 2020
Edgar Degas essays
Edgar Degas essays Hilaire-Germain-Edgar De Gas was born on July 19, 1834, at 8 rue Saint-George's in Paris. His father, Auguste, a banker, was French, and his mother, Clestine, an American from New Orleans. The family name "Degas" had been changed to "De Gas" by some family members in Naples and France in order to sound more aristocratic; the preposition indicated a name derived from land holdings. Degas went back to using the original spelling sometime after 1870, and that is how we spell his name today. He was destined for a law career, but instead entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he studies with Louis Lamothe. There he became a painter and sculptor. Degas was associated with the Impressionists, taking an active part in there firsts exhibitions, but his individual choice of subject matter, handling of composition, and emphasis of drawing distinguished his works from theirs. He worked with a number of media: oil, pastel, lithography, engraving, and sculpture. From the mid-1850s through the mid-1870s Degas explored many types of subject matter. He copied works by earlier artists and executed his own history paintings, portraits, and scenes of daily life. Degas eventually ended his efforts at history painting and devoted more attention to portraiture, turning images of relatives and friends into complex psychological studies. His oils and pastels depict the inhabitants of the world of sports, business, ballet, and the cafes in their self-conscious posturing and characteristic gestures. He has numerous paintings of jockeys, dancers, laundresses and prostitutes. Another favorite subject was a model at her bath. Degas' observation of movement resulted in the radical compositions that preserved the character of his subjects. As Degas' subject matter became more contemporary, so did his artistic style. Early on, Degas presents people as individuals, whereas works from the mid-1870s on categorize women in particular ...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
What is the difference between Art & Design Essay
What is the difference between Art & Design - Essay Example This paper will review the dissimilarities between the two, and what brands the two so differently. One of the key dissimilarities that exist between art and design is the purpose in which they are created. The work of art starts from nothing other than an empty canvas. Through feeling and opinions, works of art are put on canvas that brings out what the artist feels. They are inspired by these emotions which then capture the attention of the audience (Fichner-Rathus 89). Designers, whether starting on a new piece, will always have a fixed point from where to start. They are used to communicating something that people already know exists. By doing this, they motivate the audience to do something with regards to another form of art. The interpretation of the messages communicated by art and design is also a difference between the two. Artists set out to convey a certain message. However, it is usually not always certain if the massage being conveyed has one or many meanings. As there are many interpretations for different art by different audiences, art connects differently with people. Designs are meant to convey a meaning (Fichner-Rathus 95). If they convey something different other than what the designer intended, then they have not met the requirement. The taste exhibited by the audience is likely to judge art and design differently. The taste that an audience may exhibit might determine how they interpret the message being brought forth by a piece of art. Likes and dislikes can alter the interpretation of the message, and the meaning by an artist. Design, regardless of taste, can be successful (Fichner-Rathus 97). If a certain design achieves the objective of making the audience do a task, it is only a matter of opinion if it is exceptional or poor. Art and design are seen differently. Exceptional art is seen as talent, whereas exceptional designing technique is considered skill. Artists have the natural ability to put creativity on a canvas at a
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
World Trade Organization (WTO) impacts agriculture Research Paper
World Trade Organization (WTO) impacts agriculture - Research Paper Example The aim of the WTO and the agreements is to assist exporters, importers, consumers and producers to conduct international trade. The outcome is essentially assurance as producers and consumers feel that they have security in supplies and a range of options of products, services and raw materials. As a result of accountability in the economic world, international trade is peaceful and prosperous as the WTO settles trade disputes by interpreting commitments and agreements made by member states. This paper will examine various areas of trade such as international and domestic trade, discussing different elements that influence both forms of trade. The essence of trade is to benefit both consumers and sellers in a mutually beneficial relationship (Mankiw, 2011). Compare and contrast free trade and protectionist theories Economists continue to argue on the issue of protectionist theories and free trade. These arguments are complex, but the underpinning controversy is even greater. Fre e trade refers to a strategy through which a government allows imports and does not interfere with exports. This is through the application of import tariffs or export quotas or subsidies. Free trade allows both trading partners to gain from trade. This is because, under free trade, the prices of goods and services emerge from the forces of demand and supply (Mankiw, 2011). In addition, free trade allows resource allocation on account of demand and supply. Free trade enables counties to acquire greater levels of production and consumption, which they can obtain in isolation. In case of perfect competition, free trade allows optimal, global resource allocation. This essentially means that free trade allows trading countries to achieve equality in their marginal production transformation rates (OECD, 2000). Theory on free trade suggests that free trade facilitates income increments and equitable distribution of income among countries (Lambert & McKoy, 2009). Free trade differs signifi cantly from protectionist theories since the latter allows the determination of the allocation of products and services amongst trading nations on the basis of different price strategies. The different price strategies amongst trading partners emerge from government interventions in the market. Here, governments intervene by adjusting prices or instituting supply restrictions. Essentially, under protectionist theories of trade, government interventions either increase or decrease the cost of products and services to producers and consumers. Protectionism involves the establishment of trade barriers such as currency restrictions with regard to international trade, taxes, import quotas and other subsidies offered to domestic industries. The essential purpose of protectionist theories is to protect domestic industries from losses incurred in unstable marketplaces (Giovanni, Bohman, Carter, & McCalla, 2007). Consequently, governments also establish non-tariff barriers. They include: the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which intervene in markets, hence producing artificial prices. These are prices not set by the natural mechanisms of demand and supply. Moreover, protectionist theories deter equilibrium in countries’ marginal production transformation rates by establishing differences between international and domestic prices of goods (Mankiw, 2011). In essence, this means that protectionist theories produce suboptimal allocations of factors of production, as well as lower global real income than free trade would produce. Protectionism reallocates income, which would not occur under free trade since income reallocation would mean one
Monday, January 27, 2020
An Introduction To Early Care And Education Young People Essay
An Introduction To Early Care And Education Young People Essay This essay will identify the range of early years settings involved in the care and education of young children. Then discuss the roles and responsibilities of the professional workers involved in the setting. The essay will also evaluate the curricula appropriate to two different settings that will be focused on. The essay will culminate with a personal statement. First, the history of education of young children will be reflected upon. When the Education system first started and when children became important. Focusing on Education legislation, (historical to present day). Also looking at the various types of Early Year education provisions and the professionals that work in the provisions and their roles. Followed by a discussion on theorists that have had an impact upon Early Years provision. Next, there will be a discussion on social care and health care legislation which is affiliated to the support of childrens health and safety (historical to present day). Looking at the range of health care settings for early years. Discussing the various health professionals and their roles in relation to health care. Subsequently, the essay will look at management styles of the different settings using a reflection diary and identify the role of the professionals that work in various setting, discussing the definition of reflective practice and the i mportance of reflective practice. Finally, conclusions will be drawn as to whether the objectives have been met. Pre 1870 there was no organised system of education. Some children attended schools run by charities and churches or dame schools (called because they were run by women) for young children. There were fee paying schools for those rich enough to afford them. In early Victorian England, most children never went to school at all and grew up unable to read or write. Instead they were sent out to work to earn money for their families. Only the upper and middle class children went to school. It wasnt until 1880 that schooling became mandatory. All children had to attend a school until they were ten years old. In 1889, the school leaving age was raised to twelve, and in 1891, the schools pence fee was abolished and schools became free. Children were first considered important to society after the Victorian era (1837-1901). The era has been described as a source of the modern institution of childhood. Ironically, the Industrial Revolution during this era led to an increase in child labour, but due to the campaigning of the evangelicals, and efforts of author Charles Dickens (1812- 1870) and others, child labour was gradually reduced and halted in England via the Factory Acts of 1802-1878. The Victorians emphasized the role of the family and the sanctity of the child, this attitude has remained dominant in Western societies since then. The needs and welfare of children today are met through a series of polices and legislation which aims to protect and provide for their welfare. These policies are informed and underpinned by historical policies and legislation. The first legislation passed by the government to protect the children of the country was The Factory Act passed by the Government in 1833. It was intended to improve conditions for children working in factories. It introduced a compulsory two hours schooling each day for children. This was the first time that children of all backgrounds in the UK had access to education. Thirty seven years after the Factory Act of 1833, the Elementary Education Act of 1870 provided education on an extraordinary scale. This new law set up mass primary education (education for everyone). It was introduced because the government was worried that the working class was becoming revolutionary and also because it was thought that Britains economy we falling behind the rest of the world. The 1880 Education Act made school attendance compulsory for all children up to the age of ten. The school education boards were abolished under the 1902 Education Act. In their place Local Educational Authorities (LEAs) were created to organize funding, employ teachers and allocate school places. During the 1920s and 1930s Sir Henry Hadow (1859-1937) was responsible for several important reports on education in England. In 1926, a report entitled The Education of the Adolescent looked at primary education in detail for the first time. It prioritized activity and experience, rather than rote learning and discussed, for the first time, the specific needs of children with learning difficulties. The report also made the important recommendation of limiting class sizes to a maximum of thirty children. In 1931, another report was published: The Primary School was influenced by the educational ideas of Swiss psychologist, Jean Piaget and advocated a style of teaching based on childrens interests. The 1944 Education Act saw the introduction of the tripartite system. Devised by Conservative MP Rab Butler (1902-1982), the Act introduced three different types of school: Grammar schools for the more academic pupil, Secondary Modern schools for a more practical, non-academic style of education and Technical schools for specialist practical education. Pupils were allocated to a particular type of school by taking an examination called the 11 Plus, which was also introduced under the Act. Secondary education now became free for all and the school-leaving age rose to 15. The Plowden Report is the unofficial name for the 1967 report of the Central Advisory Council for Education (England) into Primary Education. The report was called Children and their Primary Schools and was named after the chair of the Council, Lady Bridget Plowden (1910-2000). It observed that new skills were needed in society, stating that, the qualities needed in a modern economy extend far beyond skills such as accurate spelling and arithmetic. They include greater curiosity and adaptability, a high level of aspiration, and others which are difficult to measure. (The Plowden Report 1967; Chapter 31; p433; verse 1175). The National Curriculum was introduced in the 1988 Education Act. It made all education the same for state-funded schools, ensuring that all pupils had access to a basic level of education. A selection of subjects were made compulsory including Mathematics, English, Science and some form of Religious Education. It also introduced sex education for the first time. The 2002 Education Act introduced the existing Foundation stage to become a new stage of the National Curriculum and Nursery education became inspected by Ofsted. There are many different types of organizations offering Early Years Education and childcare. There are independent private settings working for profit owned by companies or individuals, ranging from large nursery chains with hundreds of settings to owner-manager with only one setting. The nursery manager and deputy manager in all of these settings have the same responsibilities they are responsible for ensuring the nursery provides the best possible standards of care and education; ensuring the environment is safe and secure, where the children are valued as individuals through a loving and child centred approach in all aspects of the way the nursery is run. It is also the managers responsibility to ensure that the children have access to learning opportunities throughout their time at the nursery; providing learning activities which are educational, stimulating and fun. The Nursery staff need to have the correct level of qualification to work with children. Also they are required to have a working knowledge of Ofsted standards and the ability to work in partnership with parents. Workplace nurseries are classed within the private sector even though they may be run for the benefit of particular employees the professionals working there still need to have all the relevant qualifications to work with the children. Nannies and child minders are similar. Nannies are sometimes self-employed, but more often are employees of a family. Some nannies work for agencies. Childminders are self-employed individuals working from home. Ofsted require childminders and nannies to carry out a Paediatric first-aid course (first aid for children) as well as introductory courses in childminding. Voluntary sector comprises groups operated by a voluntary management committee and run for the benefit of the community rather than for profit (e.g. pre-school playgroups, parent/toddler groups, community day nurseries and sure start centres). Despite its name, most workers in the voluntary sector are paid employees, not volunteers. Public sector provision includes school-based services, such as nursery classes, and nursery schools, local authority day nurseries and nursery centres. These setting will have to have a trained Nursery teachers and a nursery nurses. The entire list of professionals mentioned above will have to have an enhanced Criminal Records Disclosure (CRB) and are required by law by anyone who works with children. In England 1700-1800 people became reformers and saw that they werent benefitting from the lifestyle. England was the first country in the world to undergo the Industrial Revolution and it created large numbers of working class people. A key figure that recognised the way children were treated was Robert Owen (1771-1858), he was a utopian radical socialist reformed mill owner who set up crà ¨ches for the children of his workers as well as housing and health facilities. His reform began around 1816. Pestalozzi (1745-1827) an Italian educationalist attempted to recognise the stages of development in childrens education. In 1836 the Pestalozzian Centre of Home and Colonel Education Infant school society began training teachers for infant schools in its college in London. Also very influential was the kindergarten movement. Froebel (1782-1852) first opened in England in 1851. Froebels vision was to educate the whole child, outdoor activities played significant part, but his vision was of the children as plants in the garden of school flowering and blossoming under the correct care and attention as you would a plant. Gradually though more precise nature of Froebels pedagogy and philosophies got taken over by a wider emphasis on play combined with domestic tasks as defined by the theorists of psychologists Stanley Hall (1884-1924) and John Dewey (1859-1952). Also these kindergartens were rescuers of the children of the urban poor so teachers became more like social workers. Another significant figure was Maria Montessori (1870-1952). Her work came to be seen as more a preserve of middle class private nurseries. Originally she worked with deprived children in Naples and aimed to develop cognitive physical linguistic social and self care skills through carefully structured play activities and equipment. She was a big advocate of natural material such as wooden blocks, sandpaper letters and thought that too many brightly coloured toys and pictures could over stimulate the children. Children were taught to concentrate on one activity then put it away and move on to the next activity. During the First and the Second World War committees argued the importance of child care. Margaret McMillan (1860-1931) and Rachel McMillan (1859-1917) were Christian socialists and were the originators of the Nursery School concept. In 1913 the first open aired nursery was opened in London, it focused on sense training and the health of the young children. Sand, water, clay and paint were used and free cooked meals were given and the children were encouraged to enjoy fresh air as much as possible with covered area outside. In 1960 the Playgroup Movement (1961-1987) was started by Belle Tutaev. She started a Campaign for Nursery Education and organised a petition collecting three and a half thousand signatures that she sent to those in authority. She wrote letters to Councillors and knocked on doors pleading for some provision to be made for the under fives. So, being a trained teacher, she decided to do it herself ! She hired a hall, raised funds and opened her own Nursery/Playgroup. It proved such a success that she felt sure others could do as she had done, so she penned a letter to The Guardian that appeared on 25 August 1961. A small committee was formed and the National Association of Pre-school Playgroups was formally constituted on 10 July 1962 and registered as a charity. Historically, child health surveillance and screening have been central to monitoring childrens health and development (Luker and Orr 1996; Hall and Elliman, 2004). There is no doubt that health throughout life is influenced by the experiences in early years of childhood. Recent government policy has highlighted the importance of health professionals working with families and children to improve their health outcomes (Acheson, 1998). Looking back at past legislation there have been indications since the Industrial Revolution of the need to protect children. In 1834 New Poor Law placed duty on parents to protect their children. The children not cared for would be looked after by the state as an apprentice. The aim of the Act was to reduce poverty but in fact perpetuated it. The children were also still counted as the fathers property with their welfare in his hands. This would not change until Childrens Law Reform Act 1990. 1847 Public Health Act aimed at improving the environment and childrens health, education added to local authoritys responsibility. The Act laid foundations for todays health provisions. The late 19th century was a time of social deprivation and great hardship for many children. On 8 July 1884, The London Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was established. Lord Shaftesbury (1801-1885) was appointed as president and the Reverend Benjamin Waugh (1839-1908) and Reverend Edward Rudolf (1852-1933) as joint honorary secretaries. Waugh was to be significant in shaping the Societys future. After witnessing the levels of deprivation and child cruelty in Greenwich, London where he lived, Waughs urgent priority was to draw public and government attention to the plight of children. At the 1889 annual general meeting the Society changed its name to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). By 1945 we had uniformed child welfare services, but local authorities continued to hold overall responsibility for social care or services and child care. Legislation aimed at evolving the development of childrens rights and care embedded in health, education and social care legislation, but childhood becoming more and more regulated and controlled. Political theorists of this time such as Mill (1773-1836) and Locke (1632-1704) lobbied for the protection of children whilst Paine (1737-1809) and Neill (1883-1973) campaigned for the liberation of children. Currently there are over 4,000 non-statutory agencies worldwide, helping millions of people and children, none of whom are part of any government organisation (Harrison 2004, in Wyse, 2004). As Stone and Rixon (2008)state in (Foley and Rixon, 2008), the drive for services to work more closely together is not a new phenomenon, it has existed as long as there have been different groups of people providing services to families. In his 2003 report into the death of Victoria Climbie, Lord Laming highlighted the need for all parties involved in the care and education to engage in more collaborative working practices. His enquiry led to enhanced legislation, as the findings of the report were incorporated into update of the Children Act (2004) and in response to the recommendations, the Every Child Matters green paper was published in 2003. The reports became fundamental to the development of child health services. They required health professionals and families to form relationships of partnership rather than supervision, in which parents could be empowered to make use of services and expertise according to their needs. The Fourth Edition of Health For All Children (Hall and Elliman 2004), included recommendations for a streamlined surveillance programme, with even greater emphasis on health promotion and primary prevention. Although the health of children is predominantly a parental responsibility, society has a vested interest in ensuring that parents are supported to improve the health and well-being of their children. This will help to ensure the needs and rights of our children are respected. There are five main types of childrens services there are Health services, Social services, Education and Leisure and Recreation. The health services that are available in schools for children are mainly School Nurses and support workers, working in a team or network to offer needs based approach to the provision of healthcare within schools for children. School Nurses have a public health role with school-aged children, their families, schools and the surrounding communities to promote health. Also there is the early years and health visiting service. This service refers to multi disciplinary early years teams delivering a family centered public health role. The services that hospitals provide are General paediatrics. This service refers to all non-tertiary hospital based activity. Maternity staff also cover Antenatal care, Intrapartum care, and Post natal care. The Health Visitor is a qualified registered nurse, midwife or psychiatric nurse with specialist qualifications in community health, which includes child health, health promotion and education. The role involves promoting health in the whole community and the health visitor is particularly involved with families who have children under five. Every family has a named health visitor, the role is to offer support and encouragement to families through the early years from pregnancy and birth to primary school and beyond. They work closely with GPs and cover the geographical area of the GP practice. Most health visitors work alongside midwives preparing parents for the birth of their baby by their involvement in pre-birth classes. One of the practical placements visited was a preschool. The preschool was without a manager at present so the deputy manager was in charge. There were eight members of staff all female, only one was a full time member of staff. The preschool is situated at the back of the school in a porter cabin, it does have all the facilities needed for the children but could use an update. A definition of a preschool or a play school is to be an educational institution for children too young for elementary school. For parents, it is a common place where toddlers meet, play and spend time together under the supervision of qualified adults. It is also where the children gain experience to enable them to transition into reception class. The pre-school deputy managers role is to provide inclusive play and learning opportunities for all children attending and to maintain a safe, stimulating and enjoyable environment. She or he will assist the pre-school manager in curriculum planning within the pre-school. They will manage the provision in the absence of the pre-school manager. The Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) states that all early years providers must by law deliver, regardless of type, size or funding of the setting, follow the EYFS framework. The EYFS comprises a set of welfare requirements and a set of learning and development requirement that all childcare providers must comply with. (Ref) The second practical placement visited was an Ormiston Childrens Centre. Ormiston is the biggest childrens charity in the East of England. They work to improve the wellbeing of children, young people and their families, whatever their circumstances. The Ormiston Centre is an exciting community project with excellent facilities for supporting children, young people and families through a range of health promoting physical activities, sport and learning opportunities. The emphasis is on providing fun activities which promote physical and social well-being rather than ability or excellence. The service manager of Ormiston Centre Colchester states that, as service manager I have responsibility to develop play and learning and address issues related to childcare. With this in mind I have close contact with all pre-school, parent and toddler groups. I help to develop good practice built on experience and identify support where appropriate. The author assessed her own placement settings and found that the management styles were allot different from each setting. The evidence of this was discovered by observing the the different styles of management at both settings and comparing them (see appendix 1 and 2). Looking at the different style the author focused on three areas: all round management, sudden decision making and involvement with the children. Also looking at the three main categories of leadership styles: autocratic, paternalistic and democratic and observing which category the different placement managers follow. Autocratic managers like to make all the important decisions and closely supervise and control workers. Managers do not trust workers and simply give orders (one-way communication) that they expect to be obeyed. (Ref). This approach derives from the views of Taylor (1856-1915) as to how to motivate workers and relates to McGregors (1906 1964) theory X view of workers. This approach has limitations (as highlighted by other motivational theorists such as Mayo (1880-1949) and Herzberg (1923-2000) but it can be effective in certain situations. Paternalistic managers give more attention to the social needs and views of their workers. Managers are interested in how happy workers feel and in many ways they act as a father figure. (Ref). They consult employees over issues and listen to their feedback or opinions. The manager will however make the actual decisions. The style is closely linked with Mayos Human Relation view of motivation and also the social needs of Maslow (1908 1970). A democratic style of management will put trust in employees and encourage them to make decisions. They will delegate to them the authority to do this and listen to their advice. This requires good two-way communication and often involves democratic discussion groups, which can offer useful suggestions and ideas. Managers must be willing to encourage leadership skills in subordinates. (Ref). This style has close links with Herzbergs motivators and Maslows higher order skills and also applies to McGregors theory Y view of workers. Looking at appendix 1 the observations of the deputy managers behaviour on page 17-19 confirms the authors opinion that within the preschool the management style seems to be extremely autocratic. This could be down to not enough training, lack of confidence or negligence of position. Comparing this attitude to Taylors theory of Scientific Management argued the idea that workers are motivated mainly by pay. This could be the case at the preschool as the management doesnt seem to get involved with the children which is the main reason that professionals are present. As stated earlier the deputy managers role is to provide inclusive play and learning opportunities for all children in a stimulating and enjoyable environment. This doesnt seem to be happening. When observing the management style of the Ormiston manager it seems that she understands her role and has a great deal of passion for the position. After carful observation it felt like the management style of the Ormiston manager was paternalistic with a little witnessing of a democratic style. This can be seen in appendix 2 on page 20. In fact, comparing these two different management styles it appeared to the author that the management style of the Ormiston Centre seemed more successful than that of the preschool. Hopefully the preschool will obtain a manager to fill the position soon. Reflective practice is not a new concept. Boud, Keogh and Walker (1985) stated twenty years ago that it features the individual and his or her experiences, leading to a new theoretical view or understanding. They included the element of learning, as well as involvement of the self, to define reflective practice: Reflection is a forum of response of the learner to experience (Boud et al. 1985, page18). Johns and Freshwater (1998) also described the value of reflective practice as a means of learning. Reflection is a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse, evaluate and so inform learning about practice (Reid, 1993 p.305). Reflective practice is something more than thoughtful practice. It is that form of practice that seeks to problematise many situations of professional performance so that they can become potential learning situations and so the practitioners can continue to learn, grow and develop in and through practice (Jarvis, 1992 p.180). According to the educator Professor David Boud, effective learning will not occur unless you reflect. To do this, you must think of a particular moment in time, ponder over it, go back through it and only then will you gain new insights into different aspects of that situation. According to Kolb (1984) reflecting is an essential element of learning. This is shown through an experiential learning cycle. To conclude, the range of early years settings involved in the health care and education of young children has been explored by examining the history of education and the history of the health service using legislation and key theorists. The essay has also examined management within the settings and the various roles of professionals working with different settings and how government legislation has changed over time. It has been learnt that it is essential that all families and children are aware of the different types of education and health care services provided in the early stages of child development and that there are a lot of different settings available to all different needs and backgrounds. Also that a good management style in child care is fundamental in producing an all round successful setting no matter what the circumstances. For future practice the key points that the author has taken away is that there are a lot of different professionals out there that are able to offer the support and help that is needed for young children and parents to have successful and happy lives. Also that a successful manager is not all about paper work, delegation and targets. Its about getting stuck in to all areas of Early Years and proving to yourself and your staff that you are a team. Reference List (* denotes those referenced in-text) *Acheson, D. (1998). Acheson Report : Indepent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health. London: Her Majestys Stationery Office Arià ¨s, P. (1962). Centuries of Childhood: A Social History of Family Life. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Atherson, J.S. (2009) Learning and Teaching; Reflection and Reflective Practice [online] (Accessed 26 May 2010) *A Sure Start Childrens Centre (2003-2010) Colchester Childrens Centres [online] (Accessed .) *Barrow, M. (1999) Project Britain: The Victorians Schools during the Victorian Times. [online] (Accessed .) Boas, G. (1966). The Cult of Childhood. London: Warburg * Bray, J. Conway, J. Dykins, M. Hawkins, W. Slay, L and Webster, I.(2008) Memories of the Playgroup Movement in Wales 1961-1987 [online] pdf Wales Pre-school Playgroups Association (Accessed .) Bruner, J. (1997) Lord Ashley [online] (Accessed .) Cole, G.A (2004) Management Theory and Practice. Sixth Edition Thomson *Corbett, B. (1985) Centuries of Childhood [online] (Accessed .) Reference List (continued) Cunningham, H. ( 1995). Children and Childhood in Western Society since 1500. London: Longman. Department of Education Statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage [online] pdf (Accessed .. Department of Health Durham University (2005) Child Health, CAMHS and Maternity Mapping Service types used in the mapping. [online] (Accessed .) Department of Education Northern Ireland (1997) Curricular Guidance for Pre-school Education [online] pdf Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment. (Accessed .) DfES, (2004). Every Child Matters: Change for Children. London: QCAA Dickens, C. (1854) Hard Times. Barnes and Nobble Classics. *Elliman, D and Hall, D.M.B (2003) Health for all Children. Revised Fourth Edition. Oxford University Press. Foley, P (2001) Children in Society, Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Freeston, M.(2006) Pre School Learning Alliance: Children First [online]. (Accessed .) Foley, P and Rixon, A (2008) Changing Childrens Services: Working and Learning Together. The Open University.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Enrolment in Technological Institute of the Philippines Essay
Enrollment process is a must in every school. Through this, student will have a connection between them and the institution itself. In this process, students also part to wonder or to expect what if feels like to be in the institution they are going to enroll. This study discusses those expectations and perceptions of the students with regards in the enrollment process in Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City. The Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City students have always perceived the success of the enrollment based on the amount of time that they have spent on the enrollment process. But the students and parents already prepare for the worst every time and they already assume that the process will be slow. The complaints are always present and it makes the slowness of the process more gruesome. Through this study, the whole enrollment process should be made bearable. Every aspect and step of this will be analyzed in order to find the best solution that will lead to the improvement and betterment of the enrollment process. At Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City, there are thousand students taking several years level. The population of students in mentioned school are continued to grow which means also that an increase of records are handled by the Guidance Councilor. Clearly manual system of enrollment and student record keeping are too much time consuming task. Computer can be considered as another instrument for developing system like enrollment in every school. This can be a great help to those students, teachers and school who are handling many task from providing easier and faster access. The present system of Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City is done manually such as enrollment system. Form the time it was started to operate, they use the manual system. Even nowadays, that they have computers, still there also a conflict using that during enrollment. Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City is a private school which is located at Quezon City. And this school was started established in the year 1962. And it was found by Engineer Demetrio A. Quirino Jr., One of the famous people in Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City at that time. Like some school Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City is improving the enrollment system but still that is not convenient for others. Statement of the Problem The present enrollment system of Technological Institute of the Philippines is done manually. Manually system of enrollment caused a lot inaccuracy and efficiency in processing the record and data of the students. Too much time and effort are consumed and cannot give on time. The researcher sought to answer the following question: 1. What are the perceptions of students with regards school’s enrollment system? 2. What are the factors that contribute to the perceptions of ideas if the students that the school enrollment system affect them? 3. What are the factors that could be an advantage and/or disadvantage of the factors that are uses in the enrollment system? Significance of the Study The computers provide convenience to its user through the easier and faster way of transactions. Population of students in almost all-educational institution is rapidly increasing so great demand in teaching force is also becoming higher. Fortunately, today’s generation of high technology machine and tools can substitute these workers. This propose â€Å"The Perception of Students in Enrollment system in Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City†will provide a high technology way of retrieving and managing student’s data so that the enrollment process become convenient especially to the students and parents. The study will be a great help to the following: Administrators. This study will help them to process records and keep the grades of students are a fastest and accurate way. It will help to keep and handle essential information of the student for the convenience of the students and the personnel assign to enrollment in the education institution. Students. The students can easily access and retrieval information regarding with the process of enrollment the effort, time, and help to minimize the effort and time they exert, Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City. It provides easy and fast approach in registration and enrollment. Parents. They do not complain and they’re not wasted to accompany their children during enrollment. Future Researchers. The proposed study will benefits and help the future researchers as their guide. This study can also open in development of this study. Hypothesis There is no significance in the improvement of the online registration as related to the improvement of the enrollment system. Scope and Delimitations The study will be limited only to the boundaries of â€Å"The perception of the Students in Enrollment System in Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City†. The researcher focused in getting relevant about the problems in enrollment system includes students and parents who complaining in the manual system that being used of the school. Searching about this has ability to be quickly processed and how it can be fixed in the next enrollment process. The study covers the problem of having a slow process that caused a dispute between students/parents and administrator, Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES The chapter estates the different literature and studies that were conducted for the research to gain familiarity that are relevant and similar to the present study. Review of Related Literature (Foreign) According to Rowley (2005), an enrollment system is casically included in one of the classification of information system, thus it serves a tool to support information management with regards to the student data, enrollment fees information and other with a connection to the enrollment process. Every school gain competitive advantage of having this system for they will have capacity on handling important information at ease and with security. Adopting this theory of Mchenry (2010), WAMP5 (WAMP Means Windows Apache Mysql PHP) is a platform of Web development under windows. It allows you to develop dynamic websites with Apache server, PHP5 script language, and the database of MySQL released 5. It also possesses PHPMyAdmin and SQLite manager to manage more easily your databases. Window 7 is an operating system produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, netbooks, tablet PCs, and media center PCs. Window 7 succeeded by Windows 8. This is known as iterative implementations covers the breakdown of overall functionality of the system to a what he called feature set and those feature sets represents different process involve in enrollment system. It helps locate feature an enrollment system will have since that this kind of systems does many activities and processes. According to Dunn and Scott (2005), enrollment system has made huge impact into the school arena. It is a system that is built on innovative program strategies. It is a system that will help both the enrollment personnel-in-charge and the students to easily process the enrollment at a lesser time. Distinct from the traditional enrollment, LAN enrollment system process large assortment of the student records and provides efficient and consistent information services. As stated by Holmes (2006), nowadays, Web-based applications are widely used due to their ubiquity. Web-based enrollment system is currently emerging on markets for they are offering transaction convenience and service efficiency through the use of internet. This system becomes a powerful tool in dealing with information management regarding enrollment transactions. Stair (1999), emphasized that the development of technology through the years have enabled us to do more with less effort. From the orientation of the light bulb to the industrial revolution and beyond, we have continuously tried to in a more efficient means of doing tasks. Lewis (2002), stated that the reason for using computers vary from person to person. Some of the computers in business are to perform accuracy, to be as productivity, to decrease bottle necks or hassles to alter cash flows or to simples elevate your status. Sybex Inc (1999), stated that visual basic provide a graphical environment in which the users usually designed the forms and control that become the building block of tour application . Visual Basic support many useful tools that will help the user more productivity. Gold Chager et al (2003), said that computer as a device for processing information knew computer plays a significant role in their lives, but few are aware of just how pervasive role is. Mane (2000), mentioned that the creation of the computer made the easier to accomplish that by doing it manually, to have the direct access on straightforward answer just monitoring record where in the needs of computer make possible for everyone to get data in a particular need. We can consider that the computer is necessary and its productive tool for individual. Gurewich (1999), stated that the database system makes the work faster for every institution. For the mere fact that instead of doing things manually, with the use of compute r technology everything is done fasters. Related Literature (Local) According to Aquino (2005), importance of computer application is increasing day by day. Schools use information system in the way of implementing an enrollment system. This results for them to attract enrollees and earn income. Enrollees are attracted because of the said system makes the transaction faster and easier. â€Å"Lack of enrollment system in schools can lead to chaos and troubles†as stated by Ace Adrian (2011), students will be confused on what they should do to be able to enroll that is why such system is extremely useful in that it gives an ease on working on enrollment processes. Enrollment is very useful in retrieving vital information of the students. Without it will lead difficulty both for administration of the school and students in enrollment processes. The transformation of manual enrollment transaction to automated and now into a web based information is one example of what has driven partly by the rapid technological innovation. Any way just to make work easier and faster like enrollment transactions is possible with the emergence of computer technologies. A web-based enrollment system has featured that meet most of academic institutions system’s needs and requirements. This includes standardized modules for student registration, enrollment, grade management, and other modules that are deemed necessary to operate a school (Bacala&Reanno,2009). Fronda (2011), said that the enrollment system is useful especially when the school retrieves the important information from the student. The school can trace what is the standing of the students. Lack of Enrollment system in a school can lead to chaos and troubles. Students will be confused on what they should do to be able to enroll. It is extremely useful in the school in the way of working processes of enrolling become much easy. Tinn (2001), stated that the computerization responded to the call the office or any workplace to help their daily operation. Malolos (2002), stated that the study of automation is important in the sense time that minimizes the time and effort normally exerted in manual process. Janes (2001), stated that computers are extremely reliable device and very powerful calculators with some great accessories applications like word processing problem for all of business activities, regardless of size, computers have three advantages over other type of office equipment that process information because computer are faster, more accurate more economical. Reyes (2005), task would be time consuming to accomplish manually and more practical with the aid of computers field in cabinet.  According to Flores (2002), the automation is described simply as the substitution of machine control of human. Dioso (2001), stated that computer assist careful intelligent planning, organizing, actuating and controlling .This maybe observed from the past that they monitor production activities, solve scientific problem and help arrive in tentative answer to a multitude of involve conditions. Related Studies (Foreign) South California Community College Long Beach City College has gone live with a Cognos-based management system that was designed by Irvin, CA-based professional services firm e2e Analytics. Prior to installing the new system, LBCC, which has two main campuses and multiple satellites that support nine schools and 34 departments, handled its enrollment via manual spread sheets. With no reporting, continuity, or standard practices, and with lengthy error corrections, the school’s enrollment management budgeting and planning took up to three months to compile, consolidate and implement (Koft 2007). The study on problems regarding on school such as the Long Beach City College is an aid for the proponents to have the idea on formulating solutions on transferring manual enrollment transactions to an automated or computerized one. According to the coordinator of Admission support of Kerian Greenaway, the system known as the Edith Cowan University Web Enrollment System (ECUWES) had replaced the traditional hard copy system of enrollment. The system offers immediacy and convenience of course enrollment via the internet. The said university in Australia is currently enrolling more than 5,000 new students with easier transactions cause of their online enrollment system. In the local setting, academic institutions both the private and government schools are shifting from manual to computerized system including student registration. This is accomplished either on an intranet or internet-based environment. The desire to overcome these problems and difficulties has led the acceptance of advanced technology. It includes Local Area Network of computers, CD ROM and powerful processor. These technologies led to the development of information databases that provides simple and prompt retrieval of information through networking. In Local Area Network Enrollment System (LANES), the problems on admission and evaluation of academic records, subject reservation, assessment and payment of fees and issuance of class cards are besieged. Likewise, searching of records is effective due to its major key that is being used in retrieval of records. A Local Area Network Enrollment System (LANES) is a broad system. It is combination of different function areas such as databases, searching, retrieval, and update of student records, checking of student’s scheduled, computation of fees (Dzubeck 2003). Earlier, Encila (1999) Introduced the Enrollment System for the computer Science Department of LCBA and traders, designed of enrollment System is advantageous to the school because it speed up the process and with only a minimum amount of power and resources. Quiver (2001) developed a program using database III which capable of retrieving, access in manipulating of data in easy way. A computerized system to minimized the lost of record and burden of work was designed by Pajarillo in 2002. Aravia (2002) Show the growing importance of computers in the society. The significance of the study revolves the automation of student permanent record keeping. Alcaira (1999) Stated that the using of computer are continue to grow, the need for a more timely information and data processing comes on demand keeping the record of any manual operations need the application, because handling it manually will only be conflicting. Related Studies (Local) Based on the researcher, a web-based enrolment system for Veritas Parochial School (VPS) in Manila was developed to help its students enroll in a more efficient way without the hassles of waiting long hours in filling out forms, which sometimes become redundant, or to stand in line and pay at the cashier. It is with the Web-based enrollment system for VPS that this new style of enrolment may be achieved. This new type of system offers its students new options for enrolling at VPS. By logging on to the VPS website, one can register and enroll subjects for school year. With these, all the students are required to fill out certain forms that do not take more than a few minutes to accomplish. The system stores its records in the school database for future references. Confirmation of the transaction made by students need to be verified, the payment of the tuition fees must be made by the school’s register. The students may also browse the website of VPS and he can check his curr ent account. He can also refer to the list of the school current tuition fee rates (Pascual and Riceo,2008). According to the project study in 2005 by Mr.Lopez, an enrolment system help and provide efficient and reliable services to the students, enrolment personnel and administration. Moreover, this system improved the process of enrolment in terms of searching, retrieving and subject schedules. An online Enrolment System was proposed to replace the manual enrolment system of Cavite Maritime Institute in order to advance an organized flow of transaction and an ease of work concerned on how the manual enrolment performs throughout the institutions operations. The numerous transactions that the manual system covers, such as updating and adding students records, generating the advising and assessment slips, and the like considering the manual operating system to be inefficient for the need of the institution. Since the study involves proper record handling, tracing the constraints and evaluation of the manual system issential (Bacala and Reano,2009). The enrollment process is the initial stage in gathering bon fide and accurate student information neccesary to establish student permanent records. A registration and billing system is needed by the institution to address the stated situation. The study has been made to help gather fast and deliver accurate information (Calabozo&Fernandez,2006). In the study conducted by Cayabyab (2007), many problems and difficulties were identified in the wxiusting system in Dagupan City National High School (DCNHS). These major concerns are affecting the efficient enrolment system of students. Security of the students records were found to be at high risk. The current system may fail to protect some important documents. It has also untimely and in efficient report generation. A computerized system for DCNHS shall result to a significant increase in the number of enrollees. Conde (2007) in his study entitled â€Å"Network-bases Enrollment System of Paete National High School cited that the manual process of enrollment and manual handling of information and reports of the students is very laborious one. The proponents developed a network based system enrollment system to the said school to solve the huge amount of task. Garcia (2002) created the â€Å"LSPC Enrollment System†, the study can be a great help to persons concerned during the enrollment period, the registrar, instructor of the students as they retrieval necessary information when needed and lessen the burden manually browsing over enrollment slip for record purposes Saayo (2008) developed the system â€Å"Network based automated Enrollment and grading system for Morong National High School. Due to increasing population of the institution, and the school currently implementing the manual system, every student spends a lot of time during enrollment period, such as paying their tuition fees and processing the school requirements. Valina (2009) entitled â€Å"Network-based student Permanent Record keeping and Enrollment System of Balian National High School†. This System was made to lessen the time and effort exerted by both student and school employees. It is also made to give accurate reports and keep records of every students every students and for easy and fast way of enrollment. Soria (2006) constructed a system entitled â€Å"Network-based Computerized inventory System for the supply office o the LSPC main campus. With the advancement of technology, devices and machines were improve , developed and inverted to cope up with the need of new world. There are different systems designed for reliable, efficient and very useful to the user. Conceptual Framework The study is all about the perception of students in the enrollment system in Technological Institute of the Philippines, QC. It includes information can get when enrolled, different equipment that will make enrollment more efficient among students, the improvements, process and importance of enrollment. The study also covers the different experience of student when enrolling in Technological Institute of the Philippines whether they lose their patience or get satisfied on the enrollment system. Research Paradigm Figure 1. The Conceptual paradigm of Perception of the Students in Enrollment System of Technological Institute of the Philippines. Definition of Terms These terminologies were gathered by the researcher for better and clearer understanding about the study. Client. Does not share any of its resources that request a server’s content or service function. Computer. Machine capable of the following the instruction to alter data, programmable electronic device that can perform calculations and processing information. Database. Is a container to store your tables in. Enrollment. It is a process in which a student is being admitted to the institution. This includes the listing of information or data about the student and subject he/she will be enrolled. Information. Knowledge given or received of some fact or circumstances. Program. An algorithm that a computer can both follow directly and follow the translated version. Server. A computer on a local area that is running software for controlling access to all or part of the network and its resources and shares its resources with client. System. It is a group of interrelated components working together toward a common goal by accepting input and producing output in an organized transformation process. Software. It is a system utility or application program expressed in complete readable language. User. The person who uses a computer for word processing, communications, and other application. User–Friendly. A program easy to use even though an individual is not knowledgeable about the system. Chapter III METHODOLOGY This Chapter presents the research design, the respondents of the study, the research instruments, the data gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of data. Research Design This study used the survey approach of research, specifically the descriptive method. Descriptive method is the assertion of attributes or conditions specific to the population. It utilized the said approach in as the main purpose of this research was to determine the perception of the student towards enrollment system in Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City. Research Locale The Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) is a private, non-sectarian higher education institution. TIP Quezon City was awarded Autonomous Status, the highest possible award for a higher education institution, and TIP Manila was granted Deregulated Status by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). In addition, TIP has also earned numerous national and international accreditations and quality certification. Figure 2. Location map of Technological Institute of the Philippines Sampling Technique The research study used the purposive sampling technique. There were 30 students in Technological Institute of the Philippines asked to rate the efficiency of the services rendered by the functions of the PTA office. Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling, is a type of non-probability sampling technique. Non-probability sampling focuses on sampling techniques where the units that are investigated are based on the judgement of the researcher: Non-probability sampling to learn more about non-probability sampling, and Sampling: The basics, for an introduction to terms such as units, cases and sampling]. There are a number of different types of purposive sampling, each with different goals. This article explains (a) what purposive sampling is, (b) the eight of the different types of purposive sampling, (c) how to create a purposive sample, and (d) the broad advantages and disadvantages of purposive sampling. Research Instruments The data gatherings used in this study were the following: 1. Questionnaires Checklist Form. This instrument was constructed by the researchers to establish the socio-demographic profile of the student respondents. The instrument determined, among others, the gender, civil status and educational background of the respondents. The different factors affecting the efficiency of services rendered by the PTA are also being listed down to determine which function is more effective as perceived by the respondents especially the students. 2. Survey Questionnaires for Students. This instrument was used to determine the management style and how this affects to the people working in that school and a separate questionnaire of the students to determine the efficiency of the services rendered by Technological Institute of the Philippines. Data Gathering Procedures Survey questionnaires were prepared and forwarded to the student respondents. The respondents were asked to rate their perception about the enrollment system in Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon city (TIP QC) to determine how effective and if the respondents were satisfied by the services given by the TIP QC during the enrollment process
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